Understand reliability

This document provides an understanding of BigQuery reliability features, such as availability, durability, data consistency, consistency of performance, data recovery, and a review of error handling considerations.

This introduction helps you address three primary considerations:

  • Determine whether BigQuery is the right tool for your job.
  • Understand the dimensions of BigQuery reliability.
  • Identify specific reliability requirements for specific use cases.

BigQuery is a fully managed enterprise Data Warehouse built to store and analyze massive datasets. It provides a way to ingest, store, read, and query megabytes to petabytes of data with consistent performance without having to manage any of the underlying infrastructure. Because of its power and performance, BigQuery is well suited to be used in a range of solutions. Some of these are documented in detail as reference patterns.

Generally, BigQuery is very well suited for workloads where large amounts of data are being ingested and analyzed. Specifically, it can be effectively deployed for use cases such as real-time and predictive data analytics (with streaming ingestion and BigQuery ML), anomaly detection, and other use cases where analyzing large volumes of data with predictable performance is key. However, if you are looking for a database to support Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) style applications, you should consider other Google Cloud services such as Spanner, Cloud SQL, or Bigtable that may be better suited for these use cases.

Dimensions of reliability in BigQuery


Availability defines the user's ability to read data from BigQuery or write data to it. BigQuery is built to make both of these highly available with a 99.99% SLA. There are two components involved in both operations:

  • The BigQuery service
  • Compute resources required to execute the specific query

Reliability of the service is a function of the specific BigQuery API being used to retrieve the data. The availability of compute resources depends on the capacity available to the user at the time when the query is run. See Understand slots for more information about the fundamental unit of compute for BigQuery and the resulting slot resource economy.


Durability is discussed in the Implementing SLOs chapter of the SRE Workbook and is described as the "proportion of data that can be successfully read."

Data consistency

Consistency defines the expectations that users have for how the data is able to be queried once it's written or modified. One aspect of data consistency is ensuring "exactly-once" semantics for data ingestion. For more information, see Retry failed job insertions.

Consistency of performance

In general, performance can be expressed in two dimensions. Latency is a measure of the execution time of long data retrieval operations such as queries. Throughput is a measure of how much data BigQuery can process during a specific period of time. Due to BigQuery's multi-tenant, horizontally scalable design, its throughput can scale up to arbitrary data sizes. The relative importance of latency and throughput is determined by the specific use case.

Data recovery

Two ways to measure the ability to recover data after an outage are:

  • Recovery Time Objective (RTO). How long data can be unavailable after an incident.
  • Recovery Point Objective (RPO). How much of the data collected prior to the incident can acceptably be lost.

These considerations are specifically relevant in the unlikely case that a zone or region experiences a multi-day or destructive outage.

Disaster planning

While the term "disaster" may invoke visions of natural disasters, the scope of this section addresses specific failures from the loss of an individual machine all the way through catastrophic loss of a region. The former are everyday occurrences that BigQuery handles automatically, while the latter is something that customers may need to design their architecture to handle if required. Understanding at what scope disaster planning crosses over to customer responsibility is important.

BigQuery offers an industry leading 99.99% uptime SLA. This is made possible by BigQuery's regional architecture that writes data in two different zones and provisions redundant compute capacity. It is important to keep in mind that the BigQuery SLA is the same for regions, for example us-central1, and multi-regions, for example US.

Automatic scenario handling

Because BigQuery is a regional service, it is the responsibility of BigQuery to automatically handle the loss of a machine or even an entire zone. The fact that BigQuery is built on top of zones is abstracted from users.

Loss of a machine

Machine failures are an everyday occurrence at the scale at which Google operates. BigQuery is designed to handle machine failures automatically without any impact to the containing zone.
Under the hood, execution of a query is broken up into small tasks that can be dispatched in parallel to many machines. The sudden loss or degradation of machine performance is handled automatically by redispatching work to a different machine. Such an approach is crucial to reducing tail latency.

