Introduction to BigLake external tables
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This document provides an overview of BigLake and assumes familiarity with database tables and Identity and Access Management (IAM). To query data stored in the supported data stores, you must first create BigLake tables and then query them using GoogleSQL syntax:
- Create Cloud Storage BigLake tables and then query.
- Create Amazon S3 BigLake tables and then query.
- Create Azure Blob Storage BigLake tables and then query.
You can also upgrade an external table to BigLake. For more information, see Upgrade an external table to BigLake.
BigLake tables let you query structured data in external data stores with access delegation. Access delegation decouples access to the BigLake table from access to the underlying data store. An external connection associated with a service account is used to connect to the data store. Because the service account handles retrieving data from the data store, you only have to grant users access to the BigLake table. This lets you enforce fine-grained security at the table level, including row-level and column-level security. For BigLake tables based on Cloud Storage, you can also use dynamic data masking. To learn more about multi-cloud analytic solutions using BigLake tables with Amazon S3 or Blob Storage data, see BigQuery Omni.
Supported data stores
You can use BigLake tables with the following data stores:
- Amazon S3 by using BigQuery Omni
- Blob Storage by using BigQuery Omni
- Cloud Storage
Temporary table support
BigLake tables based on Cloud Storage can be temporary or permanent. BigLake tables based on Amazon S3 or Blob Storage must be permanent.
Multiple source files
You can create a BigLake table based on multiple external data sources, provided those data sources have the same schema.
Cross-cloud joins
Cross-cloud joins let you run queries that span both Google Cloud and
BigQuery Omni regions. You can use
to analyze data across many different storage solutions, such as AWS, Azure,
public datasets, and other Google Cloud services. Cross-cloud joins
eliminate the need to copy data across sources before running queries.
You can reference BigLake tables anywhere in a SELECT
as if they were standard BigQuery tables, including in
data manipulation language (DML)
and data definition language (DDL)
statements that
use subqueries to retrieve data. You can use multiple BigLake
tables from different clouds and BigQuery tables in the same
query. All BigQuery tables must be from the same region.
Cross-cloud join required permissions
To get the permissions that
you need to run a cross-cloud join,
ask your administrator to grant you the
BigQuery Data Editor (roles/bigquery.dataEditor
) IAM role on the project where the join is executed.
For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.
This predefined role contains the permissions required to run a cross-cloud join. To see the exact permissions that are required, expand the Required permissions section:
Required permissions
The following permissions are required to run a cross-cloud join:
You might also be able to get these permissions with custom roles or other predefined roles.
Cross-cloud joins create datasets with the __bigquery_xregion_sink_
and temporary tables within these datasets, so to only grant access to resources
created by cross-cloud joins, use the
for Table
and Dataset
resource types.
For more information about IAM roles and permissions in BigQuery, see Introduction to IAM.
Cross-cloud join costs
When you run a cross-cloud join operation, BigQuery parses the
query into local and remote parts. The local part is treated as a standard query
in the BigQuery region. The remote part is converted into a
(CTAS) operation on the referenced
BigLake table in the BigQuery Omni region, which
creates a temporary table in your BigQuery region.
BigQuery then uses this temporary table to execute your
cross-cloud join and deletes the table automatically after eight hours.
You incur data transfer costs for data in the referenced BigLake tables. However, BigQuery helps reduce these costs by only transferring columns and rows in the BigLake table that are referenced in the query, rather than the entire table. We recommend specifying a column filter that is as narrow as possible to further reduce transfer costs. The CTAS job appears in your job history and displays information such as the number of transferred bytes. Successful transfers incur costs even if the main query job fails. For more information, see BigQuery Omni pricing.
Consider the following query as an example:
SELECT * FROM bigquery_dataset.bigquery_table AS clients WHERE clients.sales_rep IN ( SELECT id FROM aws_dataset.aws_table1 AS employees INNER JOIN aws_dataset.aws_table2 AS active_employees ON = WHERE employees.level > 3 );
This example has two transfers: one from an employees table (with a level filter) and one from an active employees table. The join is performed in the BigQuery region after the transfer occurs. If one transfer fails and the other succeeds, data transfer charges are still applied for the successful transfer.
Cross-cloud join limitations
- Cross-cloud joins aren't supported in the BigQuery free tier and in the BigQuery sandbox.
