Flow variables reference

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

This section provides reference information about the flow variables.

Apigee defines the following flow variables:

apigee                 is                       request
apiproduct             loadbalancing            response
apiproxy               message                  route
client                 messageid                servicecallout
current                mint                     system
environment            organization             target
error                  proxy                    variable
fault                  publishmessage           
graphql                ratelimit                

Each of these variables is described in the sections that follow.

A flow variable refers to a value within a context. The value of a flow variable can be either a primitive type (such as a string, boolean, or integer) or a reference to a specific object, such as an object instantiated by Apigee during request/response processing.

Whether a flow variable refers to a primitive type or an object depends on the context—the time at which you refer to it. The context for a flow variable is the flow segment in which an API proxy processes a request/response. For example, in any segment of the response flow context, the response flow variable refers to the response object.

In most cases, you can think of flow variables as referencing an object. To refer to properties of that object, you use dot notation. For example, to access the content property of response, use response.content.

For information on using flow variables, see Flow variables overview.

Keep the following in mind when working with flow variables:

  • Each flow variable, such as request, has properties that you access using dot-notation syntax. For example:
  • Not all flow variables are accessible from all policies or tools. For example, in the request PreFlow, you won't be able to access the response.
  • Most properties are read only. Where some are read/write, they might be read only, too, depending on where in the flow you access them.
  • Some policies define policy-specific flow variables. For example, the ResponseCache policy defines a responsecache variable. For more information, see the policies reference.
  • Do not rely on undocumented variables in your API proxies and apps. For example, do not rely on the values in the undocumented X-Apigee.* headers in your API proxies as these headers are not intended for customer use and can be removed or changed by Apigee at any time.


A helper variable that provides information about execution time of the policy.

The following table describes the properties of the apigee variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
apigee.metrics.policy.policy_name.timeTaken Integer Read only The time, in nanoseconds, that the policy took to execute. Policy


A helper variable that provides information about API products.

The following table describes the properties of the apiproduct variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
apiproduct.operation String Read only

Name of the API product's operation. This variable helps you differentiate between the Quota policy's settings and the quota settings on an API product's operation.

For example, my-operation.

Proxy request
apiproduct.operation.resource String Read only

The resource name of the operation that is matched to a request.

Proxy request
apiproduct.operation.methods Array Read only

An array of HTTP methods that the operation being matched allows.

Proxy request
apiproduct.operation.attributes.key_name Array Read only

Gets the custom attribute value that matches the key_name.

Proxy request

For more information, see the following:


Describes the API proxy.

The following table describes the properties of the apiproxy variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
apiproxy.name String Read only Name of the API proxy. For example, My Proxy. Proxy request
apiproxy.revision String Read only The revision number of an API proxy. For example, 6. Proxy request
apiproxy.basepath String Read only The deployment base path (specified during API deployment). Proxy request

For more information on working with API proxies, see Understanding APIs and API proxies.


The application or system that sent a request to the load balancer.

The following table describes the properties of the client variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
client.cn String Read only

The common name specified in the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the client app.

Proxy request
client.country String Read only

The country in the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the client app.

Proxy request
client.email.address String Read only

The email address in the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the client app.

Proxy request
client.host String Read only

The HTTP host IP associated with the request received by the ProxyEndpoint.

Proxy request
client.ip String Read only

The IP address of the client or system sending the message to the load balancer. For example, this could be the original client IP or a load balancer IP.

Proxy request
client.locality String Read only

The locality (City) in the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the client.

Proxy request
client.organization String Read only The organization in the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the client. (Not necessarily equivalent to the organization on Apigee.) Proxy request
client.organization.unit String Read only

The organizational unit in the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the client.

Proxy request
client.port Integer Read only

The HTTP port associated with the originating client request to the ProxyEndpoint.

Proxy request
client.received.end.time String Read only

The time, expressed in string form, at which the proxy finished receiving the request from the originating client at the ProxyEndpoint. For example: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC.

This time value is the string representation of the corresponding 32-bit timestamp quantity. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC corresponds to the timestamp value of 1377112607413.

Proxy request
client.received.end.timestamp Long Read only

The timestamp value specifying when the proxy finished receiving the request from the originating client at the ProxyEndpoint. This value is a 64-bit (long) integer containing the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight, on January 1, 1970 UTC.

Proxy request
client.received.start.time String Read only

The time, expressed in string form, at which the proxy began receiving the request from the originating client at the ProxyEndpoint. For example: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC

This time value is the string representation of the corresponding 32-bit timestamp quantity. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC corresponds to the timestamp value of 1377112607413.

Proxy request
client.received.start.timestamp Long Read only

The timestamp value specifying when the proxy began receiving the request from the originating client at the ProxyEndpoint. This value is a 64-bit (long) integer containing the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight, on January 1, 1970 UTC.

Proxy request
client.resolved.ip String Read only

The resolved client IP address. This is either the value determined from a configured client IP resolution setting or from the default algorithm, if a client IP resolution setting is not specified. See Client IP resolution for information.

Proxy request
client.scheme String Read only

Returns HTTP or HTTPS depending on the transport used by client app to send the request message.

