Upgrading to version 1.5.10 overview.
The procedures for upgrading Apigee hybrid are organized in the following sections:
- Backup your hybrid installation.
- Check your Kubernetes version and upgrade as appropriate.
- Upgrade ASM.
- Install hybrid runtime version 1.5.
- Apigee hybrid version 1.4. If you are updating from an earlier version see the instructions for Upgrading Apigee hybrid to version 1.4.
Upgrade to version 1.5
- These instructions use the environment variable APIGEECTL_HOME for the directory
in your file system where you have installed
. If needed,cd
into yourapigeectl
directory and define the variable with the following command:Linux
Mac OS
- (Recommended) Make a backup copy of your version 1.4
directory. For example:tar -czvf $APIGEECTL_HOME/../apigeectl-v1.4-backup.tar.gz $APIGEECTL_HOME
- (Recommended) Backup your Cassandra database following the instructions in Cassandra backup and recovery
- Upgrade your Kubernetes platform to the versions supported by hybrid 1.5. Follow your platform's documentation if you need help.
- If you are running a version of
prior to v1.2.0, you need to upgrade it to v1.2.0.-
Check the current
version using the following command:kubectl -n cert-manager get deployment -o yaml | grep 'image:'
Something similar to the following is returned:
image: quay.io/jetstack/cert-manager-controller:v1.2.0 image: quay.io/jetstack/cert-manager-cainjector:v1.2.0 image: quay.io/jetstack/cert-manager-webhook:v1.2.0
Remove the deployments using the following command:
kubectl delete -n cert-manager deployment cert-manager cert-manager-cainjector cert-manager-webhook
to v1.2.0 version using the following command:kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.2.0/cert-manager.yaml
Upgrade ASM to version 1.12
Perform the upgrade using the ASM documentation appropriate for your platform:
The instructions to install and configure ASM are different depending on your platform. The platforms are divided into the following categories:
- GKE: Google Kubernetes Engine clusters running on Google Cloud.
- Outside Google Cloud: Anthos clusters running on:
- Anthos clusters on VMware (GKE on-prem)
- Anthos on bare metal
- Anthos clusters on AWS
- Amazon EKS
- Other Kubernetes Platforms: Conformant clusters created and running on:
- OpenShift
The sequence for upgrading to ASM version 1.8.x for your hybrid installation is as follows:
- Prepare for the upgrade.
- Install the new version of ASM.
- Delete the previous ASM version's deployments, services, and webhooks from your current installation.
- Upgrade your gateways and configure the new webhooks.
To upgrade to ASM version 1.8.x for hybrid on GKE:
- Review the requirements in Upgrade Anthos Service Mesh, but do not perform the upgrade yet.
- Before installing the new version, determine the current revision. You will need
this information to delete the previous ASM version's deployments, services, and
webhooks from your current installation. Use the following command to store the
current istiod revision to an environment variable:
export DELETE_REV=$(kubectl get deploy -n istio-system -l app=istiod -o jsonpath={.items[].metadata.labels.'istio\.io\/rev'}'{"\n"}') echo ${DELETE_REV}
- Create a new
file or verify that your existingoverlay.yaml
