Represents an index allowing indexing, deleting and searching documents.

Inherits From: expected_type

The following code fragment shows how to add documents, then search the index for documents matching a query.

  # Get the index.
  index = Index(name='index-name')

  # Create a document.
  doc = Document(doc_id='document-id',
                 fields=[TextField(name='subject', value='my first email'),
                                   value='<html>some content here</html>')])

  # Index the document.
  except search.Error, e:
    # possibly retry indexing or log error

  # Query the index.
    results ='subject:first body:here')

    # Iterate through the search results.
    for scored_document in results:
       print scored_document

  except search.Error, e:
    # possibly log the failure

Once an index is created with a given specification, that specification is immutable.

Search results may contain some out of date documents. However, any two changes to any document stored in an index are applied in the correct order.

name The name of the index. An index name must be a visible printable ASCII string not starting with '!'. Whitespace characters are excluded.
namespace The namespace of the index name. If not set, then the current namespace is used.
source Deprecated as of 1.7.6. The source of the index: SEARCH - The Index was created by adding documents through this search API. DATASTORE - The Index was created as a side-effect of putting entities into Datastore. CLOUD_STORAGE - The Index was created as a side-effect of adding objects into a Cloud Storage bucket.

TypeError If an unknown attribute is passed.
ValueError If invalid namespace is given.

name Returns the name of the index.
namespace Returns the namespace of the name of the index.
schema Returns the schema mapping field names to list of types supported.

Only valid for Indexes returned by search.get_indexes method.

source Returns the source of the index.

storage_limit The maximum allowable storage for this index, in bytes.

Returns None for indexes not obtained from search.get_indexes.

storage_usage The approximate number of bytes used by this index.

The number may be slightly stale, as it may not reflect the results of recent changes.

Returns None for indexes not obtained from search.get_indexes.



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Delete the documents with the corresponding document ids from the index.

If no document exists for the identifier in the list, then that document identifier is ignored.

document_ids A single identifier or list of identifiers of documents to delete.


  • deadline: Deadline for RPC call in seconds; if None use the default.

DeleteError If one or more documents failed to remove or number removed did not match requested.
ValueError If document_ids is not a string or iterable of valid document identifiers or number of document ids is larger than MAXIMUM_DOCUMENTS_PER_PUT_REQUEST or deadline is a negative number.


View source

Asynchronously deletes the documents with the corresponding document ids.

Identical to delete() except that it returns a future. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get its result.


View source

Delete the schema from the index.

To fully delete an index, you must delete both the index's documents and schema. This method deletes the index's schema, which contains field names and field types of previously indexed documents.

DeleteError If the schema failed to be deleted.



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Retrieve a document by document ID.

doc_id The ID of the document to retrieve.


  • deadline: Deadline for RPC call in seconds; if None use the default.

If the document ID exists, returns the associated document. Otherwise, returns None.

TypeError If any of the parameters have invalid types, or an unknown attribute is passed.
ValueError If any of the parameters have invalid values (e.g., a negative deadline).


View source

Asynchronously retrieve a document by document ID.

Identical to get() except that it returns a future. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get its result.


View source

Get a range of Documents in the index, in id order.

start_id String containing the Id from which to list Documents from. By default, starts at the first Id.
include_start_object If true, include the Document with the Id specified by the start_id parameter.
limit The maximum number of Documents to return.
ids_only If true, the Documents returned only contain their keys.


  • deadline: Deadline for RPC call in seconds; if None use the default.

A GetResponse containing a list of Documents, ordered by Id.

Error Some subclass of Error is raised if an error occurred processing the request.
TypeError If any of the parameters have invalid types, or an unknown attribute is passed.
ValueError If any of the parameters have invalid values (e.g., a negative deadline).


View source

Asynchronously gets a range of Documents in the index, in id order.

Identical to get_range() except that it returns a future. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get its result.


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Index the collection of documents.

If any of the documents are already in the index, then reindex them with their corresponding fresh document.

documents A Document or iterable of Documents to index.


  • deadline: Deadline for RPC call in seconds; if None use the default.

A list of PutResult, one per Document requested to be indexed.

PutError If one or more documents failed to index or number indexed did not match requested.
TypeError If an unknown attribute is passed.
ValueError If documents is not a Document or iterable of Document or number of the documents is larger than MAXIMUM_DOCUMENTS_PER_PUT_REQUEST or deadline is a negative number.


View source

Asynchronously indexes the collection of documents.

Identical to put() except that it returns a future. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get its result.

View source

Search the index for documents matching the query.

For example, the following code fragment requests a search for documents where 'first' occurs in subject and 'good' occurs anywhere, returning at most 20 documents, starting the search from 'cursor token', returning another single cursor for the response, sorting by subject in descending order, returning the author, subject, and summary fields as well as a snippeted field content.

results = query=Query('subject:first good', options=QueryOptions(limit=20, cursor=Cursor(), sort_options=SortOptions( expressions=[SortExpression(expression='subject')], limit=1000), returned_fields=['author', 'subject', 'summary'], snippeted_fields=['content'])))

The following code fragment shows how to use a results cursor

cursor = results.cursor for result in results: # process result

results = Query('subject:first good', options=QueryOptions(cursor=cursor)))

The following code fragment shows how to use a per_result cursor

results = query=Query('subject:first good', options=QueryOptions(limit=20, cursor=Cursor(per_result=True), ...)))

cursor = None for result in results: cursor = result.cursor

results = Query('subject:first good', options=QueryOptions(cursor=cursor)))

See for more information about query syntax.

query The Query to match against documents in the index.


  • deadline: Deadline for RPC call in seconds; if None use the default.

A SearchResults containing a list of documents matched, number returned and number matched by the query.

TypeError If any of the parameters have invalid types, or an unknown attribute is passed.
ValueError If any of the parameters have invalid values (e.g., a negative deadline).


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Asynchronously searches the index for documents matching the query.

Identical to search() except that it returns a future. Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get its result.


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Return self==value.


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Return self!=value.