Uninstall hybrid runtime

You can uninstall a Hybrid Helm install with the following commands:

  1. Uninstall the resources in your apigee namespace:
    helm uninstall -n apigee ENV_GROUP_RELEASE_NAME ENV_RELEASE_NAME ORG_NAME ingress-manager telemetry redis datastore
    • ENV_GROUP_RELEASE_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-virtualhost chart. In hybrid v1.10, it is usually apigee-virtualhost-ENV_GROUP_NAME. In Hybrid v1.11 and newer it is usually ENV_GROUP_NAME.
    • ENV_RELEASE_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-env chart. In hybrid v1.10, it is usually apigee-env-ENV_NAME. In Hybrid v1.11 and newer it is usually ENV_NAME.
    • ORG_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-org chart. It is usually your organization name.
  2. After uninstalling the resources in the apigee namespace, uninstall apigee-operator.
    helm uninstall -n apigee-system operator
  3. Delete the Apigee CRDs:
    kubectl delete -k  apigee-operator/etc/crds/default/

To delete Apigee components within a specific scope, use apigeectl with the flags for the scope that includes those components:

  • --all-envs: all environment-scope components in all the environments under the organization named in the override config file
  • --datastore: Cassandra.
  • --env env-name: the environment-scope components: Runtime, Synchronizer, and UDCA
  • --org: the organization-scope components: Apigee Connect Agent, Mart, and Watcher
  • --settings virtualhosts: virtualhost settings only
  • --telemetry: Logger and Metrics

For example:

apigeectl delete -f your_overrides_file.yaml --org --env env-name

To delete only the Apigee components from the cluster, use this command:

apigeectl delete -f your_overrides_file.yaml

Use the following commands to delete the entire Apigee hybrid installation except cert-manager from your cluster:

  1. Run apigeectl delete with the default scope:
    apigeectl delete -f your_overrides_file.yaml
  2. Verify that the Apigee hybrid components were deleted:
    kubectl -n apigee get apigeedatastore,apigeeredis,apigeetelemetry,org,env,arc

    Your output should be empty

  3. Run apigeectl delete again with --all:
    apigeectl delete --all -f your_overrides_file.yaml

To uninstall cert-manager, see Uninstalling on Kubernetes in the cert-manager documentation.

For more information about the apigeectl command, see apigeectl.

Use the following command to remove cert-manager:

kubectl -n cert-manager delete secret apigee-ca