SetIntegrationRequest policy

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

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The SetIntegrationRequest policy lets you create a request object for an integration that you want to run. In the policy, you must configure the details of the API trigger and the input parameters required to run the integration. When you run the SetIntegrationRequest policy, it creates a request object and saves it in a flow variable. The request object has all the information required to run the integration. At this stage, the integration is still not run. To run the integration, you must either call the IntegrationCallout policy or set an IntegrationEndpoint. Both the IntegrationCallout policy and IntegrationEndpoint require the request object to run the integration.

This policy is an Extensible policy and use of this policy might have cost or utilization implications, depending on your Apigee license. For information on policy types and usage implications, see Policy types.


Specifies the SetIntegrationRequest policy.

Default Value N/A
Required? Required
Type Complex type
Parent Element N/A
Child Elements <ApiTrigger>

The following table provides a high-level description of the child elements of the <SetIntegrationRequest> element:

Child Element Required? Description
<ApiTrigger> Required Name of the API trigger to call in the integration.
<DisplayName> Optional A custom name for the policy.
<IntegrationName> Optional Name of the integration to run.
<IntegrationRegion> Required Name of the region where the integration exists.
<Parameters> Optional Input parameters of the integration.
<ProjectId> Optional Name of the Google Cloud Project which has the integration that you want to run.
<Request> Optional Name of the flow variable to save the request object.
<ScheduleTime> Optional The time at which the integration must be run.

The SetIntegrationRequest policy uses the following syntax:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<SetIntegrationRequest continueOnError="[true|false]" enabled="[true|false]" name="Set-Integration-Request">
  <IntegrationName ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME">INTEGRATION_NAME</IntegrationName>
  <IntegrationRegion ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME">INTEGRATION_REGION</IntegrationRegion>
  <ApiTrigger ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME">API_TRIGGER_NAME</ApiTrigger>
    <ParameterArray name="ARRAY_NAME" type="ARRAY_DATATYPE" ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME>

The following example shows the SetIntegrationRequest policy definition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<SetIntegrationRequest continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Set-Integration-Request">
  <DisplayName>Set Integration Request Policy</DisplayName>
  <ProjectId ref="my_projectid_var">apigee_staging_1</ProjectId>
  <IntegrationName ref="my_integration_ref">integration_1</IntegrationName>
  <IntegrationRegion ref="my_integration_ref">asia-east1</IntegrationRegion>
  <ApiTrigger ref="my_api_trigger_ref">API-Trigger-2</ApiTrigger>
    <Parameter name="my_str_param" type="string" ref="flow_var_1">someText</Parameter>
    <ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="integer" ref="flow_var_2">
      <Value ref="flow_var_3">1</Value>
      <Value ref="flow_var_4">2</Value>
      <Value ref="flow_var_5">3</Value>

This element has the following attributes that are common to all policies:

Attribute Default Required? Description
name N/A Required

The internal name of the policy. The value of the name attribute can contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, underscores, and periods. This value cannot exceed 255 characters.

Optionally, use the <DisplayName> element to label the policy in the management UI proxy editor with a different, natural-language name.

continueOnError false Optional Set to false to return an error when a policy fails. This is expected behavior for most policies. Set to true to have flow execution continue even after a policy fails. See also:
enabled true Optional Set to true to enforce the policy. Set to false to turn off the policy. The policy will not be enforced even if it remains attached to a flow.
async   false Deprecated This attribute is deprecated.

Child element reference

This section describes the child elements of <SetIntegrationRequest>.


Use in addition to the name attribute to label the policy in the management UI proxy editor with a different, more natural-sounding name.

The <DisplayName> element is common to all policies.

Default Value N/A
Required? Optional. If you omit <DisplayName>, the value of the policy's name attribute is used.
Type String
Parent Element <PolicyElement>
Child Elements None

The <DisplayName> element uses the following syntax:

  <DisplayName>My Validation Policy</DisplayName>

The <DisplayName> element has no attributes or child elements.


Specifies the name of the Google Cloud Project.

Apigee assigns the value you specify for this element to the flow variable.

