
Base class for classes that require validation.

Inherits From: ValidatedBase, expected_type

A class which intends to use validated fields should sub-class itself from this class. Each class should define an 'ATTRIBUTES' class variable which should be a map from attribute name to its validator. For example:

  class Story(Validated):
    ATTRIBUTES = {'title': Type(str),
                  'authors': Repeated(Type(str)),
                  'isbn': Optional(Type(str)),
                  'pages': Type(int),

Attributes that are not listed under `ATTRIBUTES` work like normal and are
not validated upon assignment.

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2"><h2 class="add-link">Raises</h2></th></tr>

When class instance is missing `ATTRIBUTE`
definition or when `ATTRIBUTE` is of the wrong type.

## Methods

<h3 id="CheckInitialized"><code>CheckInitialized</code></h3>

<a target="_blank" href="">View source</a>

<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Checks for missing or conflicting attributes.

Subclasses should override this function and raise an exception for
any errors. Always run this method when all assignments are complete.

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 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Raises</th></tr>

When there are missing or conflicting attributes.

<h3 id="Get"><code>Get</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Get a single value on Validated instance.

This method can only be used to retrieve validated attributes.

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Args</th></tr>

The name of the attributes

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Raises</th></tr>
<tr class="alt">
<td colspan="2">
`ValidationError` when no validated attribute exists on class.


<h3 id="GetUnnormalized"><code>GetUnnormalized</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Get a single value on the `Validated` instance, without normalizing.

<h3 id="GetValidator"><code>GetValidator</code></h3>

<a target="_blank" href="">View source</a>

<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Safely get the underlying attribute definition as a `Validator`.

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Args</th></tr>

Name of attribute to get.

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>
<tr class="alt">
<td colspan="2">
Validator associated with key or attribute value wrapped in a


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<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Raises</th></tr>

if no such attribute exists.

<h3 id="GetWarnings"><code>GetWarnings</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Return all the warnings we've got, along with their associated fields.

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 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>
<tr class="alt">
<td colspan="2">
A list of tuples of (dotted_field, warning), both strings.


<h3 id="Set"><code>Set</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>
    key, value

Set a single value on `Validated` instance.

This method can only be used to assign validated attributes.

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Args</th></tr>

The name of the attributes
The value to set

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Raises</th></tr>
<tr class="alt">
<td colspan="2">
`ValidationError` when no validated attribute exists on class.


<h3 id="SetMultiple"><code>SetMultiple</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Set multiple values on Validated instance.

All attributes will be validated before being set.

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Args</th></tr>

A dict of attributes/items to set.

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Raises</th></tr>

When no validated attribute exists on class.

<h3 id="ToDict"><code>ToDict</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Convert Validated object to a dictionary.

Recursively traverses all of its elements and converts everything to
simplified collections.

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 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>
<tr class="alt">
<td colspan="2">
A dict of all attributes defined in this classes `ATTRIBUTES` mapped
to its value. This structure is recursive in that Validated objects
that are referenced by this object and in lists are also converted to


<h3 id="ToYAML"><code>ToYAML</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Print validated object as simplified YAML.

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 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>
<tr class="alt">
<td colspan="2">
Object as a simplified YAML string compatible with parsing using the


<h3 id="__eq__"><code>__eq__</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Equality operator.

Comparison is done by comparing all attribute values to those in the other
instance. Objects which are not of the same type are not equal.

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 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Args</th></tr>

Other object to compare against.

<!-- Tabular view -->
 <table class="responsive fixed orange">
<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>
<tr class="alt">
<td colspan="2">
`True` if validated objects are equal, else `False`.


<h3 id="__ne__"><code>__ne__</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link devsite-disable-click-to-copy" suppresswarning>

Inequality operator.

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<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2"><h2 class="add-link">Class Variables</h2></th></tr>