BigQuery utilizes Reed–Solomon encoding to efficiently and durably store a zonal copy of your data. In the highly unlikely event that multiple machine failures cause the loss of a zonal copy, data is also stored in the same fashion in at least one other zone. In such a case, BigQuery will detect the problem and make a new zonal copy of the data to restore redundancy.

Loss of a Zone

The underlying availability of compute resources in any given zone is not sufficient to meet BigQuery's 99.99% uptime SLA. Hence BigQuery provides automatic zonal redundancy for both data and compute slots. While short lived zonal disruptions are not common, they do happen. BigQuery automation, however, will failover queries to another zone within a minute or two of any severe disruption. Already inflight queries may not immediately recover, but newly issued queries will. This would manifest as inflight queries taking a long time to finish while newly issued queries complete quickly.

Even if a zone were to be unavailable for a longer period of time, no data loss would occur due to the fact that BigQuery synchronously writes data to two zones. So even in the face of zonal loss, customers will not experience a service disruption.

Types of failures

There are two types of failures, soft failures and hard failures.

Soft failure is an operational deficiency where hardware is not destroyed. Examples include power failure, network partition, or a machine crash. In general, BigQuery should never lose data in the event of a soft failure.

Hard failure is an operational deficiency where hardware is destroyed. Hard failures are more severe than soft failures. Hard failure examples include damage from floods, terrorist attacks, earthquakes, and hurricanes.

Availability and durability

When you create a BigQuery dataset, you select a location in which to store your data. This location is one of the following:

  • A region: a specific geographical location, such as Iowa (us-central1) or Montréal (northamerica-northeast1).
  • A multi-region: a large geographic area that contains two or more geographic places, such as the United States (US) or Europe (EU).

In either case, BigQuery automatically stores copies of your data in two different Google Cloud zones within a single region in the selected location.

In addition to storage redundancy, BigQuery also maintains redundant compute capacity across multiple zones. By combining redundant storage and compute across multiple availability zones, BigQuery provides both high availability and durability.

In the event of a machine-level failure, BigQuery continues to run with no more than a few milliseconds of delay. All currently running queries continue processing. In the event of either a soft or hard zonal failure, no data loss is expected. However, currently running queries might fail and need to be resubmitted. A soft zonal failure, such as resulting from a power outage, destroyed transformer, or network partition, is a well-tested path and is automatically mitigated within a few minutes.

A soft regional failure, such as a region-wide loss of network connectivity, results in loss of availability until the region is brought back online, but it doesn't result in lost data. A hard regional failure, for example, if a disaster destroys the entire region, could result in loss of data stored in that region. BigQuery does not automatically provide a backup or replica of your data in another geographic region. You can create cross-region dataset copies to enhance your disaster recovery strategy.

To learn more about BigQuery dataset locations, see Location considerations.

Scenario: Loss of region

BigQuery does not offer durability or availability in the extraordinarily unlikely and unprecedented event of physical region loss. This is true for both "regions and multi-region" configurations. Hence maintaining durability and availability under such a scenario requires customer planning. In the case of temporary loss, such as a network outage, redundant availability should be considered if BigQuery's 99.99% SLA is not considered sufficient.

To avoid data loss in the face of destructive regional loss, you need to back up data to another geographic location. For example, you could periodically export a snapshot of your data to Google Cloud Storage in another geographically distinct region. This can be done as described in the Batch data processing use case.
In the case of BigQuery multi-regions, you should avoid backing up to regions within the scope of the multi-region. For example, do not back up your data in the US to the us-central1 region. The region and multi-region may share failure domains and have shared fate in disaster. Instead, back up your data to a non-US region, such as northamerica-northeast1. If data residency requirements require backups to be stored within the US, then you are better off pairing two regions like us-central1 and us-east1.

To avoid an extended unavailability, you need to have both data replicated and slots provisioned in two geographically separate BigQuery locations. Similar to above, avoid mixing regions and multi-regions, as they may have shared fate in a disaster.