Default Value N/A
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <SetIntegrationRequest>
Child Elements None

The <ProjectId> element uses the following syntax:


The following example configures the policy to use the my_projectid_var flow variable to fetch the project ID, and if the flow variable fails to resolve at runtime, use apigee_staging_1 as the project ID:

<ProjectId ref="my_projectid_var">apigee_staging_1</ProjectId>

The following table describes the attributes of <ProjectId>:

Attribute Required? Type Description
ref Optional String Specifies the flow variable from which Apigee should read the Google Cloud Project ID. You can set the <ProjectId> element in one of the following ways:
  • <ProjectId>val</ProjectId>: Use val as the project ID.
  • <ProjectId ref="refval"/>: Resolve refval dynamically to determine the project ID. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved project ID is invalid or if refval is unresolved.
  • <ProjectId ref="refval">val</ProjectId>: Resolve refval dynamically to determine the project ID. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved project ID is invalid. If refval does not resolve, use val as the project ID.


Specifies the integration to run.

Apigee assigns the value you specify for this element to the flow variable.

The integration name must meet the following naming requirements:

  • Must start and end with letters or numbers.
  • Cannot have spaces.
  • Cannot have two consecutive dash or underscore characters.
Default Value N/A
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <SetIntegrationRequest>
Child Elements None

The <IntegrationName> element uses the following syntax:

<IntegrationName ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME">INTEGRATION_NAME</IntegrationName>

The following example configures the policy to use the my_integration_ref flow variable to fetch the integration name, and if the flow variable fails to resolve at runtime, use integration_1 as the integration name:

<IntegrationName ref="my_integration_ref">integration_1</IntegrationName>

The following table describes the attributes of <IntegrationName>:

Attribute Required? Type Description
ref Optional String Specifies the flow variable from which Apigee should read the integration name. You can set the <IntegrationName> element in one of the following ways:
  • <IntegrationName>val</IntegrationName>: Use val as the integration name.
  • <IntegrationName ref="refval"/>: Resolve refval dynamically to determine the integration name. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved integration name is invalid or if refval is unresolved.
  • <IntegrationName ref="refval">val</IntegrationName>: Resolve refval dynamically to determine the integration name. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved integration name is invalid. If refval does not resolve, use val as the integration name.


Specifies the region where integration exists.

At runtime, Apigee assigns the element's value to the integration.region flow variable, creates a region-based target URL and stores the URL in the flow variable.

The region-based target URL has the following format:

The integration region must be supported by Application Integration. For information about the supported regions of Application Integration, see Supported regions.

Default Value N/A
Required? Required
Type String
Parent Element <SetIntegrationRequest>
Child Elements None

The <IntegrationRegion> element uses the following syntax:

<IntegrationRegion ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME">INTEGRATION_REGION</IntegrationRegion>

The following example configures the policy to use the my_integration_region_ref flow variable to fetch the integration region, and if the flow variable fails to resolve at runtime, asia-east1 is used as the region of the integration:

<IntegrationRegion ref="my_integration_region_ref">asia-east1</IntegrationRegion>

The following table describes the attributes of <IntegrationRegion>:

Attribute Required? Type Description
ref Optional String Specifies the flow variable from which Apigee should read the integration region. You can set the <IntegrationRegion> element in one of the following ways:
  • <IntegrationRegion>val</IntegrationRegion>: Use val as the integration region.
  • <IntegrationRegion ref="refval"/>: Resolve refval dynamically to determine the integration region. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved integration region is invalid or if refval is unresolved.
  • <IntegrationRegion ref="refval">val</IntegrationRegion>: Resolve refval dynamically to determine the integration region. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved integration region is invalid. If refval does not resolve, use val as the integration region.


Specifies the API trigger to run.

You must specify the API trigger name in the api_trigger/API_TRIGGER_NAME format.

Apigee assigns the value you specify for this element to the integration.api.trigger flow variable.

If you have specified the <IntegrationName>, only the API trigger of that integration is run. However, if you have not specified the <IntegrationName>, all the integrations that have the specified API trigger are run.

