Debugging monetization using the Debug tool

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

Debug monetization using Debug as described in the following sections.

Debugging the authentication policy phase

Apigee monetization uses the VerifyAPIKey or VerifyAccessToken policy to determine if an incoming request is monetizable by checking for the active published rate plan. For more information about adding the policy, see Adding an authentication policy.

For example, the following image shows the details of the VerifyAPIKey policy phase in the request flow.

VerifyAPIKey policy phase details including the monetization flow variables

After authenticating the user, the VerifyAPIKey policy checks all published rate plans to determine which, if any, is active based on their activation and expiration times. If an active published rate plan is found, the following flow variables are populated:

Flow variable Setting
mint.mintng_is_apiproduct_monetized true if active published rate plan is found.
mint.mintng_rate_plan_id Rate plan ID.
mint.rateplan_end_time_ms Expiration time for the rate plan. For example: 1619433556408
mint.rateplan_start_time_ms Activation time of the rate plan. For example: 1618433956209

If no active published rate plan is found, the mint.mintng_is_apiproduct_monetized flow variable is set to false and the additional flow variables are not populated.

For more information, see mint flow variables.

Debugging the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy phase

Apigee monetization uses the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy to enforce developer subscriptions to the API product. For more information about adding the policy, see Enforcing developer subscriptions to API products.

For example, the following image shows the details of the MonetizationLimitsCheck policy phase in the request flow.

MonetizationLimitsCheck policy phase details including the monetization flow variables

If the developer purchased a subscription to the API product, the following flow variables are populated:

Flow variable Description
mint.limitscheck.is_request_blocked true for blocked requests.
mint.limitscheck.is_subscription_found true if an API subscription is found.
mint.limitscheck_purchased_product_name Name of the purchased API product. For example: MyProduct
mint.limitscheck.status_message Status message. For example: limits_check_success
mint.prepaid_developer_balance Current balance in the developer's prepaid account wallet associated with the rate plan's currency.
mint.prepaid_developer_currency Currency of the balance available in the mint.prepaid_developer_balance variable.
mint.subscription_end_time_ms End time of the API product subscription.
mint.subscription_start_time_ms Start time of the API product subscription. For example: 1618433956209

If the developer did not purchase a subscription to the API product:

  • mint.limitscheck_is_subscription_found flow variable is set to false
  • mint.limitscheck.is_request_blocked is set to true
  • No other flow variables are populated.

For more information, see mint flow variables.

Debugging the Quota policy phase

Apigee monetization uses the Quota policy to enforce the quotas defined at the API product level. Quotas define the number of requests allowed for an API product over a given time period. For more information about the adding the policy, see Enforcing monetization quotas in an API proxies.

For example, the following image shows the details of the Quota policy phase in the request flow where the quota has been exceeded.

Quota policy phase details including the monetization flow variables

In this example, the quota has been exceeded, an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests status is returned, and the flow ratelimit.* flow variables are populated to provide more details about the quota exception. For a description of the ratelimit.*, see the Quota policy flow variables.

Debugging the DataCapture policy phase

Apigee uses the monetization variables captured by the DataCapture policy for rating, calculating revenue share, and analytics. For more information about the capturing the monetization variables in the policy, see Capturing monetization data.

For example, the following image shows the details of the DataCapture policy execution phase in the response flow.

DataCapture policy execution phase with the monetization flow variables

If there are no errors when capturing the monetization variables, the following flow variables are populated for a transaction:

Flow variable Description

Currency for calculating the revenue.

This flow variable has the value of the currency monetization variable.


Revenue for calculating the developer's share.

This flow variable has the value of the revShareGrossPrice monetization variable.


Factor (multiplier) by which the per-transaction cost is multiplied.

This flow variable has the value of the perUnitPriceMultiplier monetization variable.


Specifies if the transaction is monetized.

This flow variable has the value of the transactionSuccess monetization variable.

Debugging the monetized API proxy execution phase

After the successful execution of the monetized API proxy, a set of flow variables are populated with information about the monetization consumption-based fees and rates charged.

For example, the following image shows the details of the Proxy Execution phase in the PostClient flow where the variables are populated.

Proxy Execution phase details including the monetization flow variables

If the monetized API proxy execution succeeds, the following flow variables are populated:

Flow variable Description
message.status.code HTTP status code of the response message from target.

If you have any policy in your response, the value of this variable is overridden by status code returned by the policy.

mint.limitscheck.is_request_blocked Flag that specifies whether the API request is blocked.
mint.mintng_consumption_pricing_rates Consumption-based fees set in the rate plan.
mint.mintng_consumption_pricing_type Consumption-based pricing type set in the rate plan. For example: FIXED_PER_UNIT
mint.mintng_dev_share Revenue to be shared with developer.
mint.mintng_price_multiplier Factor (multiplier) captured from the DataCapture policy. The per-transaction cost is multiplied by this factor.

Rate charged for the API call.

mint.mintng_rate_before_multipliers Rate charged for the API call without the perUnitPriceMultiplier calculation.
mint.mintng_revenue_share_rates Revenue share rates set in the rate plan.
mint.mintng_revenue_share_type Revenue share type set in the rate plan.
mint.prepaid_updated_developer_usage Current usage of the prepaid developer.
mint.status Status of the monetized call. Populated only on error.
mint.status_code HTTP status code of the monetized call. Populated only on error.
mint.tx_success_result Indicates whether monetization is successful for the transaction.

For a detailed description of all the variables, see mint flow variables.