Storing service account secrets in Hashicorp Vault
This feature allows you to store Google service account certs for Apigee Hybrid in Hashicorp Vault, an external secret manager. External secret managers allow you to manage how data is stored in Kubernetes, including managing data residency and fine grained access controls.
If you are not using Workload Identity on GKE clusters or Workload Identity Federation on EKS and AKS, your Apigee hybrid components need to authenticate Google service accounts to be able to perform their tasks. There are three methods for storing and referring to Google service account keys in Apigee hybrid:
Service account cert files (
files) stored on a hard drive. Refer to these in your overrides with theserviceAccountPath
configuration property. For example:logger: serviceAccountPath: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-logger.json
Service account cert files (
files) stored on a hard drive. Refer to these in your overrides with theserviceAccountPath
configuration property. See About service accounts. -
Service account certs stored in a Kubernetes secret. Refer to these in your overrides with the
configuration property. See Storing data in a Kubernetes secret. -
Service account certs stored in Hashicorp Vault, explained in this guide. Refer to these in your overrides with the
configuration property.
Set up to store service account secrets in Vault
Install CSI driver and Vault provider
If you haven't already installed the CSI driver on your cluster using Helm, follow the instructions in Secrets Store CSI Driver: Installation. For more information, see Installing the Vault CSI provider in the Vault documentation.
See Apigee hybrid supported platforms and versions for the minimum CSI Driver versions supported by Apigee hybrid.
Create Vault secrets, policies, and roles
Use the Vault UI or APIs to create secrets and grant permissions for the Kubernetes service accounts used by Apigee hybrid to read those secrets.
Create the organization and environment-specific secrets in the following format:
Secret Key Secret Data secret/data/apigee/orgsakeys
{ "cassandraBackup": "***", "cassandraRestore": "***", "connectAgent": "***", "logger": "***", "mart": "***", "metrics": "***", "mint": "***", "udca": "***", "watcher": "***" }
ENV_NAME { "runtime": "***", "synchronizer": "***", "udca": "***". }
Replace the
in each pair with the contents of the .json file for the google service account corresponding to the apigee component.apigee-cassandra-backup
both use theapigee-cassandra
service account. For example:{ "cassandraBackup": "{ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "myhybridorg", "private_key_id": "
PRIVATE_KEY_ID ", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nPRIVATE_KEY_TEXT \n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "", "client_id": "123456789012345678901", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "", "universe_domain": "" }", "cassandraRestore":... ... } - Grant access to the organization secret. Create a text file named orgsakeys-auth-policy.txt with the following contents:
path "secret/data/apigee/orgsakeys" { capabilities = ["read"] }
Within Vault, create a policy which grants access to the organization secret:
vault policy write apigee-orgsakeys-auth orgsakeys-auth-policy.txt
For each environment, create a text file named
with the following contents:path "secret/data/apigee/envsakeys-
ENV_NAME " { capabilities = ["read"] }Repeat this step for each environment.
Within Vault, create a policy which grants access to the environment secret:
vault policy write apigee-envsakeys-
ENV_NAME -auth envsakeys-ENV_NAME -auth-policy.txtRepeat this step for each environment.
