Module: google.appengine.api.yaml_errors

Errors used in the YAML API.


class AmbiguousConfigurationFiles: Both YAML and XML files exist for the same configuration information.

class DuplicateAttribute: Generated when an attribute is assigned twice.

class EmptyConfigurationFile: Tried to load an empty configuration file.

class Error: Base datastore yaml error type.

class EventError: Generated specifically when an error occurs in the event handler.

class EventListenerError: Top level exception raised by the YAML listener.

class EventListenerYAMLError: Generated specifically for yaml.error.YAMLError.

class IllegalEvent: Raised when an unexpected event type is received by the listener.

class InternalError: Raised when an internal implementation error is detected.

class ListenerConfigurationError: Generated when there is a parsing problem due to configuration.

class MultipleConfigurationFile: Tried to load configuration file with multiple objects.

class ProtocolBufferParseError: Error in protocol buffer parsing.

class UnexpectedAttribute: Raised when an unexpected attribute is encounted.