contains the following contents:apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 kind: IstioOperator spec: revision: asm-1129-3 components: ingressGateways: - name: istio-ingressgateway enabled: true k8s: nodeSelector: # default node selector, if different or not using node selectors, change accordingly. cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool: apigee-runtime resources: requests: cpu: 1000m service: type: LoadBalancer loadBalancerIP: STATIC_IP # If you do not have a reserved static IP, leave this out. ports: - name: http-status-port port: 15021 - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 8080 - name: https port: 443 targetPort: 8443 meshConfig: accessLogFormat: '{"start_time":"%START_TIME%","remote_address":"%DOWNSTREAM_DIRECT_REMOTE_ADDRESS%","user_agent":"%REQ(USER-AGENT)%","host":"%REQ(:AUTHORITY)%","request":"%REQ(:METHOD)% %REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)% %PROTOCOL%","request_time":"%DURATION%","status":"%RESPONSE_CODE%","status_details":"%RESPONSE_CODE_DETAILS%","bytes_received":"%BYTES_RECEIVED%","bytes_sent":"%BYTES_SENT%","upstream_address":"%UPSTREAM_HOST%","upstream_response_flags":"%RESPONSE_FLAGS%","upstream_response_time":"%RESPONSE_DURATION%","upstream_service_time":"%RESP(X-ENVOY-UPSTREAM-SERVICE-TIME)%","upstream_cluster":"%UPSTREAM_CLUSTER%","x_forwarded_for":"%REQ(X-FORWARDED-FOR)%","request_method":"%REQ(:METHOD)%","request_path":"%REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)%","request_protocol":"%PROTOCOL%","tls_protocol":"%DOWNSTREAM_TLS_VERSION%","request_id":"%REQ(X-REQUEST-ID)%","sni_host":"%REQUESTED_SERVER_NAME%","apigee_dynamic_data":"%DYNAMIC_METADATA(envoy.lua)%"}'
- Follow the instructions in the following sections in the ASM documentation:
- Download asmcli
- Grant cluster admin permissions
- Validate project and cluster
- Upgrade with optional features. Stop before starting the "Upgrade Gateways section"
- Delete the mutating webhook and validating webhook:
into the directory where you installedasmcli
.- Store the current new revision in an environment variable to use in the script
to delete the webhooks:
- create a shell script containing the following commands:
#!/bin/bash set -ex PROJECT_ID="YOUR_PROJECT_ID" CLUSTER_NAME="YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME" CLUSTER_LOCATION="YOUR_CLUSTER_LOCATION" kubectl label namespace istio-system istio.io/rev=${UPGRADE_REV} istio-injection- --overwrite kubectl rollout restart deployment -n istio-system kubectl apply -n istio-system -f PATH_TO_INGRESSGATEWAYistio-ingressgateway kubectl apply -n istio-system -f PATH_TO_INGRESSGATEWAY/istio-ingressgateway-connectors if [[ "${DELETE_REV}" != "${UPGRADE_REV}" ]]; then kubectl apply -f out/asm/istio/istiod-service.yaml kubectl delete deploy -l app=istio-ingressgateway,istio.io/rev=${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete deploy -l app=istio-ingressgateway-connectors,istio.io/rev=${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -l app=istiod,istio.io/rev=${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete MutatingWebhookConfiguration -l app=sidecar-injector,istio.io/rev=${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete Service,Deployment,HorizontalPodAutoscaler,PodDisruptionBudget istiod-${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete IstioOperator installed-state-${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true fi
- Execute the script to delete the current webhooks.
- Follow the steps in Upgrade gateways to create the new webhooks and switch traffic to the new gateways.
Outside Google Cloud
These instructions cover upgrading ASM on:
- Anthos clusters on VMware (GKE on-prem)
- Anthos on bare metal
- Anthos clusters on AWS
- Amazon EKS
- Review the requirements in Upgrade Anthos Service Mesh, but do not perform the upgrade yet.