The most reliable architecture for a region-redundant setup is to run hot-hot, also referred to as active-active. This means that your workload runs in parallel in both your primary and secondary region. While more expensive, this ensures that the secondary region gets continuous verification and will work if you need to failover to it. If availability during a regional outage is less of a concern, then backing up data to another region ensures durability.

Scenario: Accidental deletion or data corruption

By virtue of BigQuery's multiversion concurrency control architecture, BigQuery supports time travel. With this feature you can query data from any point in time over the last seven days. This allows for self service restoration of any data that has been mistakenly deleted, modified, or corrupted within a 7 day window. Time travel even works on tables that have been deleted.

BigQuery also supports the ability to snapshot tables. With this feature you can explicitly backup data within the same region for longer than the 7 day time travel window. A snapshot is purely a metadata operation and results in no additional storage bytes. While this can add protection against accidental deletion, it does not increase the durability of the data.

Use case: Real-time analytics

In this use case, streaming data is being ingested from endpoint logs into BigQuery continuously. Protecting against extended BigQuery unavailability for the entire region requires continuously replicating data and provisioning slots in a different region. Given that the architecture is resilient to BigQuery unavailability due to the use of Pub/Sub and Dataflow in the ingestion path, this high level of redundancy is likely not worth the cost.

Assuming the user has configured BigQuery data in us-east4 to be exported nightly by using export jobs to Cloud Storage under the Archive Storage class in us-central1. This provides a durable backup in case of catastrophic data loss in us-east4. In this case, the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is 24 hours, as the last exported backup can be up to 24 hours old in the worst case. The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is potentially days, as data needs to be restored from the Cloud Storage backup to BigQuery in us-central1. If BigQuery is to be provisioned in a different region from where backups are placed, data needs to be transferred to this region first. Also note that unless you have purchased redundant slots in the recovery region in advance, there may be an additional delay in getting the required BigQuery capacity provisioned depending on the quantity requested.

Use case: Batch data processing

For this use case it is business critical that a daily report is completed by a fixed deadline to be sent to a regulator. Implementing redundancy by running two separate instances of the entire processing pipeline is likely worth the cost. Using two separate regions, e.g. us-west1 and us-east4, provides geographic separation and two independent failure domains in case of extended unavailability of a region or even the unlikely event of a permanent region loss.

Assuming we need the report to be delivered exactly once, we need to reconcile the expected case of both pipelines finishing successfully. A reasonable strategy is simply picking the result from the pipeline finishing first e.g. by notifying a Pub/Sub topic on successful completion. Alternatively, overwrite the result and re-version the Cloud Storage object. If the pipeline finishing later writes corrupt data, you can recover by restoring the version written by the pipeline finishing first from Cloud Storage.

Error handling

The following are best practices for addressing errors that affect reliability.

Retry failed API requests

Clients of BigQuery, including client libraries and partner tools, should use truncated exponential backoff when issuing API requests. This means that if a client receives a system error or a quota error, it should retry the request up to a certain number of times, but with a random and increasing backoff interval.

Employing this method of retries makes your application much more robust in the face of errors. Even under normal operating conditions, you can expect on the order of one in ten thousand requests to fail as described in BigQuery's 99.99% availability SLA. Under abnormal conditions, this error rate may increase, but if errors are randomly distributed the strategy of exponential backoff can mitigate all but the most severe cases.

If you encounter a scenario where a request fails persistently with a 5XX error, then you should escalate to Google Cloud Support. Be sure to clearly communicate the impact the failure is having on your business so that the issue can be triaged correctly. If, on the other hand, a request persistently fails with a 4XX error, the problem should be addressable by changes to your application. Read the error message for details.

