
Model subclass to support dynamic Property names and types.

Inherits From: Model, expected_type

See the module docstring for details.

key Special property to store the Model key.



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Allocates a range of key IDs for this model class.

size Number of IDs to allocate. Either size or max can be specified, not both.
max Maximum ID to allocate. Either size or max can be specified, not both.
parent Parent key for which the IDs will be allocated.
**ctx_options Context options.

A tuple with (start, end) for the allocated range, inclusive.


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Allocates a range of key IDs for this model class.

This is the asynchronous version of Model._allocate_ids().


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Returns an instance of Model class by ID.

This is really just a shorthand for Key(cls, id, ...).get().

id A string or integer key ID.
parent Optional parent key of the model to get.
namespace Optional namespace.
app Optional app ID.
**ctx_options Context options.

A model instance or None if not found.


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Returns an instance of Model class by ID (and app, namespace).

This is the asynchronous version of Model._get_by_id().


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Transactionally retrieves an existing entity or creates a new one.

Positional Args:

  • name: Key name to retrieve or create.

Keyword Args:

  • namespace: Optional namespace.
  • app: Optional app ID.
  • parent: Parent entity key, if any.
  • context_options: ContextOptions object (not keyword args!) or None.
  • **kwds: Keyword arguments to pass to the constructor of the model class if an instance for the specified key name does not already exist. If an instance with the supplied key_name and parent already exists, these arguments will be discarded.

Existing instance of Model class with the specified key name and parent or a new one that has just been created.


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Transactionally retrieves an existing entity or creates a new one.

This is the asynchronous version of Model._get_or_insert().


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Run a GQL query.


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Return whether this entity has a complete key.


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Populate an instance from keyword arguments.

Each keyword argument will be used to set a corresponding property. Keywords must refer to valid property name. This is similar to passing keyword arguments to the Model constructor, except that no provisions for key, id or parent are made.


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Write this entity to Cloud Datastore.

If the operation creates or completes a key, the entity's key attribute is set to the new, complete key.

The key for the entity. This is always a complete key.


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Write this entity to Cloud Datastore.

This is the asynchronous version of Model._put().


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Create a Query object for this class.

distinct Optional bool, short hand for group_by = projection.
*args Used to apply an initial filter
**kwds are passed to the Query() constructor.

A Query object.


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Return a dict containing the entity's property values.

include Optional set of property names to include, default all.
exclude Optional set of property names to skip, default none. A name contained in both include and exclude is excluded.


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Compare two entities of the same class for equality.


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Implement self != other as not(self == other).