Step 3: Create the apigee namespace

This step explains how to create the apigee Kubernetes namespace in which most Apigee hybrid components operate.

Create the namespace that will be used for most Apigee hybrid resources. This should match the namespace field in the overrides.yaml file. If this is not present in overrides.yaml, the default namespace is apigee.

  1. Check if the namespace already exists:

    kubectl get namespace apigee

    If the namespace exists, your output includes:

    apigee   Active   1d
  2. If the namespace does not already exist, create it:

    kubectl create namespace apigee

Now that hybrid has a space to operate in, the next step is to create the Google Cloud service accounts and credentials required to configure hybrid runtime components

Next step

1 2 3 (NEXT) Step 4: Set up service accounts 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12