Exponential backoff logic example

Exponential backoff logic retries a query or request by increasing the wait time between retries up to a maximum backoff time. For example:

  1. Make a request to BigQuery.

  2. If the request fails, wait 1 + random_number_milliseconds seconds and retry the request.

  3. If the request fails, wait 2 + random_number_milliseconds seconds and retry the request.

  4. If the request fails, wait 4 + random_number_milliseconds seconds and retry the request.

  5. And so on, up to a (maximum_backoff) time.

  6. Continue to wait and retry up to a maximum number of retries, but don't increase the wait period between retries.

Note the following:

  • The wait time is min(((2^n)+random_number_milliseconds), maximum_backoff), with n incremented by 1 for each iteration (request).

  • random_number_milliseconds is a random number of milliseconds less than or equal to 1000. This randomization helps to avoid situations where many clients are synchronized and all retry simultaneously, sending requests in synchronized waves. The value of random_number_milliseconds is recalculated after each retry request.

  • The maximum backoff interval (maximum_backoff) is typically 32 or 64 seconds. The appropriate value for maximum_backoff depends on the use case.

The client can continue retrying after it reaches the maximum backoff time. Retries after this point don't need to continue increasing backoff time. For example, if the client uses a maximum backoff time of 64 seconds, then after reaching this value the client can continue to retry every 64 seconds. At some point, clients should be prevented from retrying indefinitely.

The wait time between retries and the number of retries depend on your use case and network conditions.

Retry failed job insertions

If exactly-once insertion semantics are important for your application, there are additional considerations when it comes to inserting jobs. How to achieve at most once semantics depends on which WriteDisposition you specify. The write disposition tells BigQuery what it should do when encountering existing data in a table: fail, overwrite or append.

With a WRITE_EMPTY or WRITE_TRUNCATE disposition, this is achieved by simply retrying any failed job insertion or execution. This is because all rows ingested by a job are atomically written to the table.

With a WRITE_APPEND disposition, the client needs to specify the job ID to guard against a retry appending the same data a second time. This works because BigQuery rejects job creation requests that attempt to use an ID from a previous job. This achieves at-most-once semantics for any given job ID. You can then achieve exactly-once by retrying under a new predictable job ID once you've confirmed with BigQuery that all previous attempts have failed.

In some cases, the API client or HTTP client might not receive the confirmation that the job is inserted due to transient issues or network interruptions. When the insertion is retried, that request fails with status=ALREADY_EXISTS (code=409 and reason="duplicate"). The existing job status can be retrieved with a call to jobs.get. After the status of the existing job is retrieved, the caller can determine whether a new job with a new JOB ID should be created.

Use cases and reliability requirements

BigQuery might be a critical component of a variety of architectures. Depending on the use case and architecture deployed, a variety of availability, performance, or other reliability requirements might need to be met. For the purposes of this guide, let's select two primary use cases and architectures to discuss in detail.

Real-time analytics

The first example is an event data processing pipeline. In this example, log events from endpoints are ingested using Pub/Sub. From there, a streaming Dataflow pipeline performs some operations on the data prior to writing it into BigQuery using the Storage Write API. The data is then used both for ad hoc querying to, for example, recreate sequences of events that may have resulted in specific endpoint outcomes, and for feeding near-real time dashboards to allow the detection of trends and patterns in the data through visualization.

This example requires you to consider multiple aspects of reliability. Because the end-to-end data freshness requirements are quite high, latency of the ingestion process is critical. Once data is written to BigQuery, reliability is perceived as the ability of users to issue ad hoc queries with consistent and predictable latency and ensuring that dashboards utilizing the data reflect the absolute latest available information.

Batch data processing

The second example is a batch processing architecture based around regulatory compliance in the financial services industry. A key requirement is to deliver daily reports to regulators by a fixed nightly deadline. As long as the nightly batch process that generates the reports completes by this deadline, it is considered sufficiently fast.

Data needs to be made available in BigQuery and joined with other data sources for dashboarding, analysis, and ultimately generation of a PDF report. Having these reports be delivered on time and without error is a critical business requirement. As such, ensuring the reliability of both data ingestion and producing the report correctly and in a consistent timeframe to meet required deadlines are key.