Comparison Shopping Service Center Transfer
The BigQuery Data Transfer Service for the Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) Center lets you automatically schedule and manage recurring load jobs for CSS Center reporting data.
Supported reports
The BigQuery Data Transfer Service for the CSS Center supports the following data from the product and product issues reports of associated Merchant Center accounts.
Products and product issues
This report contains data that merchants associated with your CSS Center have uploaded to their Merchant Center accounts. This report also includes item level issues detected by Google for your merchants' products. For information on how this data is loaded into BigQuery, see the CSS Center product table schema.
Data ingestion from CSS Center transfers
When you transfer data from CSS Center into BigQuery, the data is loaded into BigQuery tables that are partitioned by date. The table partition that the data is loaded into corresponds to the date from the data source. If you schedule multiple transfers for the same date, BigQuery Data Transfer Service overwrites the partition for that specific date with the latest data. Multiple transfers in the same day or running backfills don't result in duplicate data, and partitions for other dates are not affected.Limitations
Some reports might have their own constraints, such as different windows of support for historical backfills. The products and product issues report does not support backfills.
Products and product issues data in BigQuery doesn't represent the real-time view of Merchant Center accounts associated with your CSS Center account. The products and product issues data in BigQuery can have a latency of up to one hour.
Data exported for a CSS Center account will only contain information about the merchants who have agreed to share their information with their associated CSS. For more information, see How a CSS can access your Merchant Center account.
CSS Center data access and authorization
A user of a CSS Center can only access information from Merchant Center accounts based on the level of access provided to that user by the Merchant Center account. As a result, a CSS Center transfer only includes merchant data that a user of the CSS Center has access to. For more information, see How a CSS can access your Merchant Center account.
You can configure the access rights of a CSS user by configuring the user's access in the CSS Center as a CSS admin.
Query your data
When your data is transferred to BigQuery, the data is written to ingestion-time partitioned tables.
When you query your CSS Center table, you
must use the _PARTITIONTIME
pseudocolumn in your query.
For more information, see Querying partitioned tables.
The Products_
table contains nested and repeated fields. For information on
handling nested and repeated data, see
Differences in repeated field handling.
CSS Center sample queries
You can use the following CSS Center sample queries to analyze your transferred data. You can also use the queries in a visualization tool such as Looker Studio.
In each of the following queries, replace dataset with your dataset name. Replace css_id with your CSS domain ID.
Products and product issues sample queries
The following queries analyze data from the products and products issues report.
Products and product issues statistics
The following SQL sample query provides the number of products, products with issues, and issues by day.
SELECT _PARTITIONDATE AS date, COUNT(*) AS num_products, COUNTIF(ARRAY_LENGTH(item_issues) > 0) AS num_products_with_issues, SUM(ARRAY_LENGTH(item_issues)) AS num_issues FROMdataset .Products_css_id WHERE _PARTITIONDATE >= 'YYYY-MM-DD ' GROUP BY date ORDER BY date DESC;
Disapproved products
The following SQL sample query provides the number of products that are not approved for display, separated by region and reporting context. Disapproval can result from the reporting context being excluded or because of an issue with the product.
SELECT _PARTITIONDATE AS date, statuses.region as disapproved_region, reporting_context_status.reporting_context as reporting_context, COUNT(*) AS num_products FROMdataset .Products_css_id , UNNEST(reporting_context_statuses) AS reporting_context_status, UNNEST(reporting_context_status.region_and_status) AS statuses WHERE _PARTITIONDATE >= 'YYYY-MM-DD ' AND statuses.status = 'DISAPPROVED' GROUP BY date, disapproved_region, reporting_context ORDER BY date DESC;
Products with disapproved issues
The following SQL sample query retrieves the number of products with disapproved issues, separated by region.
SELECT _PARTITIONDATE AS date, disapproved_region, COUNT(DISTINCT CONCAT(CAST(css_id AS STRING), ':', product_id)) AS num_distinct_products FROMdataset .Products_css_id , UNNEST(item_issues) AS issue, UNNEST(issue.severity.severity_per_reporting_context) as severity_per_rc, UNNEST(severity_per_rc.disapproved_regions) as disapproved_region WHERE _PARTITIONDATE >= 'YYYY-MM-DD ' GROUP BY date, disapproved_region ORDER BY date DESC;