- Aggregations might not be pushed down to the BigQuery Omni
regions if the query contains
statements. - Each temporary table is only used for a single cross-cloud query and is not reused even if the same query is repeated multiple times.
- The transfer size limit for each transfer is 60 GB. Specifically, if you apply a filter on a BigLake table and load the result, it must be smaller than 60 GB. If needed, you can request a higher quota limit. There is no limit on scanned bytes.
- Cross-cloud join queries employ an internal quota on the rate of queries. If
the rate of queries exceeds the quota, you might receive an
All our servers are busy processing data transferred between regions
error. Retrying the query should work in most cases. Contact support to increase the internal quota to support a higher rate of queries. - Cross-cloud joins are only supported in
colocated BigQuery regions
with their corresponding BigQuery Omni regions and in the
multi-regions. Cross-cloud joins that are run in theUS
multi-regions can only access data in US or EU BigQuery Omni regions respectively. - If a cross-cloud join query references 10 or more datasets from
BigQuery Omni regions, it might fail with an error
Not found: Dataset <BigQuery dataset> was not found in location <BigQuery Omni region>
. To avoid this issue, we recommend explicitly specifying a location when you run a cross-cloud join that references more than 10 datasets. Be aware that if you explicitly specify a BigQuery region and your query only contains BigLake tables, then your query is run as a cross-cloud query and incurs data transfer costs. - You can't
query the
pseudo-column with cross-cloud joins. - When you reference the columns of a BigLake table in a
clause, you can't useINTERVAL
literals. - Cross-cloud join jobs don't report the number of bytes that are processed and transferred from other clouds. This information is available in the child CTAS jobs that are created as part of cross-cloud query execution.
- Authorized views and authorized routines referencing BigQuery Omni tables or views are only supported in BigQuery Omni regions.
- If your cross-cloud query references
columns, no pushdowns are applied to any remote subqueries. To optimize performance, consider creating a view in the BigQuery Omni region that filtersSTRUCT
columns and returns only the necessary fields as individual columns. - Time travel queries aren't supported by cross-cloud joins.
Cross-cloud join examples
The following query joins an orders
table in a BigQuery region
with a lineitem
table in a BigQuery Omni region:
SELECT l_shipmode, o_orderpriority, count(l_linenumber) AS num_lineitems FROM bigquery_dataset.orders JOIN aws_dataset.lineitem ON orders.o_orderkey = lineitem.l_orderkey WHERE l_shipmode IN ('AIR', 'REG AIR') AND l_commitdate < l_receiptdate AND l_shipdate < l_commitdate AND l_receiptdate >= DATE '1997-01-01' AND l_receiptdate < DATE '1997-02-01' GROUP BY l_shipmode, o_orderpriority ORDER BY l_shipmode, o_orderpriority;
This query is broken into local and remote parts. The following query is sent to the BigQuery Omni region to execute first. The result is a temporary table in the BigQuery region. You can view this child CTAS job and its metadata in your job history.
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE temp_table AS ( SELECT l_shipmode, l_linenumber, l_orderkey FROM aws_dataset.lineitem WHERE l_shipmode IN ('AIR', 'REG AIR') AND l_commitdate < l_receiptdate AND l_shipdate < l_commitdate AND l_receiptdate >= DATE '1997-01-01' AND l_receiptdate < DATE '1997-02-01' );
After the temporary table is created, the JOIN
operation completes, and the
following query is run:
SELECT l_shipmode, o_orderpriority, count(l_linenumber) AS num_lineitems FROM bigquery_dataset.orders JOIN temp_table ON orders.o_orderkey = lineitem.l_orderkey GROUP BY l_shipmode, o_orderpriority ORDER BY l_shipmode, o_orderpriority;
As another example, consider the following cross-cloud join:
SELECT c_mktsegment, c_name FROM bigquery_dataset.customer WHERE c_mktsegment = 'BUILDING' UNION ALL SELECT c_mktsegment, c_name FROM aws_dataset.customer WHERE c_mktsegment = 'FURNITURE' LIMIT 10;
In this query, the LIMIT
clause is not pushed down to the
BigQuery Omni region. All customers in the FURNITURE
segment are transferred to the BigQuery region first, and then
the limit of 10 is applied.
You can access data in BigLake tables based on Cloud Storage from other data processing tools by using BigQuery connectors. For example, you could access data in BigLake tables from Apache Spark, Apache Hive, TensorFlow, Trino, or Presto. The BigQuery Storage API enforces row- and column-level governance policies on all data access to BigLake tables, including through connectors.
