Module: google.appengine.api.mail_errors

Exceptions raised by the Mail API.


class Error: Base Mail error type.

class InvalidAttachmentTypeError: The file type of the attachment is invalid.

class InvalidEmailError: The specified email is invalid.

class InvalidHeaderNameError: The header name is invalid.

class InvalidSenderError: The sender is not permitted to send mail for this application.

class MissingBodyError: A body was not specified in the message.

class MissingRecipientsError: A recipient was not specified in the message.

class MissingSenderError: A sender was not specified in the message.

class MissingSubjectError: The subject was not specified in the message.

class PayloadEncodingError: The payload encoding is unknown.

class UnknownCharsetError: The character set is unknown.

class UnknownEncodingError: The encoding is unknown.