Generating monetization reports

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

By using Apigee's Custom Reports feature, you can generate reports to view monetization information of your APIs. To generate the reports, you can use the Apigee UI, the stats API, or the queries API as described in the following sections:

Monetization metrics and dimensions

Apigee provides the following monetization metrics and dimensions:

  • Metrics and dimensions for transactions using an API proxy
  • Metrics and dimensions for fee-based transactions

Metrics and dimensions for transactions using an API proxy

The following tables list the x_apigee_mintng_* metrics and dimensions available for transactions using an API proxy:

  • Metrics
    Name in UI Name in API Description
    Api price multiplier x_apigee_mintng_price_multiplier The factor (multiplier) by which the per-transaction cost is multiplied.
    Developer share of revenue x_apigee_mintng_dev_share Developer's share in a transaction's revenue.
    Monetization price x_apigee_mintng_price Total revenue of a transaction.
    Monetization rates x_apigee_mintng_rate Rate charged for a transaction.
  • Dimensions
    Name in UI Name in API Description
    Revenue currency x_apigee_mintng_currency Currency of the transaction revenue.
    Transaction success x_apigee_mintng_tx_success Monetization status of the transaction.

Metrics and dimensions for fee-based transactions

The following tables list the metrics and dimensions available only for fee-based transactions:

  • Metrics
    Name in UI Name in API Description
    Fees fees Amount representing the setup fee, recurring fees, and prepaid topup.
  • Dimensions
    Name in UI Name in API Description
    API Product api_product API product corresponding to the rate plan for which the setup fee, recurring fee, or prepaid topup fee applies. The value is empty for a prepaid topup.
    Developer Email developer_email Developer to be charged with the setup fee, recurring fees, or prepaid topup.
    Fees type fees_type Type of fee. It can be a setup fee, recurring fee, or prepaid topup. This dimension will be null when used with any metric other than the fees.
    Period end period_end

    Currently available in Apigee orgs, not Apigee hybrid orgs.

    End of the period for which recurring fees are charged. For example, for a monthly fee this is the last day of the month.

    Period start period_start

    Currently available in Apigee orgs, not Apigee hybrid orgs.

    Start of the period for which recurring fees are charged. For example, for a monthly fee this is the first day of the month.

    Revenue currency x_apigee_mintng_currency Currency of the setup fee, recurring fee, or prepaid topup.
    Rate plan ID x_apigee_mintng_rate_plan_id

    Currently available in Apigee orgs, not Apigee hybrid orgs.

    The monetization rate plan for the app developer.

For detailed descriptions of these metrics and dimensions, see Analytics metrics, dimensions, and filters reference.

The following sample custom report displays the sum of Monetization rates across all the developer apps:

Results of custom report showing sum of monetization rates

For each developer app, the sample, shows the total cost of all the transactions from 1-Apr-2021 to 15-Apr-2021. The cost is calculated based on the consumption-based pricing as configured in your rate plan. Notice that in this example, the metric (x_apigee_mintng_rate) is a monetization field but the dimension (developer_app) is a non-monetization field. So, based on your requirements, you can generate reports with a combination of both monetization and non-monetization fields.

You can also limit your results based on metric characteristics by using filters.

Exporting monetization analytics data

In Apigee you do not need to perform any additional steps to export your monetization analytics data. If you are exporting analytics data, Apigee exports the following monetization fields along with regular analytics data. When fee-based transactions and transactions using an API proxy are exported together, each record exports with the common metrics and dimensions, with other (non-related) metrics and dimensions set to NULL.
  • client_received_start_timestamp
  • period_end
  • period_start
  • x_apigee_mintng_currency
  • x_apigee_mintng_dev_share
  • x_apigee_mintng_price
  • x_apigee_mintng_price_multiplier
  • x_apigee_mintng_rate
  • x_apigee_mintng_rate_plan_id
  • x_apigee_mintng_tx_success