Default Value N/A
Required? Required
Type String
Parent Element <SetIntegrationRequest>
Child Elements None

The <ApiTrigger> element uses the following syntax:


The following example configures the policy to use the my_api_trigger_ref flow variable to fetch the API trigger name, and if the flow variable fails to resolve at runtime, use api_trigger/API-Trigger-2 as the API trigger name:

<ApiTrigger ref="my_api_trigger_ref">api_trigger/API-Trigger-2</ApiTrigger>

The following table describes the attributes of <ApiTrigger>:

Attribute Required? Type Description
ref Optional String Specifies the flow variable from which Apigee should read the API trigger name. You can set the <ApiTrigger> element in one of the following ways:
  • <ApiTrigger>val</ApiTrigger>: Use val as the API trigger name.
  • <ApiTrigger ref="refval"/>: Resolve refval dynamically to determine the trigger name. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved API trigger name is invalid or if refval is unresolved.
  • <ApiTrigger ref="refval">val</ApiTrigger>: Resolve refval dynamically to determine the trigger name. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved API trigger name is invalid. If refval does not resolve, use val as the trigger name.


Specifies the time at which the integration must run.

If the time is less or equal to the current time, the integration runs immediately. You must specify the time in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ format where Z is the UTC timezone. For example, if you specify 2022-01-15T01:30:15Z, the integration is scheduled to run on 1-15-2022 at 1:30:15 UTC. You can also specify the timezone using an offset from UTC. For example, if you specify 2022-01-15T01:30:15-08:00, the integration is scheduled to run on 1-15-2022 at 1:30:15 PST. For more information about the time format, see Combined date and time representations.

Default Value N/A
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <SetIntegrationRequest>
Child Elements None

The <ScheduleTime> element uses the following syntax:


The following example schedules the integration to run at 2022-01-15T01:30:15Z:



Specifies the input parameters required to run the integration.

You can specify individual parameter(s) or parameter array(s).

Default Value N/A
Required? Optional
Type Complex type
Parent Element <SetIntegrationRequest>
Child Elements <Parameter>

The following table describes the attributes of <Parameters>:

Attribute Required? Type Description
substitutionVariableChar Optional Char Lets you set custom delimiters to pass flow variable values as template arguments in the <Parameter> child element.

The <Parameters> element uses the following syntax:

<Parameters substitutionVariableChar="SUBSTITUTION_CHAR">
  <ParameterArray name="ARRAY_NAME" type="ARRAY_DATATYPE ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME"">
    <Value ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME"/>

The following example initializes the my_str_param parameter and the my_array_param parameter array:

<Parameters substitutionVariableChar="#">
  <Parameter name="my_str_param" type="string" ref="flow_var_1">someText</Parameter>
  <Parameter name="strVar" type="string">#flowvar1#</Parameter>
  <ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="integer" ref="flow_var_2">
    <Value ref="flow_var_3"/>
    <Value ref="flow_var_4">3</Value>

Apigee treats empty <Parameter> and <ParameterArray> elements as null values. For example, declarations like <Parameter></Parameter> and <ParameterArray></ParameterArray> are treated as null values.


Specifies an input parameter.

Default Value N/A
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <Parameters>
Child Elements None

You can specify the parameter value in the following ways:

  • <Parameter name="my_param" type="string">val</Parameter>: Use val as the parameter value. If val is invalid, Apigee reports an exception.
  • <Parameter name="my_param" type="string" ref="refval"/>: Resolve the refval flow variable at runtime and use its value. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved refval value is invalid or if refval is unresolved.
  • <Parameter name="my_param" type="string" ref="refval">val</Parameter>: Resolve the refval flow variable at runtime and use its value. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved refval value is invalid. If refval does not resolve, Apigee uses val as the parameter value.
  • <Parameter name="my_param" type="json">{"name":"$#flowval#$"}</Parameter>: Use $#FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME#$ to pass flow variable values as a template argument in Parameter. Apigee resolves the flowval flow variable at runtime and uses its value. An exception is reported if the resolved flowval value is invalid.
  • <Parameter name="my_param" type="json">{"name":"SUBSTITUTION_CHAR flowval SUBSTITUTION_CHAR"}</Parameter>: Where SUBSTITUTION_CHAR denotes the the value specified for the substitutionVariableChar attribute of the <Parameters> parent element. Apigee resolves the flowval flow variable at runtime and uses its value. An exception is reported if the resolved flowval value is invalid.

