Step 10 (Optional): Configure Workload Identity on GKE

GKE with Workload Identity only: Configure Workload Identity

Follow these steps if you set up your overrides file for Workload Identity on GKE in Step 6: Configure the cluster.

If you are not using Workload Identity on GKE, proceed to Part 3, Step 1: Expose Apigee ingress gateway.

Google Cloud service accounts and Kubernetes service accounts

A Google Cloud service account is a special kind of account that can be used to make authorized API calls by authenticating as the service account itself. Google Cloud service accounts can be given roles and permissions similar to an individual user. When an application authenticates as a service account, it has access to all resources that the service account has permission to access. If you want to learn more about Google Cloud service accounts, see Service accounts overview.

You created Google Cloud service accounts for your Apigee hybrid installation in Step 4: Create service accounts. Apigee uses these service accounts to authenticate the hybrid components.

Kubernetes service accounts are similar to Google Cloud service accounts. A Kubernetes service account provides an identity for processes that run in a Pod, and allows it to authenticate to the API server similarly to a user. If you want to learn more about Kubernetes service accounts, see Configure Service Accounts for Pods.

The apigeectl tool created most of the Kubernetes service accounts needed by Apigee hybrid when you ran apigeectl apply in the previous procedure.

When you configure Workload Identity on GKE, you associate the Google Cloud service accounts with the Kubernetes service accounts in the Kubernetes cluster. That way, the Kubernetes service accounts can impersonate the Google Cloud service accounts and use their assigned roles and permissions to authenticate with the hybrid components.

Follow these instructions to configure Workload Identity for your project.

Prepare to configure Workload Identity

These procedures make use of the following environment variables. Check that they are defined and define any that are not:

echo $ENV_NAME
echo $ORG_NAME


  • APIGEECTL_HOME is the directory where you installed apigeectl.
  • CLUSTER_LOCATION is the region (or zone) of your cluster, for example us-central1.
  • ENV_NAME is the name of your environment.
  • HYBRID_FILES is the directory where you created your overrides and certs directories.
  • NAMESPACE is your Apigee namespace.
  • PROJECT_ID is your Google Cloud project.
  • ORG_NAME is the name of your Apigee organization.

  1. Check that the current gcloud configuration is set to your Google Cloud project ID with the following command:
    gcloud config get project
  2. If needed, set the current gcloud configuration:

    gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
  3. Create the apigee-cassandra-restore Kubernetes service account.

    When you applied your configuration by running apigeectl apply, the command created most of the Kubernetes service accounts needed for Workload Identity.

    To create the apigee-cassandra-restore Kubernetes service account, run apigeectl apply with the --restore flag:

    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f $HYBRID_FILES/overrides/overrides.yaml --restore
  4. Verify that Workload Identity is enabled for your GKE Cluster. When you created the cluster in Step 1: Create a cluster, step 6 was to Enable Workload Identity. You can confirm if Workload Identity is enabled by running the following command:
    gcloud container clusters describe $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --region $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \
      --flatten 'workloadIdentityConfig'
    gcloud container clusters describe $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --zone $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \
      --flatten 'workloadIdentityConfig'

    Your output should look like the following:


    If you see null instead in your results, run the following command to enable Workload Identity for your cluster:

    gcloud container clusters update $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --workload-pool=$ \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \
      --region $CLUSTER_LOCATION
    gcloud container clusters update  $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --workload-pool=$ \
      --zone $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
      --project $PROJECT_ID
  5. Enable Workload Identity for each node pool with the following commands. This operation can take up to 30 minutes for each node:

    gcloud container node-pools update NODE_POOL_NAME \
      --cluster=$CLUSTER_NAME \
      --region $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \
    gcloud container node-pools update NODE_POOL_NAME \
      --cluster=$CLUSTER_NAME \
      --zone $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \

    Where NODE_POOL_NAME is the name of each node pool. In most Apigee hybrid installations, the two default node pools are named apigee-data and apigee-runtime.

  6. Verify that Workload Identity is enabled on your node pools with the following commands:
    gcloud container node-pools describe apigee-data \
      --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --region $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \
      --flatten "config:"
    gcloud container node-pools describe apigee-runtime \
      --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --region $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \
      --flatten "config:"
    gcloud container node-pools describe apigee-data \
      --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --zone $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \
      --flatten "config:"
    gcloud container node-pools describe apigee-runtime \
      --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --zone $CLUSTER_LOCATION \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \
      --flatten "config:"

    Your output should look something like:

    diskSizeGb: 100
    diskType: pd-standard
      mode: GKE_METADATA
  7. Get a list of the names of the Google Cloud service accounts for your project. You will need these names to associate the Kubernetes service accounts to configure Workload Identity. For non-production installations, there should be only one Google service account. For production installations there should be eight.