- Before installing the new version, determine the current revision. You will need
this information to delete the validating webhook and mutating webhook
from your current ASM installation. Use the following command to store the current
istiod revision to an environment variable:
export DELETE_REV=$(kubectl get deploy -n istio-system -l app=istiod -o jsonpath={.items[].metadata.labels.'istio\.io\/rev'}'{"\n"}') echo ${DELETE_REV}
- Create a new
file or verify that your existingoverlay.yaml
contains the following contents:apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 kind: IstioOperator spec: revision: asm-1129-3 components: ingressGateways: - name: istio-ingressgateway enabled: true k8s: nodeSelector: # default node selector, if different or not using node selectors, change accordingly. cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool: apigee-runtime resources: requests: cpu: 1000m service: type: LoadBalancer loadBalancerIP: STATIC_IP # If you do not have a reserved static IP, leave this out. ports: - name: http-status-port port: 15021 - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 8080 - name: https port: 443 targetPort: 8443 values: gateways: istio-ingressgateway: runAsRoot: true meshConfig: accessLogFormat: '{"start_time":"%START_TIME%","remote_address":"%DOWNSTREAM_DIRECT_REMOTE_ADDRESS%","user_agent":"%REQ(USER-AGENT)%","host":"%REQ(:AUTHORITY)%","request":"%REQ(:METHOD)% %REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)% %PROTOCOL%","request_time":"%DURATION%","status":"%RESPONSE_CODE%","status_details":"%RESPONSE_CODE_DETAILS%","bytes_received":"%BYTES_RECEIVED%","bytes_sent":"%BYTES_SENT%","upstream_address":"%UPSTREAM_HOST%","upstream_response_flags":"%RESPONSE_FLAGS%","upstream_response_time":"%RESPONSE_DURATION%","upstream_service_time":"%RESP(X-ENVOY-UPSTREAM-SERVICE-TIME)%","upstream_cluster":"%UPSTREAM_CLUSTER%","x_forwarded_for":"%REQ(X-FORWARDED-FOR)%","request_method":"%REQ(:METHOD)%","request_path":"%REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)%","request_protocol":"%PROTOCOL%","tls_protocol":"%DOWNSTREAM_TLS_VERSION%","request_id":"%REQ(X-REQUEST-ID)%","sni_host":"%REQUESTED_SERVER_NAME%","apigee_dynamic_data":"%DYNAMIC_METADATA(envoy.lua)%"}'
- Follow the instructions in the following sections in the ASM documentation:
- Download asmcli
- Grant cluster admin permissions
- Validate project and cluster
- Upgrade with optional features. Stop before starting the "Upgrade Gateways section"
- Delete the mutating webhook and validating webhook:
into the directory where you installedasmcli
.- Store the current new revision in an environment variable to use in the script
to delete the webhooks:
- create a shell script containing the following commands:
#!/bin/bash set -ex PROJECT_ID="YOUR_PROJECT_ID" CLUSTER_NAME="YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME" CLUSTER_LOCATION="YOUR_CLUSTER_LOCATION" gcloud config configurations activate ${PROJECT_ID} gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} --region ${CLUSTER_LOCATION} --project ${PROJECT_ID} kubectl label namespace istio-system istio.io/rev=${UPGRADE_REV} istio-injection- --overwrite kubectl rollout restart deployment -n istio-system kubectl apply -n istio-system -f PATH_TO_INGRESSGATEWAYistio-ingressgateway kubectl apply -n istio-system -f PATH_TO_INGRESSGATEWAY/istio-ingressgateway-connectors if [[ "${DELETE_REV}" != "${UPGRADE_REV}" ]]; then kubectl apply -f out/asm/istio/istiod-service.yaml kubectl delete deploy -l app=istio-ingressgateway,istio.io/rev=${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete deploy -l app=istio-ingressgateway-connectors,istio.io/rev=${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -l app=istiod,istio.io/rev=${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete MutatingWebhookConfiguration -l app=sidecar-injector,istio.io/rev=${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete Service,Deployment,HorizontalPodAutoscaler,PodDisruptionBudget istiod-${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete IstioOperator installed-state-${DELETE_REV} -n istio-system --ignore-not-found=true fi
- Execute the script to delete the current webhooks.
- Follow the steps in Upgrade gateways to create the new webhooks and switch traffic to the new gateways.
In these instructions the process of upgrading Anthos Service Mesh (ASM) version istio-1.12.9-asm.3 on Anthos attached clusters is the same as performing a fresh install.