The <Parameter> element uses the following syntax:

<Parameters substitutionVariableChar="SUBSTITUTION_CHAR">
  <Parameter name="PARAMETER_NAME" type="json">$#FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME#$</Parameter>

The following example declares my_str_param parameter as a string and sets the value to someText.

  <Parameter name="my_str_param" type="string">someText</Parameter>

The following example declares my_double_param parameter as a double and assigns the value of the flow_var flow variable to the parameter.

  <Parameter name="my_double_param" type="double" ref="flow_var"/>

The following example sets value to the my_int_param_1 integer parameter.

  <Parameter name="my_int_param_1" type="integer" ref="flow_var_1">96</Parameter>

In this example, if the flow_var_1 flow variable resolves successfully, my_int_param_1 is set to the value of the flow variable. However, if flow_var_1 fails to resolve, my_int_param_1 is set to 96.

The following example sets values for the my_json_param_1 and my_json_param_2 JSON parameters.

  <Parameter name="my_json_param_1" type="json" ref="flow_var_1">{name:"Apple", color:"Red"}</Parameter>
  <Parameter name="my_json_param_2" type="json">{name:"Banana", color:"Yellow"}</Parameter>

In this example, if the flow_var_1 flow variable resolves successfully, my_json_param_1 is set to the value of the flow_var_1 flow variable. However, if the flow_var_1 fails to resolve, my_json_param_1 is set to {name:"Apple", color:"Red"}. The my_json_param_2 parameter is set to {name:"Banana", color:"Yellow"} as there is no ref attribute specified.

The following example sets the value for the template_json_param JSON parameter using the flow variable value passed in the default template.

    <Parameter name="template_json_param" type="json">{"name":"$#flow_var_1#$"}</Parameter>

In this example, if the flow_var_1 flow variable resolves successfully, template_json_param is set to the value of the flow_var_1 flow variable. However, if the flow_var_1 fails to resolve, Apigee throws an exception.

The following example sets the value for the template_json_param JSON parameter using the substitutionVariableChar attribute.

<Parameters substitutionVariableChar="#">
    <Parameter name="template_json_param" type="json">{"name":"#flow_var_1#"}</Parameter>

In this example, if the flow_var_1 flow variable resolves successfully, template_json_param is set to the value of the flow_var_1 flow variable. However, if the flow_var_1 fails to resolve, Apigee throws an exception.

The following table describes the attributes of <Parameter>:

Attribute Required? Type Description
name Required String Name of the parameter.
type Required String Data type of the parameter. The supported types are integer, string, boolean, double, and json.
ref Optional String Specifies the flow variable from which Apigee should read the parameter value. Apigee uses the following criteria to set the parameter value:
  • If the flow variable resolves at runtime and is valid, Apigee uses the value of the flow variable.
  • If the flow variable resolves at runtime but is invalid, Apigee reports an exception.
  • If the flow variable doesn't resolve at runtime, Apigee uses the <Parameter> element value. If the element value is invalid, Apigee reports an error.


Specifies an input parameter array.

Default Value N/A
Required? Optional
Type Complex type
Parent Element <Parameters>
Child Elements <Value>

The <Parameters> element can have multiple <ParameterArray> elements within it. For a parameter array you can set the value of the array elements either by specifying the actual value or by specifying a flow variable in the ref attribute. If you specify a flow variable, the array elements are set to the value of the flow variable. The examples in this section describe the various ways in which you can configure the <ParameterArray> element.

The <ParameterArray> element uses the following syntax:

  <ParameterArray name="ARRAY_NAME" type="ARRAY_DATATYPE" ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME">
    <Value ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME"/>
  <ParameterArray name="ARRAY_NAME" type="ARRAY_DATATYPE" ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME"/>
  <ParameterArray name="ARRAY_NAME" type="ARRAY_DATATYPE">
    <Value ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME"/>

The following example declares my_array_param as an integer array and sets the value of the array elements to 1, 2, and 3:

  <ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="integer">

The following example declares my_array_param as a double array where:

  • First element is set to the value of the flow_var_1 flow variable.
  • Second element is set to 3.0.
  <ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="double">
    <Value ref="flow_var_1"/>

The following example declares my_array_param as a boolean array and sets it to the value of the flow_var_1 flow variable.

