停用 Hybrid 区域
- 将 kubernetes 上下文设置为需要停用的区域。
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context
kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE gke_example-org-1_us-central1_example-cluster-1 gke_example-org-1_us-central1_example-cluster-1 gke_example-org-1_us-central1_example-cluster-1 apigee * gke_example-org-1_us-central1_example-cluster-2 gke_example-org-1_us-central1_example-cluster-2 gke_example-org-1_us-central1_example-cluster-2 apigee gke_example-org-1_us-west1_example-cluster-2 gke_example-org-1_us-west1_example-cluster-2 gke_example-org-1_us-west1_example-cluster-2 apigeekubectl config use-context gke_example-org-1_us-west1_example-cluster-2
验证区域中的所有 Pod 是否都处于正在运行或已完成状态:
kubectl get pods -n
apigee kubectl get pods -n apigee-system
使用 helm 验证组件的版本:
helm -n
apigee listhelm -n apigee-system list
helm -n apigee list
NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION datastore apigee 2 2024-03-29 17:08:07.917848253 +0000 UTC deployed apigee-datastore-1.12.0 1.12.0 ingress-manager apigee 2 2024-03-29 17:21:02.917333616 +0000 UTC deployed apigee-ingress-manager-1.12.0 1.12.0 redis apigee 2 2024-03-29 17:19:51.143728084 +0000 UTC deployed apigee-redis-1.12.0 1.12.0 telemetry apigee 2 2024-03-29 17:16:09.883885403 +0000 UTC deployed apigee-telemetry-1.12.0 1.12.0 exampleor apigee 2 2024-03-29 17:21:50.899855344 +0000 UTC deployed apigee-org-1.12.0 1.12.0 -
验证 Cassandra 集群的状态。
列出 cassandra pod:
kubectl get pods -n
APIGEE_NAMESPACE -l app=apigee-cassandra例如:
kubectl get pods -n apigee -l app=apigee-cassandra
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE apigee-cassandra-default-0 1/1 Running 0 2h apigee-cassandra-default-1 1/1 Running 0 2h apigee-cassandra-default-2 1/1 Running 0 2h apigee-cassandra-default-3 1/1 Running 0 16m apigee-cassandra-default-4 1/1 Running 0 14m apigee-cassandra-default-5 1/1 Running 0 13m apigee-cassandra-default-6 1/1 Running 0 9m apigee-cassandra-default-7 1/1 Running 0 9m apigee-cassandra-default-8 1/1 Running 0 8m - 在您刚刚选择的上下文中删除 Apigee 实例:
helm -n
apigee delete datastorehelm -n
apigee delete telemetryhelm -n
apigee delete ingress-managerhelm -n
apigee delete redishelm -n
apigee deleteORG_NAME 对每个环境重复运行以下命令:
helm -n
apigee deleteENV_NAME 对每个环境组重复运行以下命令:
helm -n
apigee deleteENV_GROUP_NAME helm -n apigee-system delete operator
- 确认 Apigee 命名空间中没有剩余的 Pod:
kubectl get pods -n
apigee kubectl get pods -n apigee-system
- Set the context to other existing regions and make sure the cassandra datacenter is removed
from the existing ring. The output should not show the removed data center details.
kubectl exec
apigee-cassandra-default-0 -napigee -- nodetool -uJMX_USER -pwJMX_PASSWORD status