Preparing to install Anthos Service Mesh
- Download the Anthos Service Mesh installation file to your current working directory:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
- Download the signature file and use openssl to verify the signature:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz.1.sig
openssl dgst -verify /dev/stdin -signature istio-1.12.9-asm.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz.1.sig istio-1.12.9-asm.3.tar.gz <<'EOF'
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEWZrGCUaJJr1H8a36sG4UUoXvlXvZ wQfk16sxprI2gOJ2vFFggdq3ixF2h4qNBt0kI7ciDhgpwS8t+/960IsIgw== -----END PUBLIC KEY----- EOF - Extract the contents of the file to any location on your file system. For example,
to extract the contents to the current working directory:
tar xzf istio-1.12.9-asm.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
The command creates an installation directory in your current working directory named
that contains:- Sample applications in the
directory. - The
command-line tool that you use to install Anthos Service Mesh is in thebin
directory. - The Anthos Service Mesh configuration profiles are in the
- Sample applications in the
- Ensure that you're in the Anthos Service Mesh installation's root directory:
cd istio-1.12.9-asm.3
- For convenience, add the tools in the /bin directory to your PATH:
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
- Download the Anthos Service Mesh installation file to your current working directory:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-osx.tar.gz
- Download the signature file and use openssl to verify the signature:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-osx.tar.gz.1.sig
openssl dgst -sha256 -verify /dev/stdin -signature istio-1.12.9-asm.3-osx.tar.gz.1.sig istio-1.12.9-asm.3.tar.gz <<'EOF'
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEWZrGCUaJJr1H8a36sG4UUoXvlXvZ wQfk16sxprI2gOJ2vFFggdq3ixF2h4qNBt0kI7ciDhgpwS8t+/960IsIgw== -----END PUBLIC KEY----- EOF - Extract the contents of the file to any location on your file system. For example,
to extract the contents to the current working directory:
tar xzf istio-1.12.9-asm.3-osx.tar.gz
The command creates an installation directory in your current working directory named
that contains:- Sample applications in the
directory. - The
command-line tool that you use to install Anthos Service Mesh is in thebin
directory. - The Anthos Service Mesh configuration profiles are in the
- Sample applications in the
- Ensure that you're in the Anthos Service Mesh installation's root directory:
cd istio-1.12.9-asm.3
- For convenience, add the tools in the /bin directory to your PATH:
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
- Download the Anthos Service Mesh installation file to your current working directory:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-win.zip
- Download the signature file and use openssl to verify the signature:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-win.zip.1.sig
openssl dgst -verify - -signature istio-1.12.9-asm.3-win.zip.1.sig istio-1.12.9-asm.3.win.zip <<'EOF'
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEWZrGCUaJJr1H8a36sG4UUoXvlXvZ wQfk16sxprI2gOJ2vFFggdq3ixF2h4qNBt0kI7ciDhgpwS8t+/960IsIgw== -----END PUBLIC KEY----- EOF - Extract the contents of the file to any location on your file system. For example,
to extract the contents to the current working directory:
tar xzf istio-1.12.9-asm.3-win.zip
The command creates an installation directory in your current working directory named
that contains:- Sample applications in the
directory. - The
command-line tool that you use to install Anthos Service Mesh is in thebin
directory. - The Anthos Service Mesh configuration profiles are in the
- Sample applications in the
- Ensure that you're in the Anthos Service Mesh installation's root directory:
cd istio-1.12.9-asm.3
- For convenience, add the tools in the \bin directory to your PATH:
set PATH=%CD%\bin:%PATH%
- Now that ASM Istio is installed, check the version of
:istioctl version
- Create a namespace called istio-system for the control plane components:
kubectl create namespace istio-system
Mac OS
Configure the validating webhook
When you install Anthos Service Mesh, you set a revision label on istiod. You need to set the same revision on the validating webhook.
