Introduction to continuous queries

This document describes BigQuery continuous queries.

BigQuery continuous queries are SQL statements that run continuously. Continuous queries let you analyze incoming data in BigQuery in real time. You can insert the output rows produced by a continuous query into a BigQuery table or export them to Pub/Sub or Bigtable. Continuous queries can process data that has been written to standard BigQuery tables by using one of the following methods:

You can use continuous queries to perform time sensitive tasks, such as creating and immediately acting on insights, applying real time machine learning (ML) inference, and replicating data into other platforms. This lets you use BigQuery as an event-driven data processing engine for your application's decision logic.

The following diagram shows common continuous query workflows:

Diagram illustrating common BigQuery continuous query workflows, including data ingestion, processing, and export to destinations like Bigtable and Pub/Sub.

Use cases

Common use cases where you might want to use continuous queries are as follows:

  • Personalized customer interaction services: use generative AI to create tailored messages customized for each customer interaction.
  • Anomaly detection: build solutions that let you perform anomaly and threat detection on complex data in real time, so that you can react to issues more quickly.
  • Customizable event-driven pipelines: use continuous query integration with Pub/Sub to trigger downstream applications based on incoming data.
  • Data enrichment and entity extraction: use continuous queries to perform real time data enrichment and transformation by using SQL functions and ML models.
  • Reverse extract-transform-load (ETL): perform real time reverse ETL into other storage systems more suited for low latency application serving. For example, analyzing or enhancing event data that is written to BigQuery, and then streaming it to Bigtable for application serving.

Supported operations

The following operations are supported in continuous queries:


To execute long running continuous queries, use a service account rather than a user account.

The Google Cloud access tokens that are used when running continuous query jobs have a time to live (TTL) of two days when they are generated by a user account. Therefore, such jobs stop running after two days. The access tokens that are generated by service accounts aren't constrained by a TTL, so continuous query jobs executed by a service account run until explicitly canceled. For more information, see Run a continuous query by using a service account.


Continuous queries are supported in the following locations:

  • US
  • EU
  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-east7
  • us-west1


Continuous queries are subject to the following limitations:

Reservation limitations

  • You must create Enterprise edition or Enterprise Plus edition reservations in order to run continuous queries. Continuous queries don't support the on-demand compute billing model.
  • When you create a reservation assignment for a continuous query, the associated reservation is limited to 500 slots or less, and can't be configured to use autoscaling.
  • A continuous query reservation assignment doesn't share idle slots, even if the reservation is configured to do so.
  • You can't create a reservation assignment that uses a different job type in the same reservation as a continuous query reservation assignment.
  • You can't configure continuous query concurrency. BigQuery automatically determines the number of continuous queries that can run concurrently, based on available reservation assignments that use the CONTINUOUS job type.
  • When running multiple continuous queries using the same reservation, individual jobs might not split available resources fairly, as defined by BigQuery fairness.


Continuous queries use BigQuery capacity compute pricing, which is measured in slots. To run continuous queries, you must have a reservation that uses the Enterprise or Enterprise Plus edition, and a reservation assignment that uses the CONTINUOUS job type.

Usage of other BigQuery resources, such as data ingestion and storage, are charged at the rates shown in BigQuery pricing.

Usage of other services that receive continuous query results or that are called during continuous query processing are charged at the rates published for those services. For the pricing of other Google Cloud services used by continuous queries, see the following topics:

What's next

Try creating a continuous query.