Configure the MART service account

This topic explains how to configure the MART service account.

Adding the MART service account

MART requires a Google Cloud service account for authentication.

  1. Locate the key file for the apigee-mart service account. The file should have a .json extension.
    ls $HYBRID_FILES/service-accounts
    • PROD installations: apigee-mart.json
    • NON-PROD installations: apigee-non-prod.json
  2. If you do not see the MART service account file, create and download it with the create-service-account utility:
    1. Make sure your PROJECT_ID environment variable is set:
      echo $PROJECT_ID

      Define it if needed:

      export PROJECT_ID=my-project-id
    2. Create the MART service account:
      $HYBRID_FILES/tools/create-service-account \
        --env prod \
        --profile apigee-mart \
        --dir $HYBRID_FILES/service-accounts
      $HYBRID_FILES/tools/create-service-account \
        --env non-prod \
        --profile apigee-mart \
        --dir $HYBRID_FILES/service-accounts
  3. Edit your overrides.yaml file and add the key file path to the mart.serviceAccountPath property:
      serviceAccountPath: path_to_apigee-mart.json
      serviceAccountPath: path_to_apigee-non-prod.json

    For example:

      serviceAccountPath: /apigee/hybrid/hyprid-files/service-accounts/apigee-mart.json
  4. Apply your changes with apigeectl apply:
    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f overrides/overrides.yaml