API hub prerequisites

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

This document describes the steps you must complete prior to provisioning API hub.


You must meet the following prerequisites:

Done? Prerequisite Description
Google Cloud billing account

You must have a Google Cloud account with active billing.

For more information, see Create a new billing account.

Google Cloud project

Create a new Google Cloud project.

Project names must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Start with a lower-case letter. For example, my-org is OK, but _my-org is not.
  • Include only lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens (-).

For more information, see Creating a project.


Install the following software on your administrative machine:


To provision API hub, you must have the Apigee Registry Admin role.

For the service account and CMEK setup, you should have either the Owner (roles/owner) or Cloud KMS Admin (roles/cloudkms.admin) role. See Before you begin for more information.

For information on granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

Encryption key

Because information about internal APIs may be considered sensitive, you must have a customer managed encryption key (CMEK).

If you don't have one already, you can create one as part of the provisioning process.

Next steps

Ensure that you have the correct permissions to provision API hub.