Proxy request
client.sent.end.time String Read only

The time, expressed in string form, at which the proxy finished sending the response from the ProxyEndpoint to the client. For example: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC.

This value is a string representation of the corresponding 32-bit client.sent.end.timestamp. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC corresponds to the timestamp value of 1377112607413.

client.sent.end.timestamp Long Read only The timestamp value specifying when the ProxyEndpoint finished returning the response to the originating client app. This value is a 64-bit (long) integer containing the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight, on January 1, 1970 UTC. PostClientFlow
client.sent.start.time String Read only The time, expressed in string form, when the ProxyEndpoint started returning the response to the originating client app. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC.

This value is a string representation of the corresponding 32-bit client.sent.start.timestamp. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC corresponds to the timestamp value of 1377112607413.

client.sent.start.timestamp Long Read only When the proxy began sending the response to the client from the ProxyEndpoint. This value is expressed as a 64-bit (long) integer containing the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight, on January 1, 1970 UTC. PostClientFlow
client.ssl.enabled String Read only

true if the ProxyEndpoint is configured for TLS/SSL; otherwise false.

Proxy request
client.state String Read only

The state in the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the client.

Proxy request


Contains information about the current API proxy flow.

The following table describes the properties of the current variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
current.flow.name String Read only The name of the flow that is currently executing (such as PreFlow, PostFlow, or the name of a conditional flow). Proxy request
current.flow.description String Read only The description of the currently executing flow. This is the same as the value of the <Description> element in the flow's XML configuration. Proxy request

You can view these properties in the Apigee UI's Trace view.


A container for the environment.name property.

The following table describes the properties of the environment variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
environment.name String Read only Name of the environment in which the transaction ran. Proxy request


A contextual object that represents an error message in the error flow.

The following table describes the properties of the error variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
error message Read/Write Error of type message, which is a contextual object in the error flow. Error
error.content String Read/Write Content of the error. Error
error.message String Read only

Message associated with an error, whose value is available only before the error Flow is executed.

error.status.code Integer Read only

The HTTP status code associated with the error. For example, 400.

error.transport.message TransportMessage Read only

Any error of type TransportMessage.

error.state Integer Read only

State in the Flow where an error occurred.

error.header.header_name String Read/Write

Get or set the response header.



Provides information about a runtime error source, reason, and details. Apigee sets these variables when a policy throws an error, and values are specific to each policy. To understand when the fault variables are set, see About policy errors.

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
fault.name String Read only The name of the fault, as described in the Runtime errors table included in each policy reference topic. This variable may be useful in Conditions applied to FaultRules. Error
fault.reason String Read only The reason for the fault. For example, when the OASValidation policy detects that an inbound request does not validate against the OpenAPI Specification, it will set this variable to a string that describes the policy name, the specification name, and the detail describing why the request does not validate against the specification. Other policies will set this variable to messages appropriate for their faults. Error
fault.category String Read only The category. For example if the fault occurs in a policy step, this variable might hold the value "Step". This variable may be useful in Conditions applied to FaultRules. Error
fault.subcategory String Read only The subcategory. For example, if the OASValidation policy detects that a request does not validate against an OpenAPI Specification, it will set this variable to "OASValidationFailure". This variable may be useful in Conditions applied to FaultRules. Error


Gives you access to the results of a GraphQL query at runtime. For more information, see GraphQL policy.

The following table describes the properties of the graphql variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description
graphql Complex type READ ONLY/READ WRITE The root GraphQL query. SCOPE
graphql.fragment Complex type READ ONLY/READ WRITE A reference to the default fragment for this query. SCOPE
graphql.fragment.count Integer Read Only The number of framents spawned by this GraqhQL query. SCOPE
graphql.fragment.INDEX.selectionSet.INDEX TYPE READ ONLY/READ WRITE A reference to the selection set at the specified index. SCOPE
graphql.fragment.INDEX.selectionSet.INDEX.name String READ ONLY/READ WRITE The name of the selection set at the specified index. SCOPE
graphql.fragment.INDEX.selectionSet.count Integer Read Only The number of selection sets in this fragment. SCOPE
graphql.fragment.INDEX.selectionSet.name String READ ONLY/READ WRITE The name of the default selection set in the fragment. SCOPE
graphql.operation Complex type READ ONLY/READ WRITE A reference to the query's default operation.

You cannot set quotas at the operation level. Instead, set them at the environment level.

graphql.operation.name String Read Only The name of the query's default operation. SCOPE
graphql.operation.operationType Enumeration Read Only The type of query's default operation that can be executed against this API proxy. Possible values are query, mutation, or all. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet Complex Type The default selection set for the query's default operation. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.count Integer Read Only The number of selection sets in the query's default operation. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.name String Read Only The name of the query's default operation's default selection set. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX Integer Read Only A reference to the selection set at the specified index in the list of selection sets. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX.name String Read Only The name of the selection at the specified index in the list of selection sets for this operation. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX.[selectionSet] Complex type READ ONLY/READ WRITE One or more additional selection set objects.

