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Google Cloud Next
Next '23 是一场荟集灵感、创新和教育成果的全球盛会。本次活动将汇聚决策者、开发者以及对于无障碍、可伸缩且对社会负责的云充满热情的任何人士,他们将在会上分享各种挑战、解决方案、丰富创意和颠覆性技术。
![包含 BigQuery 事件卡片的数据 Ro AI 解决方案](https://cloud.google.com/static/developers/images/event-data-to-ai-solution-with-bigquery.jpg?hl=zh-cn)
Google Cloud 博客
使用 BigQuery 和 Vertex AI 在 Google Cloud 上构建端到端数据解决方案
了解如何使用 BigQuery 和 Vertex AI 在 Google Cloud 上构建端到端数据解决方案,包括一个实时欺诈检测系统及其架构的实际示例。
Google Cloud 博客
RAG with BigQuery
Check out the course on Google Cloud Skills Boost → http://goo.gle/4gpchIs AI is powerful, but it can also hallucinate. In this video, we'll show you how to overcome this challenge by building a RAG pipeline with BigQuery. We'll walk through the
Google Cloud
Supercharge your Google Colab workflow ⚡
Tired of juggling GitHub, Kaggle authentication, and sensitive data in Google Colab? Join Paige Bailey on our channel as she provides a guide on seamlessly integrating your Google Colab notebooks with GitHub and Kaggle. Stick around and also discover
Google Cloud Platform
How we improved GKE volume attachments for stateful applications by up to 80%
Recent enhancements to GKE and Compute Engine improves Persistent Disks (PDs) attach and detach rates, benefitting stateful workloads on GKE.
Google Cloud Blog
Helping our partners co-market faster with AI
Supporting partner growth through innovation. Google Cloud's Gemini-powered Partner Marketing Studio helps partners co-market faster with AI.
Google Cloud Blog
Getting started with Swift’s Alliance Connect Virtual on Google Cloud
Learn how to deploy Swift’s Alliance Connect Virtual in Google Cloud while meeting the security and reliability needs of financial transactions.
Google Cloud Blog
Integrate GitHub and Kaggle with Google Colab
Notebook → https://goo.gle/4h9FzMU Learn how to supercharge your workflow by integrating Google Colab with GitHub and Kaggle. Join Paige Bailey as she covers everything from accessing repositories, safeguarding sensitive information, and more using
Google Cloud Platform
Announcing partner-delivered professional services on Google Cloud Marketplace
Google Cloud customers can now purchase third-party professional services through Google Cloud Marketplace.
Google Cloud Blog
CVE-2023-6080: A Case Study on Third-Party Installer Abuse
Mandiant exploited flaws in the Microsoft Software Installer repair action of Lakeside Software's SysTrack installer to obtain arbitrary code execution.
Google Cloud Blog
How can developers get started with AI?
To get started with learning about Google AI products, you can explore the resources available on our YouTube homepage. You can find tutorials, sample code, and links to documentation to help you get started with our machine learning APIs and
Google Cloud Platform
Using Cloud TPUs for open model fine-tuning
The notebook from this video → https://goo.gle/4jAkqwp Introduction to TPUs → https://goo.gle/4jyybvG Setup guide for a TPU VM → https://goo.gle/4jKaoJs Dive into the world of Cloud TPUs and learn how to use them for supervised fine-tuning of open
Google Cloud Platform
Improving model performance with PyTorch/XLA 2.6
PyTorch/XLA 2.6 offers a scan operator, host offloading to move TPU tensors to the host CPU’s memory, and improved goodput for trace-bound models.
Google Cloud Blog
Blackwell is here — new A4 VMs powered by NVIDIA B200 now in preview
Google Cloud Blog
Dynamic Workload Scheduler for AI workloads
Discover how Dynamic Workload Scheduler (DWS) simplifies hardware acquisition for AI workloads on Google Cloud. This video explains DWS modes (Calendar and Flex Start) and their integration with products like Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Vertex
Google Cloud Platform
Ad-hoc reporting with Looker
Create a blend → https://goo.gle/create-edit-and-manage-blends Learn more about blends and join conditions → https://goo.gle/how-blends-work Enable Studio in Looker → https://goo.gle/enabling-studio-in-looker Unlock the power of your external data
Google Cloud Platform
Looker data insights: reports vs dashboards
Build your first report in Looker → https://goo.gle/4aoQBLp Looker dashboards or Looker Studio reports? This video compares both options now that Looker Studio is available within Looker. We'll explore the key differences and help you confidently
Google Cloud Platform
Innovators Plus
需要更多 Google Cloud 技能培养?Innovators Plus 提供全套 Google Cloud Skills Boost 点播培训、高达 1000 美元的 Google Cloud 赠金、认证代金券、与 Google Cloud 专家和高管交流的机会、现场学习活动等。
- 访问 700 多个动手实验和课程并获取技能徽章
- 价值 500 美元的 Google Cloud 赠金
- Google Cloud 认证代金券
- 每年获得首个认证后,可额外获得价值 500 美元的 Google Cloud 赠金
- 由 Google Cloud 专家主持的直播学习活动
- 由 Google Cloud 高管主持的季度技术简报
- 与 Google Cloud 专家进行 1 对 1 咨询
![生成式 AI 从业者研讨会](https://cloud.google.com/static/developers/images/event-generative-ai-technology.jpg?hl=zh-cn)
Google Cloud Innovators
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Google Cloud 冠军创新者
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![SQL 事件详情](https://cloud.google.com/static/developers/images/community-learn-how-to-deep-dive-into-your-logs-using-sql.jpg?hl=zh-cn)
了解如何使用 SQL 深入分析日志
如果您是 #developer、#SRE、#security Admin 或 #DevOps 专业人士,那么您应该知道日志记录对软件开发生命周期有多么重要。参加 7 月 27 日的直播学习和问答活动,了解如何高效地深入了解日志。
Google Cloud 新手
查看这些出色的资源,开启您的 Google Cloud 之旅。
![Google Cloud 备忘单特别关注卡片](https://cloud.google.com/static/developers/images/google-cloud-cheat-sheet.gif?hl=zh-cn)
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