Sheets - Batch Get task

The Sheets - Batch Get task lets you read and retrieve multiple, discontinuous ranges of values from a Google spreadsheet.

Google Sheets is one of the many cloud-based productivity solutions in Google Workspace. It allows you to create and edit online spreadsheets with real-time collaboration functionality.

Before you begin

Ensure that you perform the following tasks in your Google Cloud project before configuring the Sheets - Batch Get task:

  1. Enable the Google Sheets API (

    Enable the Google Sheets API

  2. Create an authentication profile. Apigee Integration uses an authentication profile to connect to an authentication endpoint for the Sheets - Batch Get task.

    For information about granting additional roles or permissions to a service account, see Granting, changing, and revoking access.

  3. Understand and learn about the common terminologies used in Google Sheet.

Configure the Sheets - Batch Get task

  1. In the Apigee UI, select your Apigee Organization.
  2. Click Develop > Integrations.
  3. Select an existing integration or create a new integration by clicking Create Integration.

    If you are creating a new integration:

    1. Enter a name and description in the Create Integration dialog.
    2. Select a Region for the integration from the list of supported regions.
    3. Click Create.

    This opens the integration in the integration designer.

  4. In the integration designer navigation bar, click +Add a task/trigger > Tasks to view the list of available tasks.
  5. Click and place the Sheets - Batch Get element in the integration designer.
  6. Click the Sheets - Batch Get element on the designer to view the Sheets - Batch Get task configuration pane.
  7. Go to Authentication, and select an existing authentication profile that you want to use.

    Optional. If you have not created an authentication profile prior to configuring the task, Click + New authentication profile and follow the steps as mentioned in Create a new authentication profile.

  8. Go to Task Input, and configure the displayed inputs fields using the following Task input parameters table.

    Changes to the inputs fields are saved automatically.

Task input parameters

The following table describes the input parameters of the Sheets - Batch Get task:

Property Data type Description
SpreadsheetId String The ID of your spreadsheet.

You can find the ID of your spreadsheet from its web URL. For example,

MajorDimension enum (Dimension) The primary category or dimension that should be applied. For example, ROWS or COLUMNS.


Ranges String The A1 notation or R1C1 notation of the range to retrieve values from.
DateTimeRenderOption enum (DateTimeRenderOption) Indicates how values related to date, time, and duration is represented in the output.

Default value: SERIAL_NUMBER

ValueRenderOption enum (ValueRenderOption) Indicates how the retrieved values are represented in the output.

Default value: FORMATTED_VALUE

Task output

The Sheets - Batch Get task returns the response output containing an object with the spreadsheet ID and an array of ValueRange objects corresponding to each requested range, listed in the requested order. Following is a sample output:

        "spreadsheetId": SPREADSHEET_ID,
        "valueRanges": [
            "range": "Sheet1!B1:B1000",
            "majorDimension": "COLUMNS",
            "values": [
            "range": "Sheet1!D1:D1000",
            "majorDimension": "COLUMNS",
            "values": [
              ["Ship Date",42430,42444,42449,42449]

Error handling strategy

An error handling strategy for a task specifies the action to take if the task fails due to a temporary error. For information about how to use an error handling strategy, and to know about the different types of error handling strategies, see Error handling strategies.

What's next

  1. Add edges and edge conditions.
  2. Test and publish your integration.
  3. Configure a trigger.
  4. Add a Data Mapping task.
  5. See all tasks for Google Cloud services.