Upgrading Apigee hybrid to version 1.4

Upgrading to version 1.4.4 overview.

The procedures for upgrading Apigee hybrid are organized in the following sections:

  1. Backup your hybrid installation.
  2. Check your Kubernetes version and upgrade as appropriate.
  3. Upgrade ASM.
  4. Install hybrid runtime version 1.4.


Upgrade to version 1.4

  1. (Recommended) Make a backup copy of your version 1.3 $APIGEECTL_HOME/ directory. For example:
    tar -czvf $APIGEECTL_HOME/../apigeectl-v1.3-backup.tar.gz $APIGEECTL_HOME
  2. (Recommended) Backup your Cassandra database following the instructions in Cassandra backup and recovery
  3. Upgrade your Kubernetes platform as follows. Follow your platform's documentation if you need help:
    Platform Upgrade to version
    GKE 1.18.x
    GKE on-prem (Anthos) 1.5.x
    AKS 1.18.x using Anthos attached clusters
    EKS 1.18.x using Anthos attached clusters
  4. Upgrade ASM to version 1.6.x.
    1. Perform the upgrade using the ASM documentation:
    2. Specify the following ingress ports and set the runAsRoot property to true in your istio-operator.yaml file"
          … … …
                  - port: 15021
                    name: status-port
                    targetPort: 15021
                  - port: 80
                    name: http2
                    targetPort: 80
                  - port: 443
                    name: https
                    targetPort: 443
          … … …
                runAsRoot: true 
    3. Create PeerAuthentication CRs for disabling mTLS in your istio-operator.yaml file:
      apiVersion: security.istio.io/v1beta1
      kind: PeerAuthentication
        name: apigee-system
        namespace: apigee-system
          mode: DISABLE
      apiVersion: security.istio.io/v1beta1
      kind: PeerAuthentication
        name: user-namespace
        namespace: user-namespace
          mode: DISABLE
    4. Apply these changes with istioctl as described in the ASM documentation:

Install the hybrid 1.4.4 runtime

  1. Store the latest version number in a variable:
    export VERSION=$(curl -s \
  2. Check that the variable was populated with a version number. If you want to use a different version, you can save that in an environment variable instead. For example:
    echo $VERSION
  3. Download the release package for your operating system:

    Mac 64 bit:

    curl -LO \

    Linux 64 bit:

    curl -LO \

    Mac 32 bit:

    curl -LO \

    Linux 32 bit:

    curl -LO \
  4. Rename your current apigeectl/ directory to a backup directory name. For example:
  5. Extract the downloaded gzip file contents into your hybrid base directory. For example:

    tar xvzf filename.tar.gz -C hybrid-base-directory
  6. cd to the base directory.
  7. The tar contents are, by default, expanded into a directory with the version and platform in its name. For example: ./apigeectl_1.4.4-xxx_linux_64. Rename that directory to apigeectl:

    mv apigeectl_1.4.5-xxx_linux_64 apigeectl
  8. In the new apigeectl/ directory, run apigeectl init, apigeectl apply, and apigeectl check-ready:
    1. Initialize hybrid 1.4.4:
      apigeectl init -f overrides.yaml

      Where overrides.yaml is your edited overrides.yaml file.

    2. Check that it initialized correctly with the following commands:
      apigeectl check-ready -f overrides.yaml
      kubectl describe apigeeds -n apigee

      Your output should look something like:

        Cassandra Data Replication:
        Cassandra Pod Ips:

        Cassandra Ready Replicas:  1
            Last Successfully Released Version:
              Revision:  v1-f8aa9a82b9f69613
              Version:   v1
              Available:  1
              Ready:      1
              Total:      1
              Updated:    1
            State:        running
          In Progress:         false
          Requested Replicas:  0
        State:                 running
    3. The syntax of the apigeectl --dry-run flag depends on the version of kubectl you are running. Check the version of kubectl:
      gcloud version
    4. Check for errors with a dry run with the command appropriate to your version of kubectl:

      kubectl version 1.17 and older:

      apigeectl apply -f overrides.yaml --dry-run=true

      kubectl version 1.18 and newer:

      apigeectl apply -f overrides.yaml --dry-run=client
    5. Apply your overrides. Select and follow the instructions for production environments or demo/experimental environments, depending on your installation.

      For production environments you should upgrade each hybrid component individually, and check the status of the upgraded component before proceeding to the next component.

      1. Apply your overrides to upgrade Cassandra:
        apigeectl apply -f overrides.yaml --datastore
      2. Check completion:
        kubectl -n namespace get pods
        apigeectl check-ready -f overrides.yaml

        Where namespace is your Apigee hybrid namespace.

        Proceed to the next step only when the pods are ready.

      3. Apply your overrides to upgrade Telemetry components and check completion:
        apigeectl apply -f overrides.yaml --telemetry
        kubectl -n namespace get pods
        apigeectl check-ready -f overrides.yaml
      4. Apply your overrides to upgrade the org-level components (MART, Watcher and Apigee Connect) and check completion:
        apigeectl apply -f overrides.yaml --org
        kubectl -n namespace get pods
        apigeectl check-ready -f overrides.yaml
      5. Apply your overrides to upgrade your environments. You have two choices:
        • Environment by environment: Apply your overrides to one environment at a time and check completion. Repeat this step for each environment:
          apigeectl apply -f overrides.yaml --env env_name
          kubectl -n namespace get pods
          apigeectl check-ready -f overrides.yaml

          Where env_name is the name of the environment you are upgrading.

        • All environments at one time: Apply your overrides to all environments at once and check completion:
          apigeectl apply -f overrides.yaml --all-envs
          kubectl -n namespace get pods
          apigeectl check-ready -f overrides.yaml

      In most demo or experimental environments, you can apply the overrides to all components at once. If your demo/experimental environment large and complex or closely mimics a production environment, you may want to use the instructions for upgrading production environments

      1. apigeectl apply -f overrides.yaml
      2. Check the status:
        apigeectl check-ready -f overrides.yaml

    Congratulations! You have successfully upgraded to Apigee hybrid version 1.4.4.