Storing Cassandra secrets in Hashicorp Vault

Storing Cassandra secrets in Hashicorp Vault

This feature allows you to store Cassandra DB credentials for Apigee Hybrid in Hashicorp Vault, an external secret manager. External secret managers allow you to manage how secrets are stored in Kubernetes, including managing data residency and fine grained access controls.

Before Apigee hybrid version 1.10, the only way to supply passwords for Cassandra users was to specify the password in overrides.yaml. These passwords are stored in Kubernetes secrets. For example:

      password: "********"
      password: "********"
      password: "********"
      password: "********"
      username: "jmxuser"
      password: "********"
      username: "apigee"
      password: "********"

Using Hashicorp Vault, you can supply these passwords via the Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver API (SecretProviderClass). This allows Kubernetes to mount multiple secrets, keys, and certs stored in an external Vault.

Cassandra users and passwords

You will need to create secrets for the following Cassandra users. Change the default values to meet your organization's security policies.

Cassandra User Default username Default password
Admin admin_user "********"
DDL ddl_user "********"
Default cassandra Note: The Default username must always be "cassandra" "********"
DML dml_user "********"
JMX "jmxuser" "********"
Jolokia "apigee" "********"

See cassandra configuration property for more information.

Configure external secret integration

Setting up Vault integration for Apigee hybrid consists of the following procedures.

  • In the first two procedures, you interact directly with Vault.
  • In the third and fourth procedures, you apply the configurations to your Kubernetes cluster.

Use the following procedures to create the secrets in Vault and enable your hybrid installation to have access to them.

Create Vault secrets, policies, and roles

  1. Verify that the current Kubernetes context is set to your cluster:
    kubectl config current-context
  2. Use the Vault API, CLI, or UI to create the cassandra secrets. The secret values you create must match the Cassandra usernames and passwords currently used in your cluster.
    • Secret key: Any secret key (or combination of multiple keys) can be used, for example:
    • Secret data: Apigee Hybrid expects username and password pairs for the following Cassandra users:
      Cassandra users
      These username and password values can be spread across any number of secret keys.
    • Vault CLI: The following command shows how to create a single secret containing all the required usernames and passwords:
      vault kv put secret/apigee/cassandra \
          adminUsername="ADMIN_USERNAME" \
          adminPassword="ADMIN_PASSWORD" \
          ddlUsername="DDL_USERNAME" \
          ddlPassword="DDL_PASSWORD" \
          defaultUsername="cassandra" \
          defaultPassword="DEFAULT_PASSWORD" \
          dmlUsername="DML_USERNAME" \
          dmlPassword="DML_PASSWORD" \
          jmxUsername="JMX_USERNAME" \
          jmxPassword="JMX_PASSWORD" \
          jolokiaUsername="JOLOKIA_USERNAME" \
      The default usernames for each user are as follows:
      Cassandra user Default value
      Admin admin_user
      DDL ddl_user
      Default cassandra
      DML dml_user
      JMX jmxuser
      Jolokia apigee
  3. Within Vault, create a policy to grant access to the secret you just created.
    1. Create a policy file (suggested name: apigee-cassandra-auth.txt) with the following contents:
      path "secret/data/apigee/cassandra" {
        capabilities = ["read"]
      If you created multiple secrets, each secret must be added to the policy file:
      path "secret/data/apigee/cassandra/admin" {
        capabilities = ["read"]
      path "secret/data/apigee/cassandra/ddl" {
        capabilities = ["read"]
    2. Apply the policy to Vault:
      vault policy write apigee-cassandra-auth apigee-cassandra-auth.txt

      It is possible to create the policy using standard input instead of reading from a file:

      echo 'path "secret/data/apigee/cassandra" { capabilities = ["read"] }' | vault policy write apigee-cassandra-auth -
  4. Bind the policy to the Apigee Cassandra Kubernetes service accounts.
    1. Define the following environmental variables:


