Apigee hybrid uses the industry-standard Prometheus add-on for metrics collection. All Apigee hybrid runtime plane applications expose an HTTP(s) endpoint that a Prometheus server can scrape. The Metrics are formatted in OpenCensus format.
You can use your own metrics collection and reporting service, keeping in mind that Apigee hybrid metrics are formatted in OpenCensus for scraping by a Prometheus server.
The following table lists port number and endpoint where hybrid exposes metrics for scraping for each runtime plane pods.
Apigee component name | Port number | Metrics endpoint |
Cassandra | 7070 |
/metrics |
Connect Agent | 7070 |
/metrics |
Mart | 8843 |
/v1/mart/metrics |
Redis | 8001 |
/stats/promethues |
Runtime | 8843 |
/v1/server/metrics |
Synchronizer | 8843 |
/v1/sync/metrics |
UDCA | 7070 |
/v1/server/metrics |
Watcher | 8843 |
/metricz |
The following example shows collecting metrics on the Runtime component from the command line:
kubectl -nAPIGEE_NAMESPACE port-forwardRUNTIME_POD_NAME 8843:8843 curl -k https://0:8843/v1/server/metrics?type="prometheus"