For example, the following diagram demonstrates how the BigQuery Storage API lets users access authorized data using open source query engines such as Apache Spark:
For more information about connectors supported by BigQuery, see BigQuery connectors.
BigLake tables on object stores
For data lake administrators, BigLake lets you set access controls on tables rather than files, which gives you finer-grained options when setting user access to data in the data lake.
Because BigLake tables simplifies access control in this way, we recommend using BigLake tables to build and maintain connections to external object stores.
You can use external tables in cases where governance is not a requirement, or for ad hoc data discovery and manipulation.
- All limitations for external tables apply to BigLake tables.
- BigLake tables on object stores are subject to the same limitations as BigQuery tables. For more information, see Quotas.
BigLake does not support downscoped credentials from Dataproc Personal Cluster Authentication. As a workaround, to use clusters with Personal Cluster Authentication, you must inject your credentials using an empty Credential Access Boundary with the
--access-boundary=<(echo -n "{}")
flag. For example, the following command enables a credential propagation session in a project namedmyproject
for the cluster namedmycluster
:gcloud dataproc clusters enable-personal-auth-session \ --region=us \ --project=myproject \ --access-boundary=<(echo -n "{}") \ mycluster
BigLake tables are read-only. You cannot modify BigLake tables using DML statements or other methods.
BigLake tables support the following formats:
- Avro
- Delta Lake
- Iceberg
- Parquet
You can't use cached metadata with BigLake external tables for Apache Iceberg; BigQuery already uses the metadata that Iceberg captures in manifest files.
The BigQuery Storage API is not available in other cloud environments, such as AWS and Azure.
If you use cached metadata, then the following limitations apply:
- You can only use cached metadata with BigLake tables that use Avro, ORC, Parquet, JSON, and CSV formats.
- If you create, update, or delete files in Amazon S3, then querying the files does not return the updated data until the next refresh of the metadata cache. This can lead to unexpected results. For example, if you delete a file and write a new file, your query results may exclude both the old and the new files depending on when cached metadata was last updated.
- Using customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) with cached metadata is not supported for BigLake tables that reference Amazon S3 or Blob Storage data.
Security model
The following organizational roles are typically involved in managing and using BigLake tables:
- Data lake administrators. These administrators typically manage Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies on Cloud Storage buckets and objects.
- Data warehouse administrators. These administrators typically create, delete, and update tables.
- Data analysts. Analysts typically read data and run queries.
Data lake administrators are responsible for creating connections and sharing them with data warehouse administrators. In turn, data warehouse administrators create tables, set appropriate access controls, and share the tables with data analysts.
Metadata caching for performance
You can use cached metadata to improve query performance on some types of BigLake tables. Metadata caching is especially helpful in cases where you are working with large numbers of files or if the data is hive partitioned. The following types of BigLake tables support metadata caching:
- Amazon S3 BigLake tables
- Cloud Storage BigLake tables
The metadata includes file names, partitioning information, and physical metadata from files such as row counts. You can choose whether or not to enable metadata caching on a table. Queries with a large number of files and with Apache Hive partition filters benefit the most from metadata caching.
If you don't enable metadata caching, queries on the table must read the external data source to get object metadata. Reading this data increases the query latency; listing millions of files from the external data source can take several minutes. If you enable metadata caching, queries can avoid listing files from the external data source and can partition and prune files more quickly.
There are two properties that control this feature:
- Maximum staleness specifies when queries use cached metadata.
- Metadata cache mode specifies how the metadata is collected.
When you have metadata caching enabled, you specify the maximum interval of metadata staleness that is acceptable for operations against the table. For example, if you specify an interval of 1 hour, then operations against the table use cached metadata if it has been refreshed within the past hour. If the cached metadata is older than that, the operation falls back to retrieving metadata from the datastore (Amazon S3 or Cloud Storage) instead. You can specify a staleness interval between 30 minutes and 7 days.
When you enable metadata caching for BigLake or object tables, BigQuery triggers metadata generation refresh jobs. You can choose to refresh the cache either automatically or manually:
- For automatic refreshes, the cache is refreshed at a system defined interval, usually somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes. Refreshing the cache automatically is a good approach if the files in the datastore are added, deleted, or modified at random intervals. If you need to control the timing of the refresh, for example to trigger the refresh at the end of an extract-transform-load job, use manual refresh.
