Google Merchant Center Product Targeting table schema

Product targeting data helps merchants understand which products are targeted by the Shopping and Performance Max campaigns in each linked advertiser account that they can access.

  • All campaign targeting parameters are considered, such as listing groups, product groups, and feed labels.
  • Only active campaigns with active ad groups or asset groups are considered.
  • To compute the targeting_status, we only consider advertiser accounts that are accessible to the user who owns the BigQuery export. For more information, see Manage access to your Google Ads account.

Table name

If you choose the Product Targeting report option when you set up a Google Merchant Center transfer, BigQuery creates a table for the data during the transfer. The table name starts with the ProductTargeting_ prefix:

  • If you configured the transfer with an individual merchant ID, the table name is ProductTargeting_MERCHANT_ID.
  • If you configured the transfer with an MCA account, the table name is ProductTargeting_AGGREGATOR_ID.


The Product Targeting table has the following schema:

Name Type Description
product_id STRING The Content API REST ID for the product is in the format: channel:content_language:feed_label:offer_id.
advertiser_id INTEGER Advertiser ID of the campaign.
targeting_status STRING Whether the product is targeted by Ads campaigns. Values can be TARGETED or NOT_TARGETED.

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