      • ORG_NAME is the name of your Apigee organization.
      • ENVS_LIST Is a comma separated list of your Apigee environments, for example dev,prod.
      • APIGEE_NAMESPACE is your Apigee namespace. The default is apigee.
    2. Create a script with the following contents. The script can have any name. In the following example, the name of the script is
      ORG=ORG_NAME  # ORG name
      ENVS=ENVS_LIST # comma separated env names, for example: dev,prod
      org_short_name=$(echo $ORG | head -c 15)
      encode=$(echo -n $ORG | shasum -a 256 | head -c 7)
      org_encode=$(echo "$org_short_name-$encode")
      for env in ${ENVS//,/ }
        env_short_name=$(echo $env | head -c 15)
        encode=$(echo -n $ORG:$env | shasum -a 256 | head -c 7)
        env_encode=$(echo "$org_short_name-$env_short_name-$encode")
      echo $names
    3. Run the script and assign the output to the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAMES variable. This will create a comma-separated list of Kubernetes service account names.
      export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAMES=$(./create-vault-cassandra-role)

      Check that the variable was populated with the list:

    4. Use the Vault CLI to create a role which binds the policy to Kubernetes service accounts:
      vault write auth/kubernetes/role/cassandra \
          bound_service_account_names=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAMES} \
          bound_service_account_namespaces=${APIGEE_NAMESPACE} \
          policies=apigee-cassandra-auth \

Install CSI driver and Vault provider

Apigee hybrid v1.13.1 supports the following Helm chart versions:

Software Version
Secrets Store CSI Driver v1.3.4
Vault v0.25.0
  1. Follow the Secrets Store CSI Driver installation instructions to Install the CSI driver on your cluster. The CSI driver has a Helm chart for installation.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing the Vault CSI provider to install the Vault CSI provider if you have not installed it already.

Create SecretProviderClass object

The SecretProviderClass resource tells the CSI driver what provider to communicate with when requesting secrets. The Cassandra users' credentials must be configured via this object. The following table shows the file names (objectNames) expected by Apigee Cassandra:

Cassandra User Expected secret file names
Admin adminUsername, adminPassword
DDL ddlUsername, ddlPassword
Default cassandra, defaultPassword
DML dmlUsername, dmlPassword
JMX jmxUsername, jmxPassword
Jolokia jolokiaUsername, jolokiaPassword
  1. Create a YAML file for your SecretProviderClass. The file name can be anything, for example: spc.yaml. Use the following SecretProviderClass template to configure this resource:
    kind: SecretProviderClass
      name: apigee-cassandra-auth-spc
      provider: vault
        roleName: apigee-cassandra-auth  # the roleName should match the vault role you created earlier in this procedure
        # vaultAddress is the endpoint your Vault server is running at.
        # If Vault is running in the same cluster as Apigee, the format will generally be:
        # http://vault.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:<vaultServicePort>
        vaultAddress: VAULT_ADDRESS
        # "objectName" is an alias used within the SecretProviderClass to reference
        # that specific secret. This will also be the filename containing the secret.
        # Apigee Cassandra expects these exact values so they must not be changed.
        # "secretPath" is the path in Vault where the secret should be retrieved.
        # "secretKey" is the key within the Vault secret response to extract a value from.
        # For example, if the Vault secret is located at `secret/data/apigee/cassandra`
        # and you want to specify the admin password, you would use the following:
        # - objectName: "adminPassword"
        #   secretPath: "secret/data/apigee/cassandra"
        #   secretKey: "key within Vault secret specifying the admin password"
        objects: |
          - objectName: "adminUsername"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "adminPassword"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "defaultUsername"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "defaultPassword"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "ddlUsername"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "ddlPassword"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "dmlUsername"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "dmlPassword"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "jolokiaUsername"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "jolokiaPassword"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "jmxUsername"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
          - objectName: "jmxPassword"
            secretPath: ""
            secretKey: ""
  2. Apply the SecretProviderClass to your apigee namespace:
    kubectl -n $APIGEE_NAMESPACE apply -f spc.yaml

Enable external secret for Cassandra

  1. Within your overrides.yaml, add the following configuration to enable external secret usage for Cassandra:
        secretProviderClass: apigee-cassandra-auth-spc  # The name of the SecretProviderClass created in spc.yaml.

    See cassandra.auth.secretProviderClass.

  2. Use helm upgrade to apply the change to the apigee-operator and apigee-datastore components:
    • The datastore controller in apigee-operator takes part in Cassandra decommissioning and data replication during region expansion. These tasks require the JMX and Jolokia credentials.
      helm upgrade operator apigee-operator/ \
        --namespace $APIGEE_NAMESPACE> \
        --atomic \
        -f overrides.yaml
    • apigee-datastore provides credentials that downstream components like apigee-runtime, Synchronizer & MART use when connecting to Cassandra.
      helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
        --namespace $APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
        --atomic \
        -f overrides.yaml
  3. Verify external secrets are being used. When external secrets are enabled, new Volumes, Volume Mounts , and Environment Variables, are added referencing the secrets.
    • Verify the apigee-controller-manager deployment.

