Restore a snapshot to a new volume

Last reviewed 2024-04-25 UTC

You can restore a snapshot copy of a volume to a new volume.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Volumes page.

    Go to the Volumes page

  2. Click Create.

  3. In the Create file system page, choose the appropriate parameters for the service type.

    • For the CVS-Performance service type, specify:

      • The region that contains the volume snapshots.

      • The service level for the new volume.

    • For the CVS service type, specify the storage pool where the volume snapshots are located. The new volume is located in that storage pool. Ensure that the pool has available space.

    • Under Snapshot to create volume from, select the snapshot from the list. Some snapshot types, like snapmirror and cloud-snapshot, are not supported for creating volumes.

    • Name: Enter a display name for the volume.

    • Allocated capacity: The size of the volume. Use the same size as the source volume.

  4. Click Save to create the volume from the snapshot.

  5. Go to the Volumes page to see the new volume.

Some snapshot operations, including replication and backup, may be blocked until the volume restore is completed. A snapshot created for the CVS service type may take several minutes to be available before you can create a new volume.

For more information about creating a volume, see Create an NFS volume.

Clone a volume

You can use a combination of creating a snapshot and then restoring it to a new volume to create fast clones of your data. Both operations take only a few seconds, independent of the volume size. A snapshot created for the CVS service type may take several minutes to be available before you can restore it to a new volume.