This topic explains how to configure authentication for communication between Cassandra nodes and between clients and Cassandra nodes.
How to configure TLS for Cassandra in the runtime plane
Cassandra provides secure communication between a client machine and a database cluster and between nodes within a cluster. Enabling encryption ensures that data in flight is not compromised and is transferred securely. In Apigee hybrid, TLS is enabled by default for any communication between Cassandra nodes and between clients and Cassandra nodes.
You can configure the authentication using username/password combinations either placed directly in the overrides file or added to a Kubernetes Secret, as explained in this topic.
About Cassandra user authentication
The hybrid platform uses Cassandra as the backend datastore for runtime plane data. By default, any of the client communications to Cassandra require authentication. There are multiple client users that communicate with Cassandra. Default passwords are provided for these users, and you are not required to change them.
These users, including a default user, are described below:
- DML User: Used by the client communication to read and write data to Cassandra (KMS, KVM, Cache and Quota).
- DDL User: Used by MART for any of the data definition tasks like keyspace creation, update, and deletion.
- Admin User: Used for any administrative activities performed on cassandra cluster.
- Default Cassandra user: Cassandra creates a default user when
Authentication is enabled and the username is
- JMX User: Used to authenticate and communicate with the Cassandra JMX interface.
- Jolokia User: Used to authenticate and communicate with the Cassandra JMX API.
Changing the default passwords in the overrides file
Apigee hybrid provides default passwords for the Cassandra users. If you want to change
the default user passwords, you can do so in the
file. Add the following configuration, change the default
passwords ("iloveapis123") as you wish, and apply the change to
your cluster.
cassandra: auth: default: ## the password for the new default user (static username: cassandra) password: "iloveapis123" admin: ## the password for the admin user (static username: admin_user) password: "iloveapis123" ddl: ## the password for the DDL User (static username: ddl_user) password: "iloveapis123" dml: ## the password for the DML User (static username: dml_user) password: "iloveapis123" jmx: username: "jmxuser" ## the username for the JMX User password: "iloveapis123" ## the password for the JMX User jolokia: username: "jolokiauser" ## the username to access jolokia interface password: "iloveapis123" ## the password for jolokia user
Note the following:
- Certificate Authority (CA) rotation is not supported.
- A server certificate which is generated with passphrase is not supported.
Setting usernames and passwords in a Kubernetes Secret
This section explains how to configure Cassandra to use Kubernetes Secrets for authentication.
Create the Secret
Use the following template to configure the Kubernetes Secret. Save the template to a file and edit the required attributes. Note that if you use this option, you must provide the usernames with each password.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name:$SECRET_NAME namespace:$APIGEE_NAMESPACE type: Opaque data: default.password:$PASSWORD #base64-encoded string admin.user:$USERNAME #base64-encoded string admin.password:$PASSWORD #base64-encoded string dml.user:$USERNAME #base64-encoded string dml.password:$PASSWORD #base64-encoded string ddl.user:$USERNAME #base64-encoded string ddl.password:$PASSWORD #base64-encoded string jmx.user:$USERNAME #base64-encoded string jmx.password:$PASSWORD #base64-encoded string jolokia.user:$USERNAME #base64-encoded string jolokia.password:$PASSWORD #base64-encoded string
Where $SECRET_NAME is the name you choose for the Secret, $APIGEE_NAMESPACE
is the namespace where the Apigee pods are deployed (default is apigee
), and $USERNAME
and $PASSWORD are the usernames and passwords for each user. Note that the
username and password must be Base64-encoded.
Apply the Secret to the cluster. For example:
kubectl apply -f$SECRET_FILE
Add the Secret to your overrides file:
cassandra: auth: secret:$SECRET_NAME
Apply the updated Cassandra override to the cluster:
$APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f overrides/overrides.yaml --datastore
Check the Cassandra logs
Check the logs as soon as Cassandra starts up. The log below shows you that the Cassandra client connections are encrypted.
kubectl logs apigee-cassandra-2 -n apigee -f INFO 00:44:36 Starting listening for CQL clients on / (encrypted)... INFO 00:44:36 Binding thrift service to / INFO 00:44:36 enabling encrypted thrift connections between client and server INFO 00:44:36 Listening for thrift clients...