Part 2: Hybrid runtime setup

Supported platforms

See Apigee hybrid: supported platforms.

Minimum cluster configurations

Your cluster must meet minimum configuration requirements. For details, see Minimum cluster configurations.

Cluster permissions

Each supported platform has its own permission requirements for creating a cluster. After the cluster is created. As cluster owner, you can proceed to install the Apigee-specific components (including Apigee, ASM, and cert-manager) into the cluster. However, if you want to delegate to another user the installation of the runtime components into the cluster, you can manage the necessary permissions through Kubernetes authn-authz.

To install the hybrid runtime components into the cluster, a non-cluster-owner user should have CRUD permission on these resources:

  • ClusterRole
  • Webhooks (ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration)
  • PriorityClass
  • ClusterIssuer
  • CustomerResourceDefinitions
  • StorageClass (Optional, if the default StorageClass is not used. For information on changing the default and creating a custom storage class, see StorageClass configuration.)


This section describes tasks you must accomplish before you begin the runtime plane quickstart install.

Complete the following tasks to ensure that you can successfully begin the runtime installation (as described in this section):

After you have satisfied the above prerequisites, go to the quickstart for your platform: