Manage runtime plane components

This topic explains how to configure and manage the Apigee hybrid runtime plane components. For a list of the runtime plane components that you can configure, see Runtime service configuration overview.

About the overrides file

The first time you install the hybrid runtime into a cluster, you must create a configuration overrides file. This file lets you override default configuration values as needed, configure environments, reference TLS certificates and service account keys, assign Kubernetes node pools to specific hybrid components, and so on.

The hybrid installation steps walk through the process of creating an overrides file and applying your configuration to a cluster. If you want to change the configuration later, modify the overrides file you created and re-apply it.

Making a configuration change

To make a configuration change to a hybrid runtime plane component, edit your overrides file and use Helm to upgrade the chart that corresponds with the component. The following chart shows which charts correspond wth which Apigee hybrid components:

ScopeComponentsHelm chart
Apigee operator Apigee operator apigee-operator
Storage Cassandra apigee-datastore
In‑memory storage Redis apigee-redis
Reporting Logger
Ingress Apigee Ingress gateway apigee-ingress-manager
Organization Apigee Connect Agent
Environment Runtime
Environment group virtualhost apigee-virtualhost

For example, to change the replica count on the Message processor, follow these steps:

  1. Open your OVERRIDES.yaml file. Be sure to use the same overrides file that was used to install the hybrid runtime into the cluster.
  2. Locate the runtime element in the file. For example:
        value: apigee-runtime
      replicaCountMin: 1
      replicaCountMax: 2
  3. Change the replica count properties as needed. For example:
        value: apigee-runtime
      replicaCountMin: 2
      replicaCountMax: 20
  4. Upgrade the environment.
  5. You must install one environment at a time. Specify the environment with --set env=ENV_NAME.

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade ENV_RELEASE_NAME apigee-env/ \
    --install \
    --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
    --set env=ENV_NAME \
    • ENV_RELEASE_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-env chart. In hybrid v1.10, it is usually apigee-env-ENV_NAME. In Hybrid v1.11 and newer it is usually ENV_NAME.
    • ENV_NAME is the name of the environment you are upgrading.
    • OVERRIDES_FILE is your new overrides file for v.1.3.6
  6. Upgrade the chart:
  7. helm upgrade ENV_RELEASE_NAME apigee-env/ \
    --install \
    --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
    --set env=ENV_NAME \
  8. Verify it is up and running by checking the state of the respective env:
  9. kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get apigeeenv
    NAME                          STATE       AGE   GATEWAYTYPE
    apigee-org1-dev-xxx            running     2d

Which configuration properties can you modify?

You can find the complete list of configurable properties in the Configuration property reference. The reference only lists the properties you can modify; if you try to modify a property that's not in the reference, the change is ignored.

How to use the configuration reference

The Configuration property reference uses dot notation to describe configuration elements, where the first item is the top-level element name followed by properties and child properties. For example:


In the overrides file, the properties are formatted in proper YAML. For the above example, the top-level ao element is left-indented and sub-element properties are indented under it. Also, YAML requires a colon at the end of each element and sub-element.

For example, to set the ao.image.pullPolicy property to Always, locate this YAML stanza in the overrides file and set it as follows:

    pullPolicy: Always

For another example, the property cassandra.auth.admin.password (as it is listed in Configuration property reference) is used to set the Cassandra admin password. To change it, locate the following YAML in the overrides file and set it as follows:

      password: abc123

Remember, the Configuration property reference describes all of the properties that you can set on hybrid runtime plane components. Follow the pattern explained above to modify these elements in your overrides file before applying the changes to your cluster.

Using pre-defined example overrides files

When you first install hybrid runtime, Apigee recommends that you use one of the pre-configured example overrides files. These examples provide a complete set of configuration properties for specific installation scenarios, such as for setting up a production or test installation. All you need to do is provide appropriate values for the properties and apply the overrides file to your cluster. See Step 6: Create the overrides for more information.

About configuration defaults

Apigee maintains its default component configuration in the file HYBRID_ROOT_DIR/config/values.yaml. Your overrides files follows the same YAML structure as values.yaml.

An overrides file typically includes only a subset of the configuration properties found in values.yaml. Remember, not all properties are editable. When you apply a configuration to a cluster, your overrides are merged with the defaults to create the complete Kubernetes cluster configuration. See also Test the merged configuration.

The following code shows the default configuration for the mart component as found in values.yaml. Note that some values have defaults, while others such as sslCertPath and sslKeyPath do not. You must provide these missing values in your overrides file, as explained in the installation steps. If you want to change any of the default values, make sure they are editable by checking in the Configuration property reference.

  replicaCountMin: 2
  replicaCountMax: 4
  targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 75
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
  revision: blue
    url: ""
    tag: "1.3.6"
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      cpu: 500m
      memory: 512Mi
        cpu: 10m
    timeoutSeconds: 1
    failureThreshold: 12
    periodSeconds: 5
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 1
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 2
    periodSeconds: 5
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
  metricsURL: "/v1/server/metrics"
  cwcAppend: |

If you want to modify a component's defaults and the component is not already in your overrides file, you can copy its YAML from values.yaml into your overrides file and modify it there.

Custom annotations

Annotations are key/value maps used to attach metadata to Apigee hybrid Kubernetes pods. You can create custom annotations for the following properties listed in Configuration property reference:

To add a custom annotation, add a stanza to the OVERRIDES.yaml file for the respective component.

The following example illustrates how an annotation can be specified in runtime pods:

    businessunit: "bu1"

Test the merged configuration

You can use the --dry-run flag to test the merged configuration file without actually applying it to your cluster. This option is useful for debugging an installation problem because it shows you exactly what will be applied to the cluster. It is also a good practice to test the configuration and store it in source control so that you have a reference of the resources installed and configured in the cluster.

kubectl apply -k  apigee-operator/etc/crds/default/
helm upgrade operator apigee-operator/ \
  --install \
  --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
  --atomic \
  -f OVERRIDES_FILE.yaml \
helm upgrade ingress-manager apigee-ingress-manager/ /
  --install \
  --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
  --atomic \
  -f OVERRIDES_FILE.yaml \

Create multiple overrides files as needed

You can create as many overrides files as you want, where each one serves a specific requirement. For example, you might have an overrides file that tunes your cluster for production, and another for creating a testing cluster. You can then maintain these files in your source control system.

For example:

helm upgrade test-1-env apigee-env/ \
  --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
  --atomic \
  --set env=test-1-env \
  -f test-1-env-overrides.yaml

Delete hybrid-specific runtime plane components

The runtime plane components include synchronizer, mart, runtime, cassandra, and udca.

To delete the hybrid-specific runtime plane components from your cluster, use the helm delete command. Be sure to specify the same overrides file that you used to install the runtime components.

For example:

Using Helm, you must delete each component individually. For example, to delete the cassandra component, use the following command:

helm -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE delete datastore

In the example above the datastore component was installed with the name "datastore". If you you installed it with a different name, then you would supply that name to delete the component. For example if you installed the apigee-datastore chart with helm install my-cassandra-storage apigee-datastore/. you would delete it with the following command:

helm delete -n apigee my-cassandra-storage

To recreate recreate a specific component or components (the environment group in this example):

helm upgrade ENV_GROUP apigee-virtualhost/ \
  --install \
  --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
  --atomic \
  --set envgroup=ENV_GROUP_NAME \