Selection sets can be accessed recursively. For example, after a selectionSet.index, you can have another selectionSet.index rather than a name property. And after that another and so on until you reach the value of <MaxCount> that you set in the GraphQL policy.

graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX.directive Complex type A reference to the default directive in the specified selection set. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX.directive.count Complex type SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX.directive.INDEX Integer Read Only A reference to the directive at the specified index. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX.directive.INDEX.argument.INDEX Integer Read Only A reference to the argument at the specified index. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX.directive.INDEX.argument.INDEX.name String The name of the argument at the specified index. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX.directive.INDEX.argument.INDEX.value String The value of the argument at the specified index. SCOPE
graphql.operation.selectionSet.INDEX.directive.name String SCOPE
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions Complex type A reference to a list of variable definitions for the query's default operation. SCOPE
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions.count Integer The number of variable definitions for the query's default operation. SCOPE
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions.INDEX Integer A reference to the variable definition at the specified index. SCOPE
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions.INDEX.name String The name of the variable definition at the specified index. SCOPE
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions.INDEX.type The type of the variable definition's value at the specified index. SCOPE


A container for the is.error property.

The following table describes the properties of the is variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
is.error Boolean Read only

Error flag.

Proxy request


Provides information about the TargetEndpoint's load balancing status.

The following table describes the properties of the loadbalancing variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
loadbalancing.failedservers Array of Strings Read only

List of failed TargetServers during load balancing at TargetEndpoint.

Target response
loadbalancing.isfallback Boolean Read only

true if fallback is enabled for the TargetServer invoked during load balancing at TargetEndpoint.

Target response
loadbalancing.targetserver String Read only

TargetServer invoked during load balancing at TargetEndpoint. Set only if the <Path> element is set while defining the load balancer element.

Target response


A contextual object, with the same value as request in the request flow or as response in the response flow or as error in the error flow.

The following table describes the properties of the message variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
message message Read/Write

A contextual object, with the same value as request in the request Flow or as response in the response Flow or as error in the Error flow.

Proxy request
message.content String Read/Write

Content of the request, response, or error message.

Proxy request
message.formparam.param_name String Read/Write

Value of the specified form parameter.

Proxy request
Collection Read only

All values of the specified form parameter in the message.

Proxy request
Integer Read only

Count of the values of the specified form parameters in the message.

Proxy request
message.formparams.count Integer Read only

Count of all form parameters in the message.

Proxy request
message.formparams.names Collection Read only

Value of all form parameters in the message.

Proxy request
message.formparams.names.string String Read only

A comma-separated list of names of all the form parameters in the message.

Proxy request
message.formstring String Read only

Value of form string in the message.

Proxy request
message.header.header_name String Read/Write

Gets or sets the value of a particular header found in the request. If the header contains a comma, upon read you will receive only the segment of the text up to the first comma.

For example, if the Cache-control header is public, maxage=16544, then the return value of message.header.cache-control is public.

If you want the entire header as a string, use a variable like message.header.header_name.values.string.

Proxy request
message.header.header_name.N String Read/Write

The value of the Nth particular header value in the message, either request or response, depending on the state of the flow. Apigee splits header text values by commas. The index starts at 1 for the left-most value.

For example, if the Cache-control header is public,maxage=16544, then the return value of message.header.cache-control.2 is maxage=16544.

Proxy request
Collection Read only

All values of the specified HTTP header name in the message.

Proxy request
Integer Read only

Count of the values of the specified HTTP header name in the message.

Proxy request
String Read only

All the values of a particular header in the message, in the form of a single string.

For example, if the Cache-control header is public,maxage=16544, then the return value of message.header.cache-control.values.string is public,maxage=16544.

Proxy request
message.headers.count Integer Read only

Count of all HTTP headers in the message.

Proxy request
message.headers.names Collection Read only

Value of all HTTP headers in the message.

Proxy request
message.headers.names.string String Read only

A comma-separated list of names of all the headers in the message.

Proxy request
message.path String Read/Write

The complete request message path in URL excluding any query parameters.

Proxy request
message.queryparam.param_name String Read only

Returns the specified message query parameter.

Proxy request
message.queryparam.param_name.N String Read/Write

The value of the Nth query parameter in the message. For example, if the request.querystring is a=hello&a=world, then the return value of message.queryparam.a.1 is hello.

As an example of writing multiple values for a single query parameter name, such as type=siteid:1&type=language:us-en&type=currency:USD, set the following:

  • message.queryparam.type.1 to siteid:1
  • message.queryparam.type.2 to language:en-us
  • message.queryparam.type.3 to currency:USD
Proxy request
Collection Read only

All the values of a particular query parameter in the message, formatted as a comma-separated list.

For example, if the query string is a=hello&a=world, then the value of message.queryparam.a.values is ['hello', 'world']code>.

Proxy request
Integer Read only

The total count of a specified query parameter associated with the request sent to the ProxyEndpoint from the client app.

Proxy request
message.queryparams.count Integer Read only

The total count of all query parameters associated with the request sent to the ProxyEndpoint from the client app.

Proxy request
message.queryparams.names Collection Read only

A list of all query parameter names associated with the request sent to the ProxyEndpoint from the client app.

Proxy request
message.queryparams.names.string String Read only

A comma-separated list of names of all the query parameters in the message.