- Create a file called
with the following contents:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istiod namespace: istio-system labels: istio.io/rev: asm-1129-3 app: istiod istio: pilot release: istio spec: ports: - port: 15010 name: grpc-xds # plaintext protocol: TCP - port: 15012 name: https-dns # mTLS with k8s-signed cert protocol: TCP - port: 443 name: https-webhook # validation and injection targetPort: 15017 protocol: TCP - port: 15014 name: http-monitoring # prometheus stats protocol: TCP selector: app: istiod istio.io/rev: asm-1129-3 meshConfig: accessLogFormat: '{"start_time":"%START_TIME%","remote_address":"%DOWNSTREAM_DIRECT_REMOTE_ADDRESS%","user_agent":"%REQ(USER-AGENT)%","host":"%REQ(:AUTHORITY)%","request":"%REQ(:METHOD)% %REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)% %PROTOCOL%","request_time":"%DURATION%","status":"%RESPONSE_CODE%","status_details":"%RESPONSE_CODE_DETAILS%","bytes_received":"%BYTES_RECEIVED%","bytes_sent":"%BYTES_SENT%","upstream_address":"%UPSTREAM_HOST%","upstream_response_flags":"%RESPONSE_FLAGS%","upstream_response_time":"%RESPONSE_DURATION%","upstream_service_time":"%RESP(X-ENVOY-UPSTREAM-SERVICE-TIME)%","upstream_cluster":"%UPSTREAM_CLUSTER%","x_forwarded_for":"%REQ(X-FORWARDED-FOR)%","request_method":"%REQ(:METHOD)%","request_path":"%REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)%","request_protocol":"%PROTOCOL%","tls_protocol":"%DOWNSTREAM_TLS_VERSION%","request_id":"%REQ(X-REQUEST-ID)%","sni_host":"%REQUESTED_SERVER_NAME%","apigee_dynamic_data":"%DYNAMIC_METADATA(envoy.lua)%"}'
- Use
to apply the validating webhook configuration:kubectl apply -f istiod-service.yaml
- Verify that the configuration was applied:
kubectl get svc -n istio-system
The response should look similar to:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE istiod ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 22s
Installing Anthos Service Mesh
- Install Anthos Service Mesh with
using theasm-multicloud
profile:istioctl install \ --set profile=asm-multicloud \ --set revision="asm-1129-3"
Your output should look something like:
kubectl get pods -n istio-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE istio-ingressgateway-88b6fd976-flgp2 1/1 Running 0 3m13s istio-ingressgateway-88b6fd976-p5dl9 1/1 Running 0 2m57s istiod-asm-1129-3-798ffb964-2ls88 1/1 Running 0 3m21s istiod-asm-1129-3-798ffb964-fnj8c 1/1 Running 1 3m21s
--set revision
argument adds a revision label in the formatistio.io/rev=asm-1129-3
to istiod. The revision label is used by the automatic sidecar injector webhook to associate injected sidecars with a particular istiod revision. To enable sidecar auto-injection for a namespace, you must label it with a revision that matches the label on istiod. - Verify that your install completed:
kubectl get svc -n istio-system
Your output should look something like:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer 15021:30479/TCP,80:30030/TCP,443:32200/TCP,15012:32297/TCP,15443:30244/TCP 3m35s istiod ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 4m46s istiod-asm-1129-3 ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 3m43s
In these instructions the process of upgrading Anthos Service Mesh (ASM) version istio-1.12.9-asm.3 on Anthos attached clusters is the same as performing a fresh install.
