
Provides information about and dispatches requests to modules.

Inherits From: expected_type



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Dispatch an HTTP request asynchronously.

method A str containing the HTTP method of the request.
relative_url A str containing path and query string of the request.
headers A list of (key, value) tuples where key and value are both str.
body A str containing the request body.
source_ip The source ip address for the request.
module_name An optional str containing the module name to service this request. If unset, the request will be dispatched to the default module.
version An optional str containing the version to service this request. If unset, the request will be dispatched to the default version.
instance_id An optional str containing the instance_id of the instance to service this request. If unset, the request will be dispatched to according to the load-balancing for the module and version.


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Add a callable to be run at the specified time.

runnable A callable object to call at the specified time.
eta An int containing the time to run the event, in seconds since the epoch.
service A str containing the name of the service that owns this event. This should be set if event_id is set.
event_id A str containing the id of the event. If set, this can be passed to update_event to change the time at which the event should run.


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Process an HTTP request.

method A str containing the HTTP method of the request.
relative_url A str containing path and query string of the request.
headers A list of (key, value) tuples where key and value are both str.
body A str containing the request body.
source_ip The source ip address for the request.
module_name An optional str containing the module name to service this request. If unset, the request will be dispatched to the default module.
version An optional str containing the version to service this request. If unset, the request will be dispatched to the default version.
instance_id An optional str containing the instance_id of the instance to service this request. If unset, the request will be dispatched to according to the load-balancing for the module and version.

A ResponseTuple containing the response information for the HTTP request.


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Returns the default version for a module.

module A str containing the name of the module.

A str containing the default version for the specified module.

ModuleDoesNotExistError The module does not exist.


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Returns the hostname for a (module, version, instance) tuple.

If instance is set, this will return a hostname for that particular instances. Otherwise, it will return the hostname for load-balancing.

module A str containing the name of the module.
version A str containing the version.
instance An optional str containing the instance ID.

A str containing the hostname.

ModuleDoesNotExistError The module does not exist.
VersionDoesNotExistError The version does not exist.
InvalidInstanceIdError The instance ID is not valid for the module/version or the module/version uses automatic scaling.


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Returns a list of module names.


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Gets the number of instances running for a version of a module.

module A str containing the name of the module.
version A str containing the version.

ModuleDoesNotExistError The module does not exist.
VersionDoesNotExistError The version does not exist.
NotSupportedWithAutoScalingError The provided module/version uses automatic scaling.


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Returns a list of versions for a module.

module A str containing the name of the module.

A list of str containing the versions for the specified module.

ModuleDoesNotExistError The module does not exist.


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Dispatch a background thread request.

module_name A str containing the module name to service this request.
version A str containing the version to service this request.
instance The instance to service this request.
background_request_id A str containing the unique background thread request identifier.

NotSupportedWithAutoScalingError The provided module/version uses automatic scaling.
BackgroundThreadLimitReachedError The instance is at its background thread capacity.


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Sets the number of instances to run for a version of a module.

module A str containing the name of the module.
version A str containing the version.
instances An int containing the number of instances to run.

ModuleDoesNotExistError The module does not exist.
VersionDoesNotExistError The version does not exist.
NotSupportedWithAutoScalingError The provided module/version uses automatic scaling.


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Starts a version.

module A str containing the name of the module.
version A str containing the version.

ModuleDoesNotExistError The module does not exist.
VersionDoesNotExistError The version does not exist.
NotSupportedWithAutoScalingError The provided module/version uses automatic scaling.


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Stops a version.

module A str containing the name of the module.
version A str containing the version.

ModuleDoesNotExistError The module does not exist.
VersionDoesNotExistError The version does not exist.
NotSupportedWithAutoScalingError The provided module/version uses automatic scaling.


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Update the eta of a scheduled event.

eta An int containing the time to run the event, in seconds since the epoch.
service A str containing the name of the service that owns this event.
event_id A str containing the id of the event to update.