Proxy request
message.querystring String Read only

A string containing all query parameter names and values associated with the request sent to the ProxyEndpoint from the client app.

For example, for the request http://api.apifactory.com/inventors?name=nick&surname=danger, the value of message.querystring is name=nick&surname=danger.

Proxy request
message.status.code Integer Read only

HTTP status code of the response message from target.

Target response
message.transport.message TransportMessage Read only

Message of type TransportMessage which is a contextual object.

Proxy request
message.uri String Read only

The complete URI path (following the domain URL) including query parameters.

For example, for the request http://api.apifactory.com/inventors?name=nikola&surname=tesla, this variable returns inventors?name=nikola&surname=tesla.

Proxy request
message.verb String Read only

The HTTP verb (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc.) associated with the request.

Proxy request
message.version String Read/Write

The HTTP version associated with the request sent to the ProxyEndpoint from the client application.

Proxy request

For more information on messages, see Message template function reference.


A container for the globally unique ID for the request.

The following table describes the properties of the messageid variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
messageid String Read only

Holds the globally unique ID for the request, which includes the load balancer host name. This ID allows requests received at the load balancer to be tracked after they are sent to the message processor.

This ID is logged in Apigee error logs to correlate the messageid with the errors.

Proxy request


A helper variable that provides information about monetization.

The following table describes the properties of the mint variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
mint.limitscheck.is_request_blocked Boolean Read only

Flag that specifies whether the API request is blocked. Set to true if is_subscription_found is false.

This flow variable is available if the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy is attached to the API proxy. See Enforcing monetization limits in API proxies.

Proxy request
mint.limitscheck.is_subscription_found Boolean Read only

Flag that specifies whether the developer has an active subscription to the API product. Set to true if a developer has a subscription.

This flow variable is available if the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy is attached to the API proxy. See Enforcing monetization limits in API proxies.

Proxy request
mint.limitscheck.prepaid_developer_balance Numeric Read only

Current balance in the developer's prepaid account wallet associated with the rate plan's currency.

Proxy request
mint.limitscheck.prepaid_developer_currency String Read only

Currency of the balance available in the mint.limitscheck.prepaid_developer_balance variable.

Proxy request
mint.limitscheck.purchased_product_name String Read only

Name of the associated API product.

This flow variable is available if the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy is attached to the API proxy. See Enforcing monetization limits in API proxies.

Proxy request
mint.limitscheck.status_message String Read only

Additional information about the execution of the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy for debugging purposes.

This flow variable is available if the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy is attached to the API proxy. See Enforcing monetization limits in API proxies.

Proxy request
mint.mintng_consumption_pricing_rates String Read only

Consumption-based fees.

Set the fees when creating a rate plan.

mint.mintng_consumption_pricing_type String Read only

Consumption-based pricing type. For example: FIXED_PER_UNIT

Set the consumption-based fees when creating a rate plan.

mint.mintng_currency String Read only

Currency for calculating the revenue.

This flow variable has the value of the currency monetization variable.

DataCapture policy
mint.mintng_dev_share Numeric Read only

Revenue to be shared with developer.

Set the revenue to be shared with the developer when creating a rate plan.

mint.mintng_is_apiproduct_monetized Boolean Read only

Flag that specifies whether the API product is currently monetized (that is, if there is an active rate plan in effect).

This flow variable is added by the VerifyAPIKey or VerifyAccessToken policy attached to the API proxy. See Adding an authentication policy.

Proxy request
mint.mintng_price Numeric Read only

Revenue for calculating the developer's share.

The flow variable has the value of the revShareGrossPrice monetization variable.

DataCapture policy and PostClientFlow
mint.mintng_price_multiplier Numeric Read only

Factor (multiplier) by which the per-transaction cost is multiplied.

The flow variable has the value of the perUnitPriceMultiplier monetization variable.

DataCapture policy and PostClientFlow
mint.mintng_rate Numeric Read only

Rate charged for the API call.

This flow variable shows the consumption-based fee per API call. Set the consumption-based fee when creating a rate plan. If you have configured the perUnitPriceMultiplier monetization variable in your DataCapture policy, Apigee calculates the cost of the transaction after considering the value of the perUnitPriceMultiplier variable. For more information, see Api price multiplier in Metrics.

mint.mintng_rate_before_multipliers Numeric Read only

Rate charged for the API call without the perUnitPriceMultiplier calculation.

If the DataCapture policy captures the perUnitPriceMultiplier monetization variable, this flow variable shows the transaction cost before multiplying the cost by perUnitPriceMultiplier.

mint.mintng_rate_plan_id String Read only

ID of the rate plan.

This flow variable is added by the VerifyAPIKey or VerifyAccessToken policy attached to the API proxy. See Adding an authentication policy.

Proxy request
mint.mintng_revenue_share_rates String Read only

Revenue share rates.

Set the revenue share rate when creating a rate plan.

mint.mintng_revenue_share_type String Read only

Revenue share type. For example: FIXED

Set the revenue share type when creating a rate plan.

mint.mintng_tx_success Boolean Read only

Specifies if the transaction is monetized.

This flow variable has the value of the transactionSuccess monetization variable.

DataCapture policy
mint.prepaid_updated_developer_usage Numeric Read only

Current usage of the prepaid developer.

