Introduction to deployments

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

A deployment is an API hub entity that describes where an API is hosted. For example, a deployment could represent an Apigee API proxy, an API deployed to Google Cloud API Gateway, or APIs deployed to other Google Cloud services or non-Google Cloud services.

You can associate an API version with multiple deployments to model scenarios such as dev, staging, universal acceptance testing (UAT), and production deployments corresponding to a given version.

You can also associate multiple versions with a deployment in cases where multiple versions of an API (or potentially different APIs) are deployed together.

A deployment entity includes metadata such as name, display name, description, associated versions, and so on. The following three attributes specify details about the deployed API and are required to create a deployment in API hub:

  • Deployment type: Specifies the type of deployment, such as Apigee, Apigee Hybrid, and Apigee Edge Private Cloud.
  • Resource URI: A URI to the deployment resource. For example, if the deployment resource is of type APIGEE_PROXY, then this field will contain the URI to the management UI of the proxy.
  • Endpoint urls: The endpoints on which the actual deployment of the API is listening to requests. For example, this field could be a list of ID addresses or hostnames.

For details on creating and managing deployments, see Manage deployments.