Preparing to install Anthos Service Mesh
- Grant the
security context constraint (SCC) to the istio-system with the following OpenShift CLI (oc
) command:oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:istio-system
- Download the Anthos Service Mesh installation file to your current working directory:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
- Download the signature file and use openssl to verify the signature:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz.1.sig
openssl dgst -verify /dev/stdin -signature istio-1.12.9-asm.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz.1.sig istio-1.12.9-asm.3.tar.gz <<'EOF'
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEWZrGCUaJJr1H8a36sG4UUoXvlXvZ wQfk16sxprI2gOJ2vFFggdq3ixF2h4qNBt0kI7ciDhgpwS8t+/960IsIgw== -----END PUBLIC KEY----- EOF - Extract the contents of the file to any location on your file system. For example,
to extract the contents to the current working directory:
tar xzf istio-1.12.9-asm.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
The command creates an installation directory in your current working directory named
that contains:- Sample applications in the
directory. - The
command-line tool that you use to install Anthos Service Mesh is in thebin
directory. - The Anthos Service Mesh configuration profiles are in the
- Sample applications in the
- Ensure that you're in the Anthos Service Mesh installation's root directory:
cd istio-1.12.9-asm.3
- For convenience, add the tools in the /bin directory to your PATH:
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
- Grant the
security context constraint (SCC) to the istio-system with the following OpenShift CLI (oc
) command:oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:istio-system
- Download the Anthos Service Mesh installation file to your current working directory:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-osx.tar.gz
- Download the signature file and use openssl to verify the signature:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-osx.tar.gz.1.sig
openssl dgst -sha256 -verify /dev/stdin -signature istio-1.12.9-asm.3-osx.tar.gz.1.sig istio-1.12.9-asm.3.tar.gz <<'EOF'
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEWZrGCUaJJr1H8a36sG4UUoXvlXvZ wQfk16sxprI2gOJ2vFFggdq3ixF2h4qNBt0kI7ciDhgpwS8t+/960IsIgw== -----END PUBLIC KEY----- EOF - Extract the contents of the file to any location on your file system. For example,
to extract the contents to the current working directory:
tar xzf istio-1.12.9-asm.3-osx.tar.gz
The command creates an installation directory in your current working directory named
that contains:- Sample applications in the
directory. - The
command-line tool that you use to install Anthos Service Mesh is in thebin
directory. - The Anthos Service Mesh configuration profiles are in the
- Sample applications in the
- Ensure that you're in the Anthos Service Mesh installation's root directory:
cd istio-1.12.9-asm.3
- For convenience, add the tools in the /bin directory to your PATH:
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
- Grant the
security context constraint (SCC) to the istio-system with the following OpenShift CLI (oc
) command:oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:istio-system
- Download the Anthos Service Mesh installation file to your current working directory:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-win.zip
- Download the signature file and use openssl to verify the signature:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/gke-release/asm/istio-1.12.9-asm.3-win.zip.1.sig
openssl dgst -verify - -signature istio-1.12.9-asm.3-win.zip.1.sig istio-1.12.9-asm.3.win.zip <<'EOF'
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEWZrGCUaJJr1H8a36sG4UUoXvlXvZ wQfk16sxprI2gOJ2vFFggdq3ixF2h4qNBt0kI7ciDhgpwS8t+/960IsIgw== -----END PUBLIC KEY----- EOF - Extract the contents of the file to any location on your file system. For example,
to extract the contents to the current working directory:
tar xzf istio-1.12.9-asm.3-win.zip
The command creates an installation directory in your current working directory named
that contains:- Sample applications in the
directory. - The
command-line tool that you use to install Anthos Service Mesh is in thebin
directory. - The Anthos Service Mesh configuration profiles are in the
- Sample applications in the
- Ensure that you're in the Anthos Service Mesh installation's root directory:
cd istio-1.12.9-asm.3
- For convenience, add the tools in the \bin directory to your PATH:
set PATH=%CD%\bin:%PATH%
- Now that ASM Istio is installed, check the version of
:istioctl version
- Create a namespace called istio-system for the control plane components:
kubectl create namespace istio-system
Mac OS
Configure the validating webhook
When you install Anthos Service Mesh, you set a revision label on istiod. You need to set the same revision on the validating webhook.