The usage is calculated based on your rate plan configuration and the value of the perUnitPriceMultiplier monetization variable.

mint.rateplan_end_time_ms Numeric Read only

Expiration time for the rate plan in milliseconds since epoch.

This flow variable is added by the VerifyAPIKey or VerifyAccessToken policy attached to the API proxy. See Adding an authentication policy.

Proxy request
mint.rateplan_start_time_ms Numeric Read only

Activation time for the rate plan in milliseconds since epoch.

This flow variable is added by the VerifyAPIKey or VerifyAccessToken policy attached to the API proxy. See Adding an authentication policy.

Proxy request
mint.status String Read only

Status of the monetized call. Populated only on error.

mint.status_code Numeric Read only

HTTP status code of the monetized call. Populated only on error.

mint.subscription_end_time_ms Numeric Read only

Expiration time for the API product subscription in milliseconds since epoch.

This flow variable is available if the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy is attached to the API proxy. See Enforcing monetization limits in API proxies.

Proxy request
mint.subscription_start_time_ms Numeric Read only

Activation time for the API product subscription in milliseconds since epoch.

This flow variable is available if the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy is attached to the API proxy. See Enforcing monetization limits in API proxies.

Proxy request
mint.tx_success_result Boolean Read only

Indicates whether monetization is successful for the transaction.

The mint.tx_success_result variable can have the following values:

  • tx_success set to true: The transactionSuccess variable is true, and the transaction is monetized. Because the transaction is monetized, the values of mint.mintng_rate and mint.mintng_dev_share variables are calculated.
  • tx_success set to false: The transactionSuccess variable is false, and the transaction is not monetized. Because the transaction is not monetized, the values of mint.mintng_rate and mint.mintng_dev_share variables are not calculated.
  • tx_success not found. Message status code was non 2xx: The transactionSuccess variable is not captured and the HTTP status code (message.status.code) of the transaction is not 2xx. The transaction is not monetized.
  • tx_success not found. Message status code was 2xx: The transactionSuccess variable is not captured and the HTTP status code (message.status.code) of the transaction is 2xx. The transaction is monetized.

For more information, see the following:


A container for the organization.name property.

The following table describes the properties of the organization variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
organization.name String Read only

Name of the organization.

Proxy request

For more information on organizations, see Understanding organizations.


The API proxy configuration.

The following table describes the properties of the proxy variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
proxy.basepath String Read only

The value of the Base Path in your API proxy endpoint configuration. The base path is the left-most URI fragment that follows the host in the URL. Conditional flow URIs follow the base path.

Suppose that you have an API Proxy Endpoint configured with a basepath of /v2/weatherapi. (See Proxy Endpoint configuration for details.) In that case, if the inbound request uses the URL https://myhost.example.net/v2/weatherapi/forecastrss?w=12797282, then:

  • The host name is myhost.example.net. You can retrieve this by reading the variable request.header.host.
  • The base path is /v2/weatherapi. Retrieve this by reading the variable proxy.basepath.
  • The path suffix is /forecastrss. Retrieve this by reading the variable proxy.pathsuffix.

If you define a dynamic Base Path in your API proxy configuration, such as /v2/*/weatherapicode>, then the proxy.basepath variable is set to the dynamic path. To retrieve the actual URL for the request, read and parse the variable proxy.url.

Proxy request
proxy.client.ip String Read only

The X-Forwarded-For address of the inbound call, which is the IP address Apigee received from the last external TCP handshake. This could be the calling client or a load balancer.

Proxy request
proxy.name String Read only

The name attribute configured for the ProxyEndpoint.

Proxy request
proxy.pathsuffix String Read only

The value of the path suffix in the URL that is sent from the client and received at the ProxyEndpoint.

The basepath is the left-most path component that uniquely identifies an API proxy within an Environment Group. Suppose that you have an API Proxy endpoint configured with a basepath of /v2/weatherapi. In that case, a request sent to https://myhost.example.net/v2/weatherapi/forecastrss?w=12797282, the proxy.pathsuffix variable will hold the string /forecastrss.

Proxy request
proxy.url String Read only

Gets the complete URL associated with the proxy request received by the ProxyEndpoint, including any query parameters present.

Proxy request

For more information on working with API proxies, see Understanding APIs and API proxies.


Populated when a the PublishMessage policy executes.

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
publishmessage.message.id String Read-Only Returns the messageId (ID of the published message) from the Pub/Sub server.

Apigee sets this flow variable only if the publish request is successful.

Proxy request


Populated when a Quota or SpikeArrest policy executes.

The following table describes the properties of the ratelimit variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
ratelimit.policy_name.allowed.count Long Read-Only Returns the allowed quota count. PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.used.count Long Read-Only Returns the current quota used within a quota interval. PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.available.count Long Read-Only Returns the available quota count in the quota interval. PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.exceed.count Long Read-Only Returns 1 after the quota is exceeded. PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.total.exceed.count Long Read-Only Returns 1 after the quota is exceeded. PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.expiry.time Long Read-Only

Returns the UTC time (in milliseconds), which determines when the quota expires and when the new quota interval starts.