  <ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="boolean" ref="flow_var_1">

In this example, if flow_var_1 resolves successfully, my_array_param is set to the values of the flow_var_1 array. However, if flow_var_1 fails to resolve, the my_array_param array is set to the values of the Value elements.

The following example declares my_array_param as a JSON array and sets it to the value of the flow_var_1 flow variable.

  <ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="json" ref="flow_var_1"/>

In this example, if flow_var_1 resolves successfully, my_array_param is set to the values of the flow_var_1 array. However, if flow_var_1 fails to resolve, Apigee reports an exception.

The following example declares my_array_param as a string array and sets it to the values of the flow_var_1 flow variable.

  <ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="string" ref="flow_var_1">
    <Value ref="flow_var_2"/>

In this example, if flow_var_1 resolves successfully, my_array_param is set to the values of the flow_var_1 array. Only if flow_var_1 fails to resolve, my_array_param is set to the values specified in the <Value> elements.

The following table describes the attributes of <ParameterArray>:

Attribute Required? Type Description
name Required String Name of the parameter array.
type Required String Data type of the parameter array. The supported types are integer, string, boolean, and double.
ref Optional String Specifies the flow variable from which Apigee should read the array values. Apigee uses the following criteria to set the parameter value:
  • If the flow variable resolves at runtime and is valid, Apigee uses the value of the flow variable.
  • If the flow variable resolves at runtime but is invalid, Apigee reports an exception.
  • If the flow variable doesn't resolve at runtime, Apigee uses the values specified in the <Value> elements.

Specifies the value of an array element.

Default Value N/A
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <ParameterArray>
Child Elements None

Each element of the array must be a separate <Value> element. You can specify the value in the following ways:

  • <Value>val</Value>: Use val as the element value. If val is invalid, Apigee reports an exception.
  • <Value ref="refval"/>: Resolve the refval flow variable at runtime and use its value. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved refval value is invalid or if refval is unresolved.
  • <Value ref="refval">val</Value>: Resolve the refval flow variable at runtime and use its value. Apigee reports an exception if the resolved refval value is invalid. If refval does not resolve, Apigee uses val as the element value.
  • <Value>val1 $#flowval#$</Value>: Use $#FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME#$ to pass flow variable values as a template argument in Value. Apigee resolves the flowval flow variable at runtime and uses its value. An exception is reported if the resolved flowval value is invalid.

The <Value> element uses the following syntax:

<ParameterArray name="ARRAY_NAME" type="ARRAY_DATATYPE" ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME">
  <Value ref="FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME"/>

The following example declares my_array_param as an integer parameter array with values 1, 2, and 3:

<ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="integer">

The following example declares my_array_param as a string parameter array with values of the flow_var_1 and flow_var_2 flow variables:

<ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="string">
  <Value ref="flow_var_1"/>
  <Value ref="flow_var_2"/>

The following example declares my_array_param as a string parameter array:

<ParameterArray name="my_array_param" type="string">
   <Value ref="flow_var_1">string_1</Value>
   <Value ref="flow_var_2">string_2</Value>

In this example, if the flow variable resolves successfully, the array element value is set to the value of the flow_var_1 flow variable. However, if flow_var_1 fails to resolve, the array element value is set to string_1.

The following example sets the value for the template_strArray_param string array parameter using the flow variable value passed in a template.

    <ParameterArray name="template_strArray_param" type="string">
    <Value>apple $#flow_var_1#$</Value>

In this example, if the flow variable resolves successfully, the array element value is set to the value of the flow_var_1 flow variable. However, if flow_var_1 fails to resolve, Apigee throws an exception.

The following table describes the attributes of <Value>:

Attribute Required? Type Description
ref Optional String Specifies the flow variable from which Apigee should read the parameter value. Apigee uses the following criteria to set the parameter value:
  • If the flow variable resolves at runtime and is valid, Apigee uses the value of the flow variable.
  • If the flow variable resolves at runtime but is invalid, Apigee reports an exception.
  • If the flow variable doesn't resolve at runtime, Apigee uses the <Value> element's value. If the element value is invalid, Apigee reports an error.