    Use the following command to get the list of names:

    gcloud iam service-accounts list --project $PROJECT_ID

    Your output should look something like:

    For non-production environments:

    DISPLAY NAME         EMAIL                                                      DISABLED
    apigee-non-prod      False

    For non-production environments:

    DISPLAY NAME         EMAIL                                                      DISABLED
    apigee-cassandra     False
    apigee-logger        False
    apigee-mart          False
    apigee-metrics       False
    apigee-runtime       False
    apigee-synchronizer  False
    apigee-udca          False
    apigee-watcher       False
  8. Get a list of names of the Kubernetes service accounts. You will need this list of names to associate with your Google Cloud service accounts later in this procedure. Use the following command:
    kubectl get sa -n $NAMESPACE

    Your output should look something like the following. The Kubernetes service accounts in bold are the ones you will need to associate with your Google cloud service accounts:

    NAME                                                         SECRETS   AGE
    apigee-cassandra-backup                                      1         11m
    apigee-cassandra-restore                                     1         11m
    apigee-cassandra-schema-setup-my-project-id-123abcd-sa       1         11m
    apigee-cassandra-schema-val-my-project-id-123abcd            1         11m
    apigee-cassandra-user-setup-my-project-id-123abcd-sa         1         11m
    apigee-connect-agent-my-project-id-123abcd-sa                1         11m
    apigee-datastore-default-sa                                  1         11m
    apigee-ingressgateway                                        1         11m
    apigee-ingressgateway-my-project-id-123abcd                  1         11m
    apigee-ingressgateway-manager                                1         11m
    apigee-init                                                  1         11m
    apigee-mart-my-project-id-123abcd-sa                         1         11m
    apigee-metrics-sa                                            1         11m
    apigee-mint-task-scheduler-my-project-id-123abcd-sa          1         11m
    apigee-redis-default-sa                                      1         11m
    apigee-redis-envoy-default-sa                                1         11m
    apigee-runtime-my-project-id-env-name-234bcde-sa             1         11m
    apigee-synchronizer-my-project-id-env-name-234bcde-sa        1         11m
    apigee-udca-my-project-id-123abcd-sa                         1         11m
    apigee-udca-my-project-id-env-name-234bcde-sa                1         11m
    apigee-watcher-my-project-id-123abcd-sa                      1         11m
    default                                                      1         11m

Configure Workload Identity

Use the following procedure to enable Workload Identity for your Hybrid installation:

  1. For each Apigee component annotate the corresponding Kubernetes service accounts with the Google service account for the component.

    The following steps use two environment variables. You will reset the values of these variables before each set of commands:

    • GSA_NAME: The name of a Google service account. These are the service accounts you created with the create-service-account tool in Step 4: Create service accounts.
    • KSA_NAME: The name of a Kubernetes service account. These are the accounts you listed above with the kubectl get sa -n $NAMESPACE command, for example: apigee-cassandra-schema-setup-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
    • Cassandra

      Configure Workload Identity for the Cassandra component.

      The Cassandra component has six associated Kubernetes service accounts:

      • apigee-cassandra-backup
      • apigee-cassandra-restore
      • apigee-cassandra-schema-setup
      • apigee-cassandra-schema-val (val = validation)
      • apigee-cassandra-user-setup
      • apigee-datastore-default

      Configure the apigee-cassandra-backup Kubernetes service account

      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

        Your output should have a line describing the annotation, similar to:


      Configure the apigee-cassandra-restore Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAMEenvironment variable:

      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

      Configure the apigee-cassandra-schema-setup Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAMEenvironment variable:

        for example: apigee-cassandra-schema-setup-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

      Configure the apigee-cassandra-schema-val Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAMEenvironment variable:

        for example: apigee-cassandra-schema-val-hybrid-example-project-123abcd.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

      Configure the apigee-cassandra-user-setup Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAMEenvironment variable:

        for example: apigee-cassandra-user-setup-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

      Configure the apigee-datastore-default-sa Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAMEenvironment variable:

