Introduction to recommendations

What are recommendations?

BigQuery works with Active Assist to provide various recommendations that you can use to optimize your BigQuery resources. Recommendations are generated by recommenders - each recommender uses machine learning or heuristics to provide recommendations that optimizes your BigQuery resource usage.

You can view and manage recommendations across the different recommenders using the BigQuery user interface in the Google Cloud console, in either the BigQuery Recommendation Hub or the recommendation notification in BigQuery Studio.

To view your BigQuery recommendations along with other recommendations across Google Cloud console, use the Active Assist Recommendation Hub.

BigQuery recommenders

BigQuery offers the following recommenders:

View recommendations

To view your BigQuery recommendations, do the following.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the BigQuery page.

    Go to BigQuery

  2. In the navigation menu, click Recommendations.

  3. The Recommendations page opens, showing all recommendations generated for the current project or organization, depending on the selected scope. To see more information about a specific recommendation or insight, click a recommendation.

You can also click the Recommendations notification in BigQuery Studio to view your available BigQuery recommendations.

Click Recommendations to view all recommendations.

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