Represents a scored document returned from a search.

Inherits From: Document, expected_type

doc_id The visible printable ASCII string identifying the document which does not start with '!'. Whitespace is excluded from ids. If no id is provided, the search service will provide one.
fields An iterable of Field instances representing the content of the document.
language The code of the language used in the field values.
sort_scores The list of scores assigned during sort evaluation. Each sort dimension is included. Positive scores are used for ascending sorts; negative scores for descending.
expressions The list of computed fields which are the result of expressions requested.
cursor A cursor associated with the document.
rank The rank of this document. A rank must be a non-negative integer less than sys.maxint. If not specified, the number of seconds since 1st Jan 2011 is used. Documents are returned in descending order of their rank.
facets An iterable of Facet instances representing the facets for this document.

TypeError If any of the parameters have invalid types, or an unknown attribute is passed.
ValueError If any of the parameters have invalid values.

cursor A cursor associated with a result, a continued search starting point.

To get this cursor to appear, set the Index.cursor_type to Index.RESULT_CURSOR, otherwise this will be None.

doc_id Returns the document identifier.
expressions The list of computed fields the result of expression evaluation.

For example, if a request has FieldExpression(name='snippet', 'snippet("good story", content)') meaning to compute a snippet field containing HTML snippets extracted from the matching of the query 'good story' on the field 'content'. This means a field such as the following will be returned in expressions for the search result: HtmlField(name='snippet', value='that was a good story to finish')

facets Returns a list of facets of the document.
fields Returns a list of fields of the document.
language Returns the code of the language the document fields are written in.
rank Returns the rank of this document.
sort_scores Deprecated: the list of scores assigned during sort evaluation.

The right way to retrieve a score is to use '_score' in a FieldExpression.



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Returns list of facets with the provided name.

facet_name The name of the facet to return.

A list of facets with the given name.


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Returns the field with the provided field name.

field_name The name of the field to return.

A field with the given name.

ValueError There is not exactly one field with the given name.


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Return self==value.


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Returns a list of all fields with the provided field name.

field_name The name of the field to return.

All fields with the given name, or an empty list if no field with that name exists.


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Documents do not support iteration.

This is provided to raise an explicit exception.


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Return self!=value.