Discover APIs using APIs list

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

The APIs list is the default page for API hub. It displays a subset of information about all APIs in API hub. The first time you view this page, there are no APIs listed. You must Register or import any APIs that you want to manage using API hub.

APIs list, click for larger image

To view details about an API, click an API row.

Refine the list of APIs displayed using one of the following options:


To specify filter options:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the API hub page.

    Go to API hub

    The APIs list page is displayed by default.

  2. Click Filter. The Filter pane opens.
  3. Specify or select filter options from the following:
    • Match type: Select to display APIs that Match all or Match any of the selected filters.
    • Lifecycle stages: The progressive phase of development of the API
    • Target users: The intended users (consumers) of an API
    • Style: The primary architectural style of the API
    • Team: The producing team responsible for an API
    • Business unit: The business unit responsible for an API
  4. Click Toggle panel to close the Filter pane.
  5. The selected filter properties display the conditional logic (AND or OR) that the filter query is using as shown in the following example.

  6. To clear an individual filter, click the X on the filter. To clear all filters, click Clear all in the Filter pane.


When there are multiple APIs, they are displayed across multiple pages.

To navigate between pages:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the API hub page.

    Go to API hub

    The APIs list page is displayed by default.

  2. From the APIs list, locate the pagination tools as shown below:

  3. Select the number of APIs to display per page.
  4. Click > Forward to go to the next page.
  5. Click < Back to go to the previous page.

Refine the list of APIs displayed to just the APIs that contain a specific search term. The term can be in the API name or API description text.

To search for APIs containing a specific term:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the API hub page.

    Go to API hub

    The APIs list page is displayed by default.

  2. Type a term in the search box. The list of APIs is updated to display only the APIs that contain the specified term.
  3. To clear the search text box, click Clear.


To reorder the list of APIs displayed:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the API hub page.

    Go to API hub

    The APIs list page is displayed by default.

  2. From the APIs list page, locate the API name column heading.
  3. The arrow indicates the current sort priority. A down arrow indicates descending order. An up arrow indicates ascending order.
  4. Click API name to sort the APIs list by name.

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