Specifies the flow variable name for saving the request.

After the policy executes, it creates a new request message object, and saves the object in the FLOW_VARIABLE_NAME variable which you can query to read the request.

If you do not specify a flow variable name, the policy saves the request in the request message, overriding the existing request message if any.

Default Value request
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <SetIntegrationRequest>
Child Elements None

The <Request> element uses the following syntax:


The following example saves the request object in the my_request_var flow variable:


Error codes

This section describes the fault codes, error messages, and the fault variables set by Apigee when this policy triggers an error. This information is essential if you are developing fault rules to handle faults. To learn more, see What you need to know about policy errors and Handling faults.

Runtime errors

These errors can occur when the policy executes.

Fault code HTTP status Cause
steps.setintegrationrequest.EmptyParameterArray 500

This error occurs when the <ParameterArray> element has the name and type attributes, but doesn't have the ref attribute or a <Value> element.

steps.setintegrationrequest.EmptyParameterArrayValue 500

This error occurs when the <Value> element is empty and the ref attribute is not set.

steps.setintegrationrequest.InvalidResolvedFlowVariable 500

This error occurs when the flow variable specified in the ref attribute of an element fails to resolve to a valid value.

  • For the ProjectId, IntegrationName, or the ApiTrigger elements, this error occurs if the flow variable resolves to a null, an empty string, or an invalid data type.

    A valid value for these elements is as follows:

    • ProjectId: See the naming requirements for Project ID in the Before you begin section.
    • IntegrationName: See the naming requirements for the IntegrationName element.
    • ApiTrigger: The name should start with api_trigger/.
  • For the ParameterArray element, this error occurs if the flow variable resolves to an empty string.
steps.setintegrationrequest.MismatchedTypeAndResolvedRef 500

This error occurs when the flow variable specified in the ref attribute of the <Parameter> element resolves, but the flow variable value's data type doesn't match the data type specified in the type attribute.

steps.setintegrationrequest.MismatchedTypeAndResolvedRefOfParameterArray 500

This error occurs when the flow variable specified in the ref attribute of the <ParameterArray> element resolves, but the flow variable value's data type doesn't match with the data type specified in the type attribute.

steps.setintegrationrequest.MismatchedTypeAndResolvedRefOfParameterArrayValue 500

This error occurs when the flow variable specified in the ref attribute of the <Value> element resolves, but the flow variable value's data type doesn't match with the data type specified in the type attribute of its parent element (<ParameterArray>).

steps.setintegrationrequest.RequestVariableNotMessageType 500 This error occurs when the flow variable specified by the Request element is not of message type.
steps.setintegrationrequest.RequestVariableNotRequestMessageType 500 This error occurs when the flow variable specified by the Request element is not of Request message type.
steps.setintegrationrequest.UnresolvedVariable 500

This error occurs when Apigee can't resolve the flow variables specified in the <Parameter>, <ParameterArray>, or the <Value> elements.

Fault variables

Whenever there are execution errors in a policy, Apigee generates error messages. You can view these error messages in the error response. Many a time, system generated error messages might not be relevant in the context of your product. You might want to customize the error messages based on the type of error to make the messages more meaningful.

To customize the error messages, you can use either fault rules or the RaiseFault policy. For information about differences between fault rules and the RaiseFault policy, see FaultRules vs. the RaiseFault policy. You must check for conditions using the Condition element in both the fault rules and the RaiseFault policy. Apigee provides fault variables unique to each policy and the values of the fault variables are set when a policy triggers runtime errors. By using these variables, you can check for specific error conditions and take appropriate actions. For more information about checking error conditions, see Building conditions.

The following table describes the fault variables specific to this policy.

Variables Where Example The can match to any of the faults listed in the Runtime errors table. The fault name is the last part of the fault code. Matches "UnresolvedVariable"
SetIntegrationRequest.POLICY_NAME.failed POLICY_NAME is the user-specified name of the policy that threw the fault. SetIntegrationRequest.set-integration-request-1.failed = true
For more information about policy errors, see What you need to know about policy errors.

Related topics

If you want to learn more about Application Integration feature, see Application Integration overview