Create environments

This topic explains how to create new environments for Apigee hybrid. For an introduction, see About environments and environment groups.

About environment creation

Environment creation is a two-step process:

  • Create an environment in the management plane using either the UI or an Apigee API.
  • Add configuration for that environment to your overrides file and apply it to the cluster.

The steps for adding an environment are described in adding and configuring an environment are explained in Step 5: Add an environment and Specify configuration overrides.

How to create an environment

  1. Create one or more new environments in the Apigee UI or with the Create environments API. For the basic steps, see Step 5: Add an environment.
  2. Add a new environment definition to the envs[] property in your overrides file. Note that the property is an array; therefore, you can add more than one environment definition to it. Give the new environment the same name as the environment you created in the UI. For example, the following configuration defines two environments: test and prod:

    namespace: my-namespace
    org: my-organization
      - name: test
          synchronizer: "your_keypath/synchronizer-manager-service-account.json
          udca: "your_keypath/analytic-agent-service-account.json
      - name: prod
          synchronizer: "your_keypath/synchronizer-manager-service-account.json
          udca: "your_keypath/analytic-agent-service-account.json
  3. Apply any changes to the cluster:

    With Helm charts, apply the changes to each environment in sequence with the following commands.

    For example:

    helm upgrade ENV_RELEASE_NAME apigee-env/ \
      --install \
      --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
      --set env=ENV_NAME \

      ENV_RELEASE_NAME is a name used to track installation and upgrades of the apigee-env chart. Helm release names must be unique within your Apigee hybrid installation. If you environment name is unique, this can be the same as ENV_NAME. However, if you have the same name for your environment and environment group, make sure to enter a unique Helm release name for each. For example, if both are named dev you could use something like dev-env-release and dev-envgroup-release.

      For more information on releases in Helm, see Three big concepts in the Helm documentation.

    The test environment:

    helm upgrade test-release apigee-env/ \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      --set env=test \
      -f OVERRIDES_FILE.yaml

    The prod environment:

    helm upgrade prod-release apigee-env/ \
      --namespace apigee \
      --set env=prod \
      --atomic \
      -f OVERRIDES_FILE.yaml

    With apigeectl you can apply the changes to each environment individually with the --env ENV_NAME flag or to all environments at the same time with the --all-envsflag. For example:

    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE.yaml --all-envs

For more information about virtual host configuration see Configure virtual hosts. For a complete list of environment configuration elements, see envs in the Configuration property reference.