When the Quota policy's type is rollingwindow, this value is not valid because the quota interval never expires.

ratelimit.policy_name.identifier String Read-Only Returns the (client) identifier reference attached to the policy PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.class String Read-Only Returns the class associated with the client identifier PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.class.allowed.count Long Read-Only Returns the allowed quota count defined in the class PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.class.used.count Long Read-Only Returns the used quota within a class PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.class.available.count Long Read-Only Returns the available quota count in the class PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.class.exceed.count Long Read-Only Returns the count of requests that exceeds the limit in the class in the current quota interval PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.class.total.exceed.count Long Read-Only Returns the total count of requests that exceeds the limit in the class across all quota intervals, so it is the sum of class.exceed.count for all quota intervals. PostClientFlow
ratelimit.policy_name.failed Boolean Read-Only

Indicates whether or not the policy failed (true or false).


For more information, see the following:


The complete request, including any payload present.

For more information about request data, see How is request data passed to the backend server?

The following table describes the properties of the request variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
request message Read only

The complete request, including any payload present.

Proxy request
request.content String Read/Write

Gets or sets the payload of the request message.

Proxy request
request.formparam.param_name String Read/Write

Gets or sets the value of the specified form parameter in the request sent from the client application.

Proxy request
Collection Read only

All the values of a particular form parameter in the request, formatted as a comma-separated list.

For example, if the payload is a=hello&x=greeting&a=world, then the value of request.formparam.a.values is ['hello', 'world'].

Proxy request
Integer Read only

Count of all values for the specified form parameter associated with the request.

Proxy request
request.formparam.param_name.N String Read/Write

The value of the Nth particular form parameter in the message. For example, if the form string is a=hello&a=world, then the return value of request.formparam.a.1 is hello.

Proxy request
request.formparams.count Integer Read only

Count of all parameters associated with the request sent from the client application.

Proxy request
request.formparams.names Collection Read only

A list of all parameter names associated with the request.

Proxy request
request.formparams.names.string String Read only

A comma-separated list of all form parameter names associated with the request.

Proxy request
request.formstring String Read only

The complete formparam in the request sent from the client app.

For example, name=test&type=first&group=A.

Proxy request
request.grpc.rpc.name String Read only

Applicable only when using a gRPC target server. The RPC name. For information on gRPC proxies, see Creating gRPC API proxies.

Proxy request
request.grpc.service.name String Read only

Applicable only when using a gRPC target server. The gRPC status service name. For information on gRPC proxies, see Creating gRPC API proxies.

Proxy request
request.header.header_name String Read/Write

Gets or sets the value of a particular header found in the request. If the header contains a comma, upon read you will receive only the segment of the text up to the first comma.

For example, if the Cache-control header is public, maxage=16544, then the return value of request.header.cache-control is public.

If you want the entire header as a string, use a variable like request.header.header_name.values.string.

Proxy request
request.header.header_name.N String Read/Write

The value of the Nth particular header value in the request. Apigee splits header text values by commas. The index starts at 1 for the left-most value.

For example, if the Cache-control header is public, maxage=16544, then the return value of request.header.cache-control.2 is maxage=16544.

Proxy request
Collection Read only

All the values of a particular header in the request.

Proxy request
Integer Read only

Count of all the values of a particular header in the request.

Proxy request
String Read only

All the values of a particular header in the request, in the form of a single string.

For example, if the Cache-control header is public, maxage=16544, then the return value of request.header.cache-control.values.string is public, maxage=16544.

Proxy request
request.headers.count Integer Read only

Count of all the headers in the request.

Proxy request
request.headers.names Collection Read only

Names of all the headers in the request.

Proxy request
request.headers.names.string String Read only

A comma-separated list of names of all the headers in the request.

Proxy request
request.path String Read only

The un-proxied resource path (not including the host) to the backend service, excluding query parameters.

For example, if the URI to the backend service is https://example.com/rest/api/latest, then the value of request.path is /rest/api/latest.

Proxy request
request.queryparam.param_name String Read/Write

The value of a particular query parameter found in the request.

Proxy request
request.queryparam.param_name.N String Read/Write

The value of the Nth query parameter in the request.

For example, if the request.querystring is a=hello&a=world, then the return value of is request.queryparam.a.1 is hello.

As an example of writing multiple values for a single query parameter name, such as type=siteid:1&type=language:us-en&type=currency:USD, set the following:

  • request.queryparam.type.1 to siteid:1
  • request.queryparam.type.2 to language:en-us
  • request.queryparam.type.3 to currency:USD
Proxy request
Collection Read only

All the values of a particular query parameter in the request, formatted as a comma-separated list.

For example, if request.querystring is a=hello&b=lovely&a=world, then the value of request.queryparam.a.values is ['hello', 'world'].

Proxy request
Integer Read only

The count of all the values of a particular query parameter in the request.

Proxy request
request.queryparams.count Integer Read only

The count of all the query parameters in the request.

Proxy request
request.queryparams.names Collection Read only

The names of all the query parameters in the request.

Proxy request
request.queryparams.names.string String Read only

A comma-separated list of the names of all the query parameters in the request.

Proxy request
request.querystring String Read only

The complete list of query parameters in the request sent from the client app.