      Check that a Volume named apigee-external-secrets exists and references the SecretProviderClass created above:

      kubectl -n $APIGEE_NAMESPACE get deployment apigee-controller-manager -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.volumes[?("apigee-external-secrets")]}'
        "csi": {
          "driver": "",
          "readOnly": true,
          "volumeAttributes": {
            "secretProviderClass": "apigee-cassandra-auth-spc"
        "name": "apigee-external-secrets"

      Check that a VolumeMount named apigee-external-secrets exists:

      kubectl -n $APIGEE_NAMESPACE get deployment apigee-controller-manager -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?("manager")].volumeMounts[?("apigee-external-secrets")]}'
        "mountPath": "/opt/apigee/externalsecrets",
        "name": "apigee-external-secrets",
        "readOnly": true

      Check that Environment Variables exist that reference external secrets:

      kubectl -n $APIGEE_NAMESPACE get deployment apigee-controller-manager -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?("manager")].env}'
          "value": "/opt/apigee/externalsecrets/jolokiaUsername"
          "value": "/opt/apigee/externalsecrets/jolokiaPassword"

Rollback to K8s Secret

  1. To revert back to non-external secrets, remove the secretProviderClass configuration in overrides.yaml and use the previous configuration:
            secretProviderClass: apigee-cassandra-auth-spc # remove this line
  2. Use helm upgrade to apply the change to the apigee-operator and apigee-datastore components:
    helm upgrade operator apigee-operator/ \
      --namespace $APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml
    helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
      --namespace $APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml

Troubleshooting: Create a client container for debugging

If you are using Vault, this section replaces instructions in the troubleshooting section, Create a client container for debugging.

This section explains how to create a client container from which you can access Cassandra debugging utilities such as cqlsh. These utilities allow you to query Cassandra tables and can be useful for debugging purposes.

Create the client container

To create the client container, follow these steps:

  1. The container uses the TLS certificate from the apigee-cassandra-user-setup pod. The first step is to fetch this certificate name:
    kubectl get secrets -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE --field-selector | grep apigee-cassandra-user-setup | awk '{print $1}'

    This command returns the certificate name. For example: apigee-cassandra-user-setup-rg-hybrid-b7d3b9c-tls.

  2. Open a new file and paste the following pod spec into it:
    apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
        name: CASSANDRA_CLIENT_NAME   # For example: my-cassandra-client
        namespace: $APIGEE_NAMESPACE
          image: ""
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          - sleep
          - "3600"
          - name: CASSANDRA_SEEDS
            value: apigee-cassandra-default.apigee.svc.cluster.local
          - name: APIGEE_DML_USERNAME_PATH
            value: /opt/apigee/externalsecrets/dmlUsername
          - name: APIGEE_DML_PASSWORD_PATH
            value: /opt/apigee/externalsecrets/dmlPassword
          - mountPath: /opt/apigee/ssl
            name: tls-volume
            readOnly: true
          - name: apigee-external-secrets
            mountPath: /opt/apigee/externalsecrets
            readOnly: true
        - name: tls-volume
            defaultMode: 420
            secretName: apigee-cassandra-user-setup-vaibhavhybridor-8b3e61d-tls
        - name: apigee-external-secrets
            readOnly: true
              secretProviderClass: apigee-cass-password
        serviceAccount: apigee-cassandra-default
        serviceAccountName: apigee-cassandra-default
        restartPolicy: Never
  3. Save the file with a .yaml extension. For example: my-spec.yaml.
  4. Apply the spec to your cluster:
    kubectl apply -f my-spec.yaml -n $APIGEE_NAMESPACE
  5. Log in to the container:
    kubectl exec -n CASSANDRA_CLIENT_NAME -it -- bash
  6. Connect to the Cassandra cqlsh interface with the following commands. Enter the commands exactly as shown:
    export APIGEE_DML_USER

Deleting the client pod

Use this command to delete the Cassandra client pod:

kubectl delete pods -n $APIGEE_NAMESPACE cassandra-client