Google Merchant Center Price Insights table


The Price Insights report shows suggested sale prices for your products and predicts the performance that you can expect if you update your products' prices. You can use the Price Insights report to price your products more effectively. The report is similar to the Price Insights Report from Google Merchant Center.

The data is written to a table named PriceInsights_MERCHANT_ID if you are using an individual Merchant ID, or PriceInsights_AGGREGATOR_ID if you're using an MCA account.


The PriceInsights_ table has the following schema:

Column BigQuery data type Description Example data
aggregator_id INTEGER Multi Client Account (MCA) ID if the merchant is part of an MCA. Null otherwise. 12345
merchant_id INTEGER Google Merchant Center account ID. This field is a primary key. 1234
id STRING Content API REST ID of the product in the form: channel:content_language:feed_label:offer_id, similar to the way it's defined in the products table schema. This field is a primary key. online:en:AU:666840730
title STRING The title of the product. TN2351 black USB
brand STRING The brand of the product. Brand Name
offer_id STRING Merchant provided id of the product. tddy123uk
price RECORD The current price of the product. 1$ = amount_micros: 1000000
currency_code: USD
suggested_price RECORD

Sale or discounted price predicted by Google to maximize gross profit for your business. It is based on complex models to simulate the performance of the product at different price points over the past 7 days.

To calculate suggested prices, we compare your existing price with the prices of a group of similar businesses selling the same products. The model additionally considers factors such as product demand, number of sellers offering similar products, and predicted profit margins for businesses similar to yours. These factors are analyzed to provide expected impressions, clicks, conversions, and gross profit if the suggested price is implemented.

While the suggested prices provide valuable insights, predictions don't guarantee future performance outcomes.

1$ = amount_micros: 1000000
currency_code: USD
predicted_impressions_change_fraction FLOAT Predicted increase in impressions if the suggested sale price is applied. Predictions are generated by models based on the past 7 days of performance data.
predicted_clicks_change_fraction FLOAT Predicted increase in clicks if the suggested sale price is applied. Predictions are generated by models based on the past 7 days of performance data.
predicted_conversions_change_fraction FLOAT Predicted increase in conversions if the suggested sale price is applied. Predictions are generated by models based on the past 7 days of performance data.
product_type_l1 STRING Product type attribute of the product.
product_type_l2 STRING Product type attribute of the product.
product_type_l3 STRING Product type attribute of the product.
product_type_l4 STRING Product type attribute of the product.
product_type_l5 STRING Product type attribute of the product.
category_l1 STRING Google product category of the product. Animals & Pet Supplies
category_l2 STRING Google product category of the product. Pet Supplies
category_l3 STRING Google product category of the product. Dog Supplies
category_l4 STRING Google product category of the product. Dog Beds
category_l5 STRING Google product category of the product.