- Create a file called
with the following contents:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istiod namespace: istio-system labels: istio.io/rev: asm-1129-3 app: istiod istio: pilot release: istio spec: ports: - port: 15010 name: grpc-xds # plaintext protocol: TCP - port: 15012 name: https-dns # mTLS with k8s-signed cert protocol: TCP - port: 443 name: https-webhook # validation and injection targetPort: 15017 protocol: TCP - port: 15014 name: http-monitoring # prometheus stats protocol: TCP selector: app: istiod istio.io/rev: asm-1129-3 meshConfig: accessLogFormat: '{"start_time":"%START_TIME%","remote_address":"%DOWNSTREAM_DIRECT_REMOTE_ADDRESS%","user_agent":"%REQ(USER-AGENT)%","host":"%REQ(:AUTHORITY)%","request":"%REQ(:METHOD)% %REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)% %PROTOCOL%","request_time":"%DURATION%","status":"%RESPONSE_CODE%","status_details":"%RESPONSE_CODE_DETAILS%","bytes_received":"%BYTES_RECEIVED%","bytes_sent":"%BYTES_SENT%","upstream_address":"%UPSTREAM_HOST%","upstream_response_flags":"%RESPONSE_FLAGS%","upstream_response_time":"%RESPONSE_DURATION%","upstream_service_time":"%RESP(X-ENVOY-UPSTREAM-SERVICE-TIME)%","upstream_cluster":"%UPSTREAM_CLUSTER%","x_forwarded_for":"%REQ(X-FORWARDED-FOR)%","request_method":"%REQ(:METHOD)%","request_path":"%REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)%","request_protocol":"%PROTOCOL%","tls_protocol":"%DOWNSTREAM_TLS_VERSION%","request_id":"%REQ(X-REQUEST-ID)%","sni_host":"%REQUESTED_SERVER_NAME%","apigee_dynamic_data":"%DYNAMIC_METADATA(envoy.lua)%"}'
- Use
to apply the validating webhook configuration:kubectl apply -f istiod-service.yaml
- Verify that the configuration was applied:
kubectl get svc -n istio-system
The response should look similar to:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE istiod ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 22s
Installing Anthos Service Mesh
- Install Anthos Service Mesh with
using theasm-multicloud
profile:istioctl install \ --set profile=asm-multicloud \ --set revision=istio-1.12.9-asm.3
Your output should look something like:
kubectl get pods -n istio-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE istio-ingressgateway-88b6fd976-flgp2 1/1 Running 0 3m13s istio-ingressgateway-88b6fd976-p5dl9 1/1 Running 0 2m57s istiod-asm-1129-3-798ffb964-2ls88 1/1 Running 0 3m21s istiod-asm-1129-3-798ffb964-fnj8c 1/1 Running 1 3m21s
--set revision
argument adds a revision label in the formatistio.io/rev=1.8.6-asm.1
to istiod. The revision label is used by the automatic sidecar injector webhook to associate injected sidecars with a particular istiod revision. To enable sidecar auto-injection for a namespace, you must label it with a revision that matches the label on istiod. - Verify that your install completed:
kubectl get svc -n istio-system
Your output should look something like:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer 15021:30479/TCP,80:30030/TCP,443:32200/TCP,15012:32297/TCP,15443:30244/TCP 3m35s istiod ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 4m46s istiod-asm-1129-3 ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 3m43s
Install the hybrid 1.5.10 runtime
Download the release package for your operating system:
Mac 64 bit:
curl -LO \ https://storage.googleapis.com/apigee-release/hybrid/apigee-hybrid-setup/1.5.10/apigeectl_mac_64.tar.gz
Linux 64 bit:
curl -LO \ https://storage.googleapis.com/apigee-release/hybrid/apigee-hybrid-setup/1.5.10/apigeectl_linux_64.tar.gz
Mac 32 bit:
curl -LO \ https://storage.googleapis.com/apigee-release/hybrid/apigee-hybrid-setup/1.5.10/apigeectl_mac_32.tar.gz
Linux 32 bit:
curl -LO \ https://storage.googleapis.com/apigee-release/hybrid/apigee-hybrid-setup/1.5.10/apigeectl_linux_32.tar.gz
- Rename your current
directory to a backup directory name. For example:mv $APIGEECTL_HOME/ $APIGEECTL_HOME-v1.2/
Extract the downloaded gzip file contents into your hybrid base directory. For example:
to the base directory.-
The tar contents are, by default, expanded into a directory with the version and platform in its name. For example:
. Rename that directory toapigeectl
:mv apigeectl_1.5.0-d591b23_linux_64 apigeectl
- In the new
directory, runapigeectl init
,apigeectl apply
, andapigeectl check-ready
:- Initialize hybrid 1.5.10:
apigeectl init -f OVERRIDES
is your editedoverrides.yaml
file. - Check that it initialized correctly with the following commands:
apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES
kubectl describe apigeeds -n apigee
Your output should look something like:
Status: Cassandra Data Replication: Cassandra Pod Ips: Cassandra Ready Replicas: 1 Components: Cassandra: Last Successfully Released Version: Revision: v1-f8aa9a82b9f69613 Version: v1 Replicas: Available: 1 Ready: 1 Total: 1 Updated: 1 State: running Scaling: In Progress: false Operation: Requested Replicas: 0 State: running
- The syntax of the
flag depends on the version ofkubectl
you are running. Check the version ofkubectl
:gcloud version
- Check for errors with a dry run with the command appropriate to your version of
version 1.17 and older:apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES
version 1.18 and newer:apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES
--dry-run=client - Apply your overrides. Select and follow the instructions for production environments or
demo/experimental environments, depending on your installation.