For example, if the request is http://host.com/123?name=first&surname=second&place=address, then this variable returns name=first&surname=second&place=address.

Proxy request
request.transportid String Read only

ID of the request as type TransportMessage which is contextual.

Proxy request
request.transport.message Transport-Message Read only

Request of type TransportMessage which is contexual.

Proxy request
request.uri String Read only

In an API proxy, the proxy <BasePath> in the ProxyEndpoint (in addition to the proxy's base URL) maps to the target service URL in the TargetEndpoint. For example:


Points to


In the request, request.uri is the proxy base path + the remainder of the address, including query parameters.

In the response, request.uri is the remainder of the address, including query parameters, after the HTTPTargetConnection.

The difference is because the original request came into the proxy, but then the proxy makes another request to the target service.

Let's say the following call is made to our sample proxy, which has a base path of /my-mock-proxy:


And the proxy calls:


Which appends /user?user=Dude to that URL.

  • Request: request.uri = /my-mock-proxy/user?user=Dude
  • Response: request.uri = /user?user=Dude
Proxy request (differs in the response)
request.url String Read only

The complete URL of the request made to the target endpoint, including the query string parameters, but not including the port number (if specified).

For example, if you make a call to a sample proxy http://my_org-test.apigee.net/my-mock-proxy/user?user=Dude, and the target endpoint is http://example.com:8080, then the value is:

  • Request: n/a
  • Response: http://example.com/user?user=Dude
Target response
request.verb String Read only

The HTTP verb used for the request. For example, GET, PUT, and DELETE.

Proxy request
request.version String Read only

The HTTP version of the request. For example, 1.1.

Proxy request


The complete response, including any payload present.

The following table describes the properties of the response variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
response message Read/Write

Complete response message returned by target.

Target response
response.content String Read/Write

Payload content of the response message returned by the target.

Target response
response.header.header_name String Read/Write

Gets or sets the value of a specified HTTP header in the response.

If the header text includes a comma, Apigee infers multiple values. In this case, response.header.header_name returns the first value only.

For example, if the Cache-control header is public,maxage=16544, then the return value of response.header.cache-control is public.

If you want the entire header as a string, use a variable like response.header.header_name.values.string.

Target response
Collection Read only

All the values of a specified HTTP header in response.

Target response
Integer Read only

Count of all the values of the specified HTTP header in response.

Target response
String Read only

All the values of a particular header in the response, in the form of a single string.

For example, if the Cache-control header is public,maxage=16544, then the return value of response.header.cache-control.values.string is public,maxage=16544.

Target response
response.header.header_name.N String Read/Write

The value of the Nth particular header value in the response. Apigee splits header text values by commas. The index starts at 1 for the left-most value.

For example, if the Cache-control header is public,maxage=16544, then response.header.cache-control.2 returns maxage=16544.

Target response
response.headers.count Integer Read only

Count of all the headers in the response.

Target response
response.headers.names Collection Read only

The names of all the headers in the response.

Target response
response.headers.names.string String Read only

A comma-separated list of the names of all the headers in the response.

Target response
response.status.code Integer Read/Write

The response code returned for a request. You can use this variable to override the response status code, which is stored in message.status.code. For more, see message.

Target response
response.transport.message String Read only

Response of type TransportMessage which is a contexual object.

Target response


Specifies the names of the <RouteRule> and TargetEndpoint.

The following table describes the properties of the route variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
route.name String Read only

The name of the <RouteRule> that was executed in the ProxyEndpoint. For example, default. A RouteRule references an API proxy TargetEndpoint to execute.

Target request
route.target String Read only

The name of the TargetEndpoint that was executed. For example, default.

Target request


Describes the TargetEndpoint for a ServiceCallout policy.

The following table describes the properties of the servicecallout variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
servicecallout.policy_name.expectedcn String Read/Write

The expected Common Name of the TargetEndpoint as referred to in a ServiceCallout policy. This is meaningful only when the TargetEndpoint refers to an TLS/SSL endpoint.

Proxy request
servicecallout.policy_name.target.url String Read/Write

The TargetEndpoint URL for a particular ServiceCallout policy.

Proxy request
servicecallout.requesturi String Read/Write

The TargetEndpoint URI for a ServiceCallout policy. The URI is the TargetEndpoint URL without the protocol and domain specification.

Proxy request


Specifies the IP address of the system, as well as details about the proxy.

The following table describes the properties of the system variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
system.interface.interface_name String Read only

IP address of the system.

Proxy request
system.pod.name String Read only

The name of the pod where the proxy is running.

Proxy request
system.region.name String Read only

The name of the data center region where the proxy is running.

Proxy request
system.time String Read only

The time when this variable was read. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 GMT.

This value is the string representation of the corresponding value of system.timestamp. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 GMT corresponds to the timestamp value of 1377112607413.

Proxy request
system.time.year Integer Read only

The year portion of system.time.

Proxy request
system.time.month Integer Read only

The month portion of system.time.

Proxy request
system.time.day Integer Read only

The day of month portion of system.time.

Proxy request
system.time.dayofweek Integer Read only

The day of the week portion of system.time.

Proxy request
system.time.hour Integer Read only

The hour portion of system.time.

