Setting up API key validation

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

You can set up API key validation for an API by attaching a policy of type Verify API Key. The only required setting for a VerifyAPIKey policy is the expected location of the API key in the client request. The API proxy will check the location that you specify, and extract the API key. If the API key is not present in the expected location, then an error is thrown and the request is rejected. API keys can be located in a query parameter, a form parameter, or an HTTP header.

For example, the policy configuration below defines the expected key location as a query parameter named apikey. A successful request must present the API key as a query parameter appended to the request, for example,?apikey=Y7yeiuhcbKJHD790.

To verify API keys, create the following policy:

<VerifyAPIKey name="APIKeyValidation">
  <APIKey ref="request.queryparam.apikey"/>

This policy can be attached to any API that you need to protect.

Comprehensive documentation of this policy type can be found in the policy reference topic, VerifyAPIKey policy.

API proxies automatically pass through all HTTP headers and query parameters that are present on the request. Therefore, after the API key has been verified, it's a good idea to strip it from the message so that the API key is not sent over the wire to the backend service. You can do that using a policy of type AssignMessage as follows:

<AssignMessage name="StripApiKey">
    <DisplayName>Remove Query Param</DisplayName>
            <QueryParam name="apikey"/>
    <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"></AssignTo>

Policy attachment

The policies must be attached to an API proxy Flow as processing Steps. By applying the policy to the request PreFlow, API keys are verified on every request received by the API proxy from a client app. After verification, the API key is stripped from the outbound request.

Attach the policies to the ProxyEndpoint of the API proxy to be protected as follows:

<ProxyEndpoint name="default">

After you attach the policy, deploy the API proxy.

Submitting a request with a valid API key

As an admin in your organization, you can retrieve any app's API key as follows:

curl "$ORG/developers/$DEVELOPER_EMAIL/apps/$APP \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Where $TOKEN is set to your OAuth 2.0 access token, as described in Obtaining an OAuth 2.0 access token. For information about the curl options used in this example, see Using curl. For a description of the environment variables used, see Setting environment variables for Apigee API requests.

The app profile that is returned for this call provides the consumer key (API key) and secret. The consumer key value is the value you use for the API key in your request to the protected API.

For example, a request that does not include an API key results in an authorization failure.


The failure message indicates that the policy checked for an API key but did not find a valid key:

OAuth Failure : Could not resolve the app key with variable request.queryparam.apikey

When the consumer key for the app is included as a query parameter, the expected result is successful authorization:


The expected result is a successful response from the weather service.

Modifying the value of the API key value in the request results in an authorization failure:


Results in:

OAuth Failure : Consumer Key is Invalid