You've created a Google Cloud account and project and enabled the APIs. Now you can create your organization.
To create an organization, you must meet one of the following conditions:
- Have an evaluation account. Evaluation accounts expire after 60 days. At that time, the organization will be deleted.
- Have a paid account
If neither of these is true, then you must contact Apigee Sales before you can continue.
About org creation
To create a new organization and provision it:
On the command line, get your
authentication credentials, as the following example shows:TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
To check that your token was populated, use
, as the following example shows:echo $TOKEN
This should display your token as an encoded string.
For more information, see gcloud command-line tool overview.
- Send an authenticated
request to the Create organizations API.The following example shows the request structure that creates an organization:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" \ -d '{ "name":"
proposed_org_ID ", "displayName":"display_name ", "description":"organization_description ", "runtimeType":"runtime_type ", "analyticsRegion":"analytics_region " }' \ " "Where:
- (Required) proposed_org_ID is the programmatic ID that you
want for your hybrid-enabled organization. For example,
.Apigee recommends that you use the same ID as the Google Cloud project ID that you created in Step 2: Create a Google Cloud project, but you can use another ID if you want.
- (Required) runtime_type is the runtime type of the Apigee organization, where HYBRID is user-managed Apigee hybrid runtime.
- (Required) analytics_region is the primary region for
analytics data storage. Choose one of the following:
We provide this option so that you can choose a region that is geographically close or if your organization has other storage requirements.
- (Required) project_ID is the Google Cloud project that you want bound to your new hybrid-enabled organization. This is the ID that Google generated for you in Step 2: Create a Google Cloud project.
- (Optional) display_name is the user-friendly name of your organization. This value does not need to be unique, and can include spaces and special characters. For example, "My Hybrid Organization".
- (Optional) organization_description is information about the organization that you'd like to use as a reminder of its purpose. For example, "My first organization".
On a successful creation request, the Organizations API should respond with a message similar to the following:
{ "name": "organizations/
organization_ID /operations/long_running_operation_ID ", "metadata": { "@type": "", "operationType": "INSERT", "targetResourceName": "organizations/organization_ID ", "state": "IN_PROGRESS" } }Where:
- long_running_operation_ID is the UUID of an asynchronous, long-running operation. You can use this ID to check the status of your organizatioin creation request (described later).
- organization_ID is the ID of your new organization that is currently being created.
As the
property in the response indicates, Apigee has started to create the new organization, so it's state isIN_PROGRESS
. This process can take several minutes.If you get an error, see Troubleshooting organization creation.
- (Required) proposed_org_ID is the programmatic ID that you
want for your hybrid-enabled organization. For example,
- You can check the status of the long-running operation whose ID Apigee returned on your
initial creation request. To do this, use the Operations API, as the following example
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ "
organization_ID /operations/long_running_operation_ID "The following examples show possible responses to this request:
When the organization has been provisioned, the state of the long-running operation is
, as the following example shows:{ "operations": [ { "name": "organizations/
organization_ID /operations/long_running_operation_ID ", "metadata": { "@type": "", "operationType": "INSERT", "targetResourceName": "organizations/organization_ID ", "state": "FINISHED" }, "done": true, "response": { "@type": "", "name": "organization_ID ", "createdAt": "1572550611", "lastModifiedAt": "1572550611", "displayName": "display_name " "description": "description " "properties": { "property": [ { "name": "features.hybrid.enabled", "value": "true" } ] }, "analyticsRegion": "us-east1" "runtimeType": "HYBRID", } } ] }If you did not enter a description, then that field will not appear in the response.
Congratulations! You have created a new organization and it is ready for you to use. You can continue to Step 5: Add an environment.
If Apigee is still creating the organization, Apigee responds with a status of
, as the following example shows:{ "name": "organizations/
organization_ID /operations/long_running_operation_ID ", "metadata": { "@type": "", "operationType": "INSERT", "targetResourceName": "organizations/organization_ID ", "state": "IN_PROGRESS" } }You should wait a little longer before attempting to verify that the creation process is complete.
Troubleshooting organization creation
When you create an organization with the Create organizations API, you might get an error response. Responses look like the following:
{ "error": { "code":HTTP_error_code , "message": "short_error_message ", "status": "high_level_error_type ", "details": [ { "@type": "specific_error_type ", "detail": "expanded_error_description " } ] } }
The following example shows a response to a common error—the organization ID contains illegal characters (upper case characters are not allowed in organization IDs):
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "invalid Organization ID \"MY-ORG\": \"MY-ORG\" is an invalid Organization ID", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT", "details": [ { "@type": "", "detail": "[ORIGINAL ERROR] generic::invalid_argument: invalid Organization ID \"MY-ORG\": \"My-ORG\" is an invalid Organization ID [google.rpc.error_details_ext] { message: \"invalid Organization ID \\\"MY-ORG\\\": \\\"MY-ORG\\\" is an invalid Organization ID\" }" } ] } }
In this case, you could rename the organization with lower-case letters and resend your request.
The following table lists errors you might receive and potential resolutions when you try to create a new organization:
HTTP Error Code | HTTP Error | Description |
400 |
Invalid JSON payload received |
Either the structure of the data in your request contains a syntax error or the path to the endpoint is incorrect. |
400 |
Invalid organization ID |
The organization ID that you request cannot contain upper-case letters or any special characters other than hyphens. It must contain only lower-case letters, numbers, and/or hyphens. It can be up to a maximum of 32 characters long. |
400 |
Unsupported analytics region |
You either did not specify the value of the analyticsRegion in your
request body, or the value you specified is not one of the valid options. |
400 |
Does not have an Apigee entitlement |
Your Google Cloud project (that you created in Step 2: Create a Google Cloud project) has not yet been hybrid enabled. This could indicate an issue with your billing or some other error related to your Google Cloud account. For more information, contact Apigee Sales. |
401 |
Request had invalid authentication credentials |
Your gcloud authentication token is either bad or outdated, or you did not include one in the request. Generate a new token and resend the address. |
403 |
Permission denied on resource project project_ID |
You might have sent a request that contained an incorrect project ID or path. |
403 |
Unable to retrieve project information |
The organization has not yet been created or provisioned. You can issue a request to the Operations API to check the status of the long-running operation, as described in the procedure above. |
409 |
Organization already exists |
You tried to create more than one organization for the Google Cloud project. You can only create one organization per project. |
409 |
Org proposed_organization_ID already exists |
You tried to create an organization that has the same ID as one that already exists. Organization IDs must be unique across all hybrid customers. Resubmit with a new proposed organization ID; for example, append a numeric value to the end of the previous ID that you tried. |
Get organization information
You can get a list of all organizations that your account has access to, or you can get details about a specific organization by its ID. To perform these actions, you use the organizations API.
To get a list of all organizations:
Send a GET
request (with no body) to the following List organizations API
For example:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" ""
The response to your request contains an array of all hybrid-enabled organizations that you have access to, in JSON format.
The following example shows a response with a single organization, "my-org-42":
{ "organizations": [ { "organization": "my-org-42", "projectIds": [ "my-project" ] } ] }
To get details about a single organization:
Send a GET
request (with no body) to the following Get organizations API
The following example gets details about the "my-org-42" organization:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" ""
The response to your request contains details about the specified organization in JSON format.
The following example shows a response with details about the "my-org-42" organization:
{ "name": "my-org-42", "createdAt": "1572550611", "lastModifiedAt": "1572550611", "environments": [ "my-environment" ], "analyticsRegion": "us-east1" }