Find Recommendation Hub
This page shows you how to find Recommendation Hub.
Before you begin
Enroll in the Recommender Viewer role or Identity and Access Management Basic Roles to get access to view all recommendations available to you. Alternatively, you can reference the recommender list page to determine what permissions you need for each recommender.
Note that each recommender has its own specific roles and permissions to control access, which may include some metadata about its resources.
You can only see recommendations at an organization or folder level if you have permissions for that organization or folder, regardless of your permissions for folders or projects within it.
Navigate to Recommendation Hub
There are a few options to find your recommendations in Google Cloud console.
Directly visit Recommendation Hub.
Click Recommendations from Google Cloud console home.
Under the Tools section in the left hand navigation in Google Cloud console, go to Active Assist > Dashboards.
What's next
- Adjust the scope of your recommendations
- Find recommendations
- Share recommendations
- Apply or dismiss recommendations