Create a script called
with the following contents:# ORG=$APIGEE_ORG # Apigee organization name ENVS=$APIGEE_ENV_LIST # comma separated env names, for example: dev,prod ORG_SHORT_NAME=$(echo $ORG | head -c 15) ENCODE=$(echo -n $ORG | shasum -a 256 | head -c 7) ORG_ENCODE=$(echo "$ORG_SHORT_NAME-$ENCODE") NAMES=apigee-manager,apigee-cassandra-default,apigee-cassandra-backup-sa,apigee-cassandra-restore-sa,apigee-cassandra-schema-setup-${ORG_ENCODE},apigee-cassandra-schema-val-${ORG_ENCODE},apigee-cassandra-user-setup-${ORG_ENCODE},apigee-mart-${ORG_ENCODE},apigee-mint-task-scheduler-${ORG_ENCODE},apigee-connect-agent-${ORG_ENCODE},apigee-watcher-${ORG_ENCODE},apigee-udca-${ORG_ENCODE},apigee-metrics-apigee-telemetry,apigee-open-telemetry-collector-apigee-telemetry,apigee-logger-apigee-telemetry for ENV in ${ENVS//,/ } do ENV_SHORT_NAME=$(echo $ENV | head -c 15) ENCODE=$(echo -n $ORG:$ENV | shasum -a 256 | head -c 7) ENV_ENCODE=$(echo "$ORG_SHORT_NAME-$ENV_SHORT_NAME-$ENCODE") NAMES+=,apigee-synchronizer-${ENV_ENCODE},apigee-runtime-${ENV_ENCODE} done echo $NAMES
Run the script to generate the service account name list to bind the policy to:
Your output should be a list of Kubernetes service account names separated by commas, similar to the following example:
apigee-manager,apigee-cassandra-default,apigee-cassandra-backup-sa, apigee-cassandra-restore-sa,apigee-cassandra-schema-setup-myhybrido rg-5b044c1,apigee-cassandra-schema-val-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-c assandra-user-setup-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-mart-myhybridorg-5b0 44c1,apigee-mint-task-scheduler-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-connect- agent-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-watcher-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee -udca-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-metrics-apigee-telemetry,apigee-op en-telemetry-collector-apigee-telemetry,apigee-logger-apigee-teleme try,apigee-synchronizer-myhybridorg-dev-ee52aca,apigee-runtime-myhy bridorg-dev-ee52aca,apigee-synchronizer-myhybridorg-prod-2d0221c,ap igee-runtime-myhybridorg-prod-2d0221c -
Copy the output text into and separate it into lists, one list for the org service account names and a separate list for the env service account name for each environment. The org service accounts are first in the output list up to
.The list of org service names from the previous example:
apigee-manager,apigee-cassandra-default,apigee-cassandra-backup-sa, apigee-cassandra-restore-sa,apigee-cassandra-schema-setup-myhybrido rg-5b044c1,apigee-cassandra-schema-val-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-c assandra-user-setup-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-mart-myhybridorg-5b0 44c1,apigee-mint-task-scheduler-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-connect- agent-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-watcher-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee -udca-myhybridorg-5b044c1,apigee-metrics-apigee-telemetry,apigee-op en-telemetry-collector-apigee-telemetry,apigee-logger-apigee-teleme try
The env service account names have the pattern
. Separate them into separated lists for each environment. For example, the output from the previous example can be separated into the following two lists:dev
environment:apigee-synchronizer-myhybridorg-dev-ee52aca,apigee-runtime-myhybrid org-dev-ee52aca
environment:apigee-synchronizer-myhybridorg-prod-2d0221c,apigee-runtime-myhybri dorg-prod-2d0221c
Using the policy, create a Vault role which binds the organization specific Apigee service accounts:
vault write auth/kubernetes/role/apigee-orgsakeys \ bound_service_account_names=
LIST_OF_ORG_SA_NAMES \ bound_service_account_namespaces=apigee \ policies=apigee-orgsakeys-auth \ ttl=1m -
For each environment, create a Vault role for its service account keys:
vault write auth/kubernetes/role/apigee-envsakeys-
ENV_NAME \ bound_service_account_names=LIST_OF_ENV_NAME_SA_NAMES \ bound_service_account_namespaces=apigee \ policies=apigee-envsakeys-ENV_NAME -auth \ ttl=1mRepeat this step for every environment.