Proxy request
system.time.minute Integer Read only

The minute portion of system.time.

Proxy request
system.time.second Integer Read only

The second portion of system.time.

Proxy request
system.time.millisecond Integer Read only

The millisecond portion of system.time.

Proxy request
system.time.zone String Read only

Timezone of the system.

Proxy request
system.timestamp Long Read only

The 64-bit (long) integer representing the time that this variable was read. The value is the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight, on January 1, 1970 UTC. For example, 1534783015000.

Proxy request
system.uuid String Read only

The UUID of the message processor handling the proxy.

Proxy request


Describes the target of the request.

The following table describes the properties of the target variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
target.basepath String Read only

The resource path (not including the domain) to the target service, excluding query parameters, that is defined in the proxy's TargetEndpoint.

For example, say an API proxy calls the following target:

<TargetEndpoint name="default">

In this example, the target.basepath is /user.

If the target were this:

<TargetEndpoint name="default">

The target.basepath would be null.

Target request
target.copy.pathsuffix Boolean Read/Write

When true, the request forwarded from ProxyEndpoint to TargetEndpoint retains the path suffix (the URI path fragment following the URI defined in the ProxyEndpoint base path).

Target request
target.copy.queryparams Boolean Read/Write

When true, request forwarded from ProxyEndpoint to TargetEndpoint retains query parameters.

Target request
target.country String Read only

Country of the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the target server

Target response
target.cn String Read only

The Common Name of the TargetEndpoint. This is meaningful only when the TargetEndpoint refers to an TLS/SSL endpoint.

Target request
target.email.address String Read only

Email address of the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the target server

Target response
target.expectedcn String Read/Write

The expected Common Name of the TargetEndpoint. This is meaningful only when the TargetEndpoint refers to an TLS/SSL endpoint.

Proxy request
target.host String Read only

The domain name of the target service returning the response to the API proxy.

Target response
target.ip String Read only

The IP address of the target service returning the response to the API proxy.

Target response
target.locality String Read only

Locality (city) of the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the target server

Target response
target.name String Read only

Target to which message is reaching from targetendpoint.

Target request
target.organization String Read only

Organization of the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the target server.

Target response
target.organization.unit String Read only

Organization unit of the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the target server.

Target response
target.port Integer Read only

The port number of the target service returning the response to the API proxy.

Target response
target.received.end.time String Read only

The time, expressed in string form, at which the TargetEndpoint finished receiving the response from the target. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC.

This time value is the string representation of the corresponding 32-bit timestamp quantity. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC corresponds to the timestamp value of 1377112607413..

Target response
Long Read only

The timestamp value specifying when the TargetEndpoint finished receiving the response from the target. For example, 1534783015000. This value is a 64-bit (long) integer specifying the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight, on January 1, 1970 UTC.

Target response
target.received.start.time String Read only

The time, expressed in string form, at which the TargetEndpoint started receiving the response from the target. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC.

This time value is the string representation of the corresponding 32-bit timestamp quantity. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC corresponds to the timestamp value of 1377112607413.

Target response
Long Read only

The timestamp value specifying when the TargetEndpoint started receiving the response from the target. For example, 1534783015000. This value is a 64-bit (long) integer specifying the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight, on January 1, 1970 UTC.

Target response
target.scheme String Read only

Scope begins: Target response
Type: String
Permission: Read/Write

Returns http or https depending on the request message.

Target request
target.sent.end.time String Read only

The time, expressed in string form, at which the proxy stopped sending the request to the URL specified in the TargetEndpoint. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC.

This time value is the string representation of the corresponding 32-bit timestamp quantity. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC corresponds to the timestamp value of 1377112607413.

Target request
target.sent.end.timestamp Long Read only

The timestamp value specifying when the proxy finished sending the request to the URL specified in the TargetEndpoint. For example, 1377112607413. This value is a 64-bit (long) integer containing the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight, on January 1, 1970 UTC.

Target request
target.sent.start.time String Read only

The time, expressed in string form, at which the proxy began sending the request to the URL specified in the TargetEndpoint. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC.

This time value is the string representation of the corresponding 32-bit timestamp quantity. For example, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:16:47 UTC corresponds to the timestamp value of 1377112607413.

Target request
target.sent.start.timestamp Long Read only

The timestamp value specifying when the proxy started sending the request to the URL specified in the TargetEndpoint. For example, 1534783015000. This value is a 64-bit (long) integer specifying the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight, on January 1, 1970 UTC.

Target request
target.ssl.enabled Boolean Read only

Whether TargetEndpoint is running on TLS/SSL.

Proxy request
target.state String Read only

State of the TLS/SSL certificate presented by the target server.

Target response
target.url String Read/Write

The URL configured in the TargetEndpoint XML file or the dynamic target URL (if target.url is set during the message flow). The variable does not include any additional path elements or query parameters. Returns null if called out of scope or otherwise unset.

Target request


A container for the variable.expectedcn property.

The following table describes the properties of the variable variable:

Property Type Read/Write Description Scope begins
variable.expectedcn String Read/Write

Variable exposed for the common name if it's running on TLS/SSL.

Proxy request

For more information on working with TLS, see Options for configuring TLS.