For manual refreshes, you run the
system procedure to refresh the metadata cache on a schedule that meets your requirements. For BigLake tables, you can refresh the metadata selectively by providing subdirectories of the table data directory. This lets you avoid unnecessary metadata processing. Refreshing the cache manually is a good approach if the files in the datastore are added, deleted, or modified at known intervals, for example as the output of a pipeline.If you issue multiple concurrent manual refreshes, only one will succeed.
The metadata cache expires after 7 days if it isn't refreshed.
Both manual and automatic cache refreshes are executed with
query priority.
If you choose to use automatic refreshes, we recommend that you create a
reservation, and then create an
assignment with a BACKGROUND
job type
for the project that runs the metadata cache refresh jobs. With BACKGROUND
reservations, refresh jobs use a dedicated resource pool which prevents the refresh jobs from competing with user queries, and prevents the jobs from potentially failing if there aren't sufficient resources available for them.
While using a shared slot pool incurs no extra cost, using BACKGROUND
reservations instead provides more consistent performance by allocating a dedicated resource pool, and improves the reliability of refresh jobs and overall query efficiency in BigQuery.
You should consider how the staleness interval and metadata caching mode values will interact before you set them. Consider the following examples:
- If you are manually refreshing the metadata cache for a table, and you set
the staleness interval to 2 days, you must run the
system procedure every 2 days or less if you want operations against the table to use cached metadata. - If you are automatically refreshing the metadata cache for a table, and you set the staleness interval to 30 minutes, it is possible that some of your operations against the table might read from the datastore if the metadata cache refresh takes on the longer side of the usual 30 to 60 minute window.
To find information about metadata refresh jobs, query the
as shown in the following example:
For Cloud Storage BigLake tables that are based on Parquet files, table statistics are collected during the metadata cache refresh and used to improve query plans.
To learn more, see Metadata caching.
For more information on setting metadata caching options, see Create Amazon S3 BigLake tables or Create Cloud Storage BigLake tables.
Cache-enabled tables with materialized views
You can use materialized views over BigLake metadata cache-enabled tables to improve performance and efficiency when querying structured data stored in Cloud Storage or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). These materialized views function like materialized views over BigQuery-managed storage tables, including the benefits of automatic refresh and smart tuning.
BigLake tables are accessible from a number of other BigQuery features and gcloud CLI services, including the following, highlighted services.
Analytics Hub
BigLake tables are compatible with Analytics Hub. Datasets containing BigLake tables can be published as Analytics Hub listings. Analytics Hub subscribers can subscribe to these listings, which provision a read-only dataset, called a linked dataset, in their project. Subscribers can query all tables in the linked dataset, including all BigLake tables. For more information, see View and subscribe to listings.
BigQuery ML
You can use BigQuery ML to train and run models on BigLake in Cloud Storage.
Sensitive Data Protection
Sensitive Data Protection scans your BigLake tables to identify and classify sensitive data. If sensitive data is detected, Sensitive Data Protection de-identification transformations can mask, delete, or otherwise obscure that data.
Costs are associated with the following aspects of BigLake tables:
- Querying the tables.
- Refreshing the metadata cache.
If you have slot reservations, you are not charged for querying external tables. Instead, slots are consumed for these queries.
The following table shows how your pricing model affects how these costs are applied:
On-demand pricing |
Standard, Enterprise, and Enterprise Plus editions |
Queries |
You are billed for the bytes processed by user queries. |
Slots in reservation assignments with a QUERY job type are consumed during query time. |
Manually refreshing the metadata cache. |
You are billed for the bytes processed to refresh the cache. |
Slots in reservation assignments with a QUERY job type are consumed during cache refresh. |
Automatically refreshing the metadata cache. |
You are billed for the bytes processed to refresh the cache. |
Slots in reservation assignments with a BACKGROUND job type are consumed during cache refresh.If there are no BACKGROUND reservations available for refreshing
the metadata cache, BigQuery automatically uses slots in
QUERY reservations instead if you are using the Enterprise or Enterprise Plus edition. |
You are also charged for storage and data access by Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, and Azure Blob Storage, subject to each product's pricing guidelines.
What's next
- Learn how to upgrade external tables to BigLake tables.
- Learn how to create a Cloud Storage BigLake table.
- Learn how to create an Amazon S3 BigLake table.
- Learn how to create a Blob Storage BigLake table.
- Learn how to create data quality checks with Dataplex.