Create SecretProviderClass
The SecretProviderClass
resource tells the CSI driver what provider to communicate with when requesting secrets. The service account keys must be configured via this object. The following table shows the file names (objectNames
) expected by Apigee Hybrid:
Service account | Expected secret file names |
Cassandra backup | cassandraBackup |
Cassandra restore | cassandraRestore |
Connect agent | connectAgent |
Logger | logger |
MART | mart |
Metrics | metrics |
Monetization | mint |
Runtime | runtime |
Synchronizer | synchronizer |
UDCA | udca |
Watcher | watcher |
Use the following
template to configure this resource for the organization-specific secrets:apiVersion: kind: SecretProviderClass metadata: name: apigee-orgsakeys-spc spec: provider: vault parameters: roleName: apigee-orgsakeys vaultAddress:
VAULT_ADDRESS # "objectName" is an alias used within the SecretProviderClass to reference # that specific secret. This will also be the filename containing the secret. # Apigee Hybrid expects these exact values so they must not be changed. # "secretPath" is the path in Vault where the secret should be retrieved. # "secretKey" is the key within the Vault secret response to extract a value from. objects: | - objectName: "cassandraBackup" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "cassandraRestore" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "connectAgent" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "logger" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "mart" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "metrics" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "mint" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "udca" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "watcher" secretPath: "" secretKey: ""VAULT_ADDRESS is the endpoint where your Vault server is running. If Vault is running in the same cluster as Apigee, the format will generally be
.Save the template to a file named
. -
Apply the org-specific
to your apigee namespace:kubectl -n
apigee apply -fspc-org.yaml -
For each environment, use the following
template to configure this resource for the environment-specific secrets. Repeat this step for every environment:apiVersion: kind: SecretProviderClass metadata: name: apigee-envsakeys-
ENV_NAME -spc spec: provider: vault parameters: roleName: apigee-envsakeys-ENV_NAME vaultAddress:VAULT_ADDRESS # "objectName" is an alias used within the SecretProviderClass to reference # that specific secret. This will also be the filename containing the secret. # Apigee Hybrid expects these exact values so they must not be changed. # "secretPath" is the path in Vault where the secret should be retrieved. # "secretKey" is the key within the Vault secret response to extract a value from. objects: | - objectName: "runtime" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "synchronizer" secretPath: "" secretKey: "" - objectName: "udca" secretPath: "" secretKey: ""VAULT_ADDRESS is the endpoint where your Vault server is running. If Vault is running in the same cluster as Apigee, the format will generally be
.Save the template to a file named
. -
For each environment, apply the environment-specific
to your apigee namespace:kubectl -n
apigee apply -f spc-env-ENV_NAME .yamlRepeat this step for every environment.
Enable external secrets for Google service accounts
Within your overrides file, add the
configuration properties to enable external secret usage for Google service accounts. You can remove or comment out theserviceAccountPath
configuration properties:serviceAccountSecretProviderClass: apigee-orgsakeys-spc envs: - name:
ENV_NAME serviceAccountSecretProviderClass: apigee-envsakeys-ENV_NAME -spc -
Apply each Helm chart:
helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \ --install \ --namespace
apigee \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yamlhelm upgrade telemetry apigee-telemetry/ \ --install \ --namespace
apigee \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yamlhelm upgrade redis apigee-redis/ \ --install \ --namespace
apigee \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yamlhelm upgrade
ORG_NAME apigee-org/ \ --install \ --namespaceapigee \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yaml -
For each environment, apply the
chart:helm upgrade
ENV_NAME apigee-env/ \ --install \ --namespaceapigee \ --set env=ENV_NAME \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yaml
Rolling back to using service account cert files
If you need to roll back to using stored Google service account cert files, use the following procedure:
Update your overrides file:
Remove or comment out the
lines. -
Add the
configuration properties with the paths to the appropriate service accounts.
For example:
# serviceAccountSecretProviderClass: apigee-orgsakeys-spc - (commented out) cassandra: backup: serviceAccountPath: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-cassandra.json restore: serviceAccountPath: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-cassandra.json connectAgent: serviceAccountPath: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-mart.json envs: - name: test # serviceAccountSecretProviderClass: apigee-envsakeys-spc - (commented out) serviceAccountPaths: runtime: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-runtime.json synchronizer: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-synchronizer.json logger: serviceAccountPath: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-logger.json mart: serviceAccountPath: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-mart.json metrics: serviceAccountPath: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-metrics.json udca: serviceAccountPath: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-udca.json watcher: serviceAccountPath: service-accounts/myhybridorg-apigee-watcher.json
Remove or comment out the
Apply each Helm chart:
helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \ --install \ --namespace
apigee \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yamlhelm upgrade telemetry apigee-telemetry/ \ --install \ --namespace
apigee \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yamlhelm upgrade redis apigee-redis/ \ --install \ --namespace
apigee \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yamlhelm upgrade
ORG_NAME apigee-org/ \ --install \ --namespaceapigee \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yaml -
For each environment, apply the
chart:helm upgrade
ENV_NAME apigee-env/ \ --install \ --namespaceapigee \ --set env=ENV_NAME \ --atomic \ -foverrides .yamlRepeat this step for every environment.