      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

      Configure the apigee-cassandra-backup Kubernetes service account

      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
      5. Your output should have a line describing the annotation, similar to:

      6. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

      Configure the apigee-cassandra-restore Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAME environment variable:

      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$

      Configure the apigee-cassandra-schema-setup Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAMEenvironment variable:

        for example: apigee-cassandra-schema-setup-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:

        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

      Configure the apigee-cassandra-schema-val Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAMEenvironment variable:

        for example: apigee-cassandra-schema-val-hybrid-example-project-123abcd.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

      Configure the apigee-cassandra-user-setup Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAMEenvironment variable:

        for example: apigee-cassandra-user-setup-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME

      Configure the apigee-datastore-default-sa Kubernetes service account

      1. Redefine the KSA_NAMEenvironment variable:

      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
    • Apigee Connect

      Configure Workload Identity for the Apigee Connect component.

      1. Define the KSA_NAME environment variable:

        for example: apigee-connect-agent-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:
        for example: apigee-connect-agent-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
    • MART

      Configure Workload Identity for the MART component.

      1. Define the KSA_NAME environment variable:

        for example: apigee-mart-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:

        for example: apigee-mart-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
    • Apigee metrics

      Configure Workload Identity for the Apigee metrics component.

      1. Define the KSA_NAMEenvironment variables:

      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:

      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
        --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
        --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
        $GSA_NAME@$ \
        --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
        --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
    • UDCA (org-level)

      Configure Workload Identity for the organization-level UDCA component.

      UDCA is implemented in both organization-level and environment-level scopes. Therefore, there are two separate Kubernetes service accounts for UDCA, one for each scope. You can tell them apart by the name of the account. The env-scope account includes the environment name in the service account name. For example:

      • Org-level: apigee-udca-my-project-id-123abcd-sa where my-project-id is the name project ID.
      • Env-level: apigee-udca-my-project-id-my-env-234bcde-sa where my-env is the name of the environment.
      1. Define the KSA_NAMEenvironment variables:

        for example: apigee-udca-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
          gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
            --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
            --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
            $GSA_NAME@$ \
            --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
          kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
            --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:

        for example: apigee-udca-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
    • Apigee Watcher

      Configure Workload Identity for the Apigee Watcher component.

      1. Define the KSA_NAMEenvironment variables:

        for example: apigee-watcher-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:

        for example: apigee-watcher-hybrid-example-project-123abcd-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
    • Runtime

      Configure Workload Identity for the Apigee Runtime component.

      1. Define the KSA_NAMEenvironment variables:

        for example: apigee-runtime-hybrid-example-project-example-env-234bcde-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:

        for example: apigee-runtime-hybrid-example-project-example-env-234bcde-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
    • Synchronizer

      Configure Workload Identity for the Synchronizer component.

      1. Define the KSA_NAMEenvironment variables:

        for example: apigee-synchronizer-hybrid-example-project-example-env-234bcde-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:

        for example: apigee-synchronizer-hybrid-example-project-example-env-234bcde-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
    • UDCA (env-level)

      Configure Workload Identity for the environment-level UDCA component.

      1. Define the KSA_NAMEenvironment variables:

        for example: apigee-udca-hybrid-example-project-example-env-234bcde-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
      1. Define the KSA_NAME and GSA_NAME environment variables:

        for example: apigee-udca-hybrid-example-project-example-env-234bcde-sa.
      2. Bind the IAM role:
        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
          --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
          --member "serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" \
          $GSA_NAME@$ \
          --project $PROJECT_ID
      3. Annotate the service account:
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$
      4. Verify the annotation:
        kubectl describe serviceaccount \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE $KSA_NAME
  2. Optional: Delete the any downloaded service account key files.

    If you created the Google service accounts with the create-service-account tool, it may have created service account keys and downloaded the .json key files. When using Workload Identity on GKE, you do not need these key files.

    You can delete the key files with the following command:

    rm $HYBRID_FILES/service-accounts/*.json

Verify Workload Identity

  1. (Optional) You can see the status of your Kubernetes service accounts in the Kubernetes: Workloads Overview page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Workloads

  2. To check the status of the deployment again with apigeectl check-ready:
    ${APIGEECTL_HOME}/apigeectl check-ready -f ${HYBRID_FILES}/overrides/overrides.yaml
(NEXT) Step 1: Expose Apigee ingress 2