For production environments you should upgrade each hybrid component individually, and check the status of the upgraded component before proceeding to the next component.
- Apply your overrides to upgrade Cassandra:
apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES
--datastore - Check completion:
apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES
Proceed to the next step only when the pods are ready.
- Apply your overrides to upgrade Telemetry components and check completion:
apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES
--telemetryapigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES
- Bring up Redis components:
apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES
--redis - Apply your overrides to upgrade the org-level components (MART, Watcher and Apigee
Connect) and check completion:
apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES
--orgapigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES
- Apply your overrides to upgrade your environments. You have two choices:
- Environment by environment: Apply your overrides to one environment at a time and check completion. Repeat
this step for each environment:
apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES
--env ENV_NAMEapigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES
Where ENV_NAME is the name of the environment you are upgrading.
- All environments at one time: Apply your overrides to all environments at once and check completion:
apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES
--all-envsapigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES
- Environment by environment: Apply your overrides to one environment at a time and check completion. Repeat
this step for each environment:
In most demo or experimental environments, you can apply the overrides to all components at once. If your demo/experimental environment large and complex or closely mimics a production environment, you may want to use the instructions for upgrading production environments
apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES
- Check the status:
apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES
- Apply your overrides to upgrade Cassandra:
- Initialize hybrid 1.5.10:
Rolling back an upgrade
Follow these steps to roll back a previous upgrade:
- Clean up completed jobs for the hybrid runtime namespace, where NAMESPACE is the
namespace specified in your overrides file, if you specified a namespace. If not, the default namespace
:kubectl delete job -n NAMESPACE \ $(kubectl get job -n NAMESPACE \ -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.succeeded==1)].metadata.name}')
- Clean up completed jobs for the
namespace:kubectl delete job -n apigee-system \ $(kubectl get job -n apigee-system \ -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.succeeded==1)].metadata.name}')
- Change the
variable to point to the directory that contains the previous version ofapigeectl
- In the root directory of the installation you want to roll back to, run
apigeectl apply
, check the status of your pods, delete the Redis component (new in hybrid v1.5.0), and then runapigeectl init
. Be sure to use the original overrides file for the version you wish to roll back to:- Run
apigeectl apply
/apigeectl apply -f overrides/ORIGINAL_OVERRIDES.yaml
- Check the status of your pods:
kubectl -n NAMESPACE get pods
Where NAMESPACE is your Apigee hybrid namespace.
Proceed to the next step only when the
pod is running. -
Since Redis is a new component in hybrid v1.5, run the following command to delete it:
apigeectl_1.5.0 delete --redis -f ORIGINAL_OVERRIDES
- Run
apigeectl init
/apigeectl init -f overrides/ORIGINAL_OVERRIDES.yaml
- Run