
Represents a single task on a queue.

Inherits From: expected_type

The Task class enables an application to queue background work. Work is done through webhooks that process tasks pushed from a push queue, or workers that manually pull tasks from a pull queue.

In push queues, most tasks are delivered in best-effort order of ETA.


Occasionally, tasks might be delivered out of order of ETA. However, for corner cases, tasks are delivered out of order for an extended period of time. You should not rely on tasks being delivered in order, as the results aren't always consistent.

Webhooks that fail cause tasks to be retried at a later time. You can configure the rate and number of retries for failed tasks. You can specify webhook URLs directly for push tasks. You can also use the default URL scheme, which translates task names into URLs that are relative to a queue's base path. A default queue is also provided for simple usage.

In pull queues, workers are responsible for leasing tasks, processing them, and deleting them after processing. You can configure the number of task retries, which is based on how many times the task has been leased. You can define multiple queues with independent throttling controls.

You set the various properties for a task in the constructor. Once the Task object is instantiated, you insert that task into a queue. A task instance can be inserted into one queue only.

payload Optional; the payload data for this task. This argument is only allowed for POST and PUT methods and pull tasks. In push queues, the payload is delivered to the webhook or backend in the body of an HTTP request. In pull queues, the payload is fetched by workers as part of the response from lease_tasks().
name Optional; the name to give the task. If you do not specify a name, a name is auto-generated when added to a queue and assigned to this object. The name must match the _TASK_NAME_PATTERN regular expression. Avoid sequential names, such as counters or timestamps, as these names can lead to decreased availability and performance.
method Optional; the HTTP method to use when accessing the webhook. The default value is POST. This argument is not used for pull queues.
url Optional; the relative URL where the webhook that should handle this task is located for this application. You can include a query string in this value unless it is being used in a POST method. You cannot specify a URL for pull tasks.
headers Optional; a dictionary of headers to pass to the webhook. The values in the dictionary can be iterable to indicate repeated header fields. You cannot specify headers for pull tasks. In a push task, if you do not specify a Content-Type header, the default value of text/plain will be used. In a push task, if you specify a Host header, you cannot use the target keyword argument. Any headers that use the X-AppEngine prefix will also be dropped.
params Optional; a dictionary of parameters to use for the task. For POST requests and PULL tasks, these parameters are encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded and set to the payload. For both POST and pull requests, you cannot specify parameters if you already specified a payload. In PUT requests, parameters are converted to a query string if the URL contains a query string, or if the task already has a payload. Do not specify parameters if the URL contains a query string and the method is GET.
countdown Optional; time in seconds into the future that this task should run or be leased. The default value is zero. Do not specify a countdown if you also specified an eta, as it sets the ETA to a value of now + countdown.
eta Optional; a datetime.datetime specifying the absolute time at which the task should be run or leased. The eta argument must not be specified if countdown is specified. This value can be time zone-aware or time zone-naive. If the value is set to None, the default value is now. For pull tasks, no worker will be able to lease this task before the time indicated by the eta argument.
retry_options Optional; a TaskRetryOptions object used to control how the task will be retried if it fails. For pull tasks, only the task_retry_limit option is allowed. For push tasks, you can use the min_backoff_seconds, max_backoff_seconds, task_age_limit, max_doublings, and task_retry_limit options.
target Optional; a string that names a module or version, a frontend version, or a backend on which to run the task. The string is prepended to the domain name of your app. If you set the target, do not specify a Host header in the dictionary for the headers argument. For pull tasks, do not specify a target.
tag Optional; the tag to be used when grouping by tag (pull tasks only).
dispatch_deadline_usec A duration of time that serves as a limit on the dispatch duration; if the task's end point does not respond to the request within this deadline, the task is canceled (and retried depending on the config).

InvalidDispatchDeadlineError If the dispatch_deadline_usec is not within valid limits.
InvalidEtaError If the eta is too far into the future.
InvalidTagError If the tag is too long.
InvalidTaskError If any of the parameters are invalid.
InvalidTaskNameError If the task name is invalid.
InvalidUrlError If the task URL is invalid or too long.
TaskTooLargeError If the task with its associated payload is too large.

dispatch_deadline_usec Returns the dispatch deadline set for the task.
eta Returns a datetime.datatime when this task will run or be leased.
eta_posix Returns a POSIX timestamp of when this task will run or be leased.
headers Returns a copy of the HTTP headers for this task (push tasks only).
method Returns the method to use for this task.
name Returns the name of this task.
on_queue_url Returns True if task runs on queue's default URL (push tasks only).
payload Returns the payload to be used when the task is invoked (can be None).
queue_name Returns the name of the queue with which this task is associated.
retry_count Returns the number of retries or leases attempted on the task.
retry_options Returns any or all the TaskRetryOptions tasks.
size Returns the size of this task in bytes.
tag Returns the tag for this task.
target Returns the target for this task.
url Returns the relative URL for this task (push tasks only).
was_deleted Returns True if this task was successfully deleted.
was_enqueued Returns True if this task has been inserted into a queue.



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Adds this task to a queue. See Queue.add.


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Asynchronously adds this task to a queue. See Queue.add_async.


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Returns the parameters for this task.

If the same name parameter has several values, then the value is a list of strings. For POST requests and pull tasks, the parameters are extracted from the task payload; for all other methods, the parameters are extracted from the URL query string.

A dictionary of strings that map parameter names to their values as strings. If the same name parameter has several values, the value will be a list of strings. For POST requests and pull tasks, the parameters are extracted from the task payload. For all other methods, the parameters are extracted from the URL query string. An empty dictionary is returned if the task contains an empty payload or query string.

ValueError If the payload does not contain valid application/x-www-form-urlencoded data (for POST requests and pull tasks) or the URL does not contain a valid query (all other requests).