Shadow API Discovery: management APIs


This page provides reference syntax for managing Apigee Shadow API Discovery from the Apigee Management (APIM) APIs. Documentation for the Management APIs related to Shadow API Discovery, including information on each field in a request, can be found at and

For an overview of Shadow API Discovery and instructions for managing it using the Apigee UI in Cloud console, see Shadow API discovery. Information on the general behaviors and limitations of Shadow API Discovery is in Behaviors and limitations.

Parameters in reference API calls

The API calls on this page can use the following parameters, which refer to either your Apigee account information (such as your project) or information used when creating observation jobs. See Create observation jobs for more information on each of these fields.

  • OBSERVATION_JOB_LOCATION is a location for an observation job.
  • OBSERVATION_JOB_NAME is an observation job name.
  • OBSERVATION_SOURCE_LOCATION is a source location for the observation job.
  • OBSERVATION_SOURCE_NAME is an observation source name.
  • PROJECT is your Apigee project.

Create an observation job

Creating an observation job requires multiple steps/API requests.

  1. Create an observation source: To create a new observation source rather than using an existing one, make a POST request to the observationSources endpoint with the observation source details.
    curl \ \
    -X POST \
    -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
    -d @- <<'EOF'
      "gclbObservationSource": {
        "pscNetworkConfigs": [
            "network": "projects/PROJECT/global/networks/{network_name}",
    Creation of an observation source requires several minutes and starts an LRO, with a response like this:
    "name": "projects/{project/locations/OBSERVATION_SOURCE_LOCATION/operations/operation-",
    "metadata": {
      "@type": "",
      "createTime": "",
      "target": "projects/PROJECT/locations/OBSERVATION_SOURCE_LOCATION/observationSources/OBSERVATION_SOURCE_NAME",
      "verb": "create",
      "requestedCancellation": false,
      "apiVersion": "vl"
    "done": false
  2. To view the newly created observation source:
    curl \
  3. Create an observation job: Create a job that looks for shadow APIs using the source you just created:
    curl \ \
    -X POST \
    -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
    -d @- <<'EOF'
      "sources": [

Enable an observation job

Use the following command to enable a new observation job or a disabled existing job.

curl \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d @- <<'EOF'

View discovered APIs

To view APIs discovered by enabled observation jobs, submit this command:

curl \

Disable an observation job

This request disables an observation job without deleting it.

curl \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d @- <<'EOF'

Delete an observation job

This request deletes an observation job.

curl -X DELETE

Delete an observation source

This request deletes an observation source.

curl -X DELETE