Steps to use Apigee monetization

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

The following table summarizes the steps to use Apigee monetization.

Step Description
Enable Apigee monetization Before you can use Apigee monetization, you must purchase and enable it.
Enforce monetization limits in API proxies Attach the polices to the API proxies to enforce monetization limits.
Enforce monetization quotas in API products Configure the quota for monetization in the API product.
Manage rate plans for API products Configure the billing details, fees, and charges that are incurred for the use of APIs offered in a monetized API product.
Purchase and manage API product subscriptions Perform one of the following:
Debug monetization using Debug Debug monetization using Debug.
Generate monetization reports Generate monetization reports to analyze data usage and prepare invoices for billing.