Facebook Ads report transformation

This document describes how your Facebook Ads reports are transformed when you run a Facebook Ads transfer to BigQuery.

Table mapping for Facebook Ads reports

When your Facebook Ads reports are transferred to BigQuery, the reports are transformed into the following BigQuery tables and views.

AdAccounts report

Meta API field name Mapped BigQuery field name Type Description
id ID [KEY] String The Id of Ad Account.
Target String The target used to get ad accounts from. This value is `null` - to get all ad accounts.
account_id AccountId String The Id of the Ad Account when viewed directly in Facebook.
account_status AccountStatus Integer Status of the account. 1 = Active, 2 = Disabled, 3 = Unsettled, 7 = Pending Review, 9 = in Grace Period, 101 = temporarily unavailable, 100 = pending closure.
age Age Double Amount of time the ad account has been open, in days.
amount_spent AmountSpent Integer Current total amount spent by the account. This can be reset.
balance Balance Integer Bill amount due.
business_city BusinessCity String City for business address.
business_country_code BusinessCountryCode String Country code for the business address.
business_name BusinessName String The business name for the account.
business_state BusinessState String State abbreviation for business address.
business_street BusinessStreet String First line of the business street address for the account.
business_street2 BusinessStreet2 String Second line of the business street address for the account.
business_zip BusinessZip String Zip code for business address.
capabilities Capabilities String Capabilities allowed for this ad account.
created_time CreatedTime Datetime The time the account was created.
currency Currency String The currency used for the account, based on the corresponding value in the account settings.
min_campaign_group_spend_cap MinCampaignGroupSpendCap String The minimum campaign group spend limit.
name Name String Name of the account; note that many accounts are unnamed, so this field may be empty.
offsite_pixels_tos_accepted OffsitePixelsTosAccepted String Indicates whether the offsite pixel Terms Of Service contract was signed.
owner OwnerId String Facebook ID of the owner for the Ad Account.
spend_cap SpendCap Integer The maximum that can be spent by this account after which campaigns will be paused. A value of 0 signifies no spending-cap.
timezone_id TimezoneId String ID for the timezone.
timezone_name TimezoneName String Name for the timezone.
timezone_offset_hours_utc TimezoneOffsetHoursUTC Double Time Zone difference from UTC.

AdInsights report

Meta API field name Mapped BigQuery field name Type Description
Target String The Id of the Account to get insights for.
date_start DateStart Date The starting date to retrieve insights. In the Facebook UI, this is the Report Start field.
date_stop DateEnd Date The ending date to retrieve insights. In the Facebook UI, this is the Report End field.
TimeIncrement String The number of days of data aggregation. This value is set to 1.
Level String The level to represent the results at. This value is set to `ad`.
account_currency AccountCurrency String The currency that is being used by the ad account.
action_attribution_windows ActionAttributionWindows String A comma separated list that determines what is the attribution window for the actions. For example, 28d_click means the API returns all actions that happened 28 days after someone clicked on the ad. This option is set at [1d_view,28d_click].
account_id AdAccountId String The Id of the Ad Account that is associated with the report row.
account_name AdAccountName String The name of the Ad Account that is associated with the report row.
campaign_id CampaignId String The Id of the Campaign that is associated with the report row.
campaign_name CampaignName String The name of the Campaign that is associated with the report row.
adset_id AdSetId String The Id of the Ad Set that is associated with the report row.
adset_name AdSetName String The name of the Ad Set that is associated with the report row.
AdId ad_id String The Id of the Ad that is associated with the report row.
ad_name AdName String The name of the Ad that is associated with the report row.
buying_type BuyingType String The method by which target ads are paid for in your campaigns.
clicks Clicks Long The total number of clicks on your ad. Depending on what you're promoting, this can include Page likes, event responses or app installs. In the Facebook UI, this is the Clicks (All) field.
conversion_rate_ranking ConversionRateRanking String The conversion rate ranking.
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers CostPerEstimatedAdRecallers Decimal The average cost per additional person that we estimate will recall seeing your ad if asked within 2 days.
cost_per_inline_link_click CostPerInlineLinkClick Decimal The average cost per click on links in the ad.
cost_per_inline_post_engagement CostPerInlinePostEngagement Decimal The average cost per engagement on the post.
cost_per_unique_click CostPerUniqueClick Decimal The average cost per unique click for these ads, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of unique clicks received.
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click CostPerUniqueInlineLinkClick Decimal The average you paid for each unique inline link click.
cpc CPC Decimal The average cost per click for these ads, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of clicks received.
cpm CPM Decimal The average cost that you've paid to have 1,000 impressions on your ad.
cpp CPP Decimal The average cost that you've paid to have your ad served to 1,000 unique people.
ctr CTR Double The number of clicks you received divided by the number of impressions. In the Facebook UI, this is the CTR (All) % field.
estimated_ad_recall_rate EstimatedAdRecallRate Double The estimated number of people who recall your ad divided by the number of people your ad reached.
estimated_ad_recallers EstimatedAdRecallers Double The additional number of people that we estimate will remember seeing your ads if asked within 2 days.
frequency Frequency Double The average number of times that your ad was served to each person.
impressions Impressions Long The number of times that your ad was served. On mobile apps an ad is counted as served the first time it's viewed. On all other Facebook interfaces, an ad is served the first time it's placed in a person's News Feed or each time it's placed in the right column.
inline_link_clicks InlineLinkClicks Long Total number of clicks on links in the ad.
inline_link_click_ctr InlineLinkClicksCounter Double The click-through rate for inline clicks to link.
inline_post_engagement InlinePostEngagement Long The total number of engagements on the post.
instant_experience_clicks_to_open InstantExperienceClicksToOpen Long Corresponds to the instant_experience_clicks_to_open field from the META API.
instant_experience_clicks_to_start InstantExperienceClicksToStart Long Corresponds to the instant_experience_clicks_to_start field from the META API.
instant_experience_outbound_clicks InstantExperienceOutboundClicks Long Corresponds to the instant_experience_outbound_clicks field from the META API.
objective Objective String The objective you selected for your campaign. Your objective reflects the goal you want to achieve with your advertising.
quality_ranking QualityRanking String The quality ranking.
reach Reach Long The number of people your ad was served to.
spend Spend Decimal The total amount you've spent so far.
UniqueClicks Long The total number of unique people who have clicked on your ad. For example, if 3 people click the same ad 5 times, it counts as 3 unique clicks.
UniqueCTR Double The number of people who clicked on your ad divided by the number of people you reached. For example, if you received 20 unique clicks and your ad was served to 1,000 unique people, your unique click-through rate would be 2%.
inline_link_clicks UniqueInlineLinkClicks Long The number of unique inline link clicks that your ad got. In the Facebook UI, this is the Unique Clicks to Link field.
UniqueInlineLinkClickCounter Double The click-through rate for unique inline clicks to link.
UniqueLinkClicksCounter Double The unique click-through rate for clicks to link. The number of people who clicked on the link in your ad that directs people off Facebook divided by the number of people you reached. For example, if you received 20 unique clicks to link and your ad was shown to 1,000 unique people, your unique click-through rate would be 2%.
Checkins Int The number of checkins attributed to the Ad.
EventResponses Int The number of event responses attributed to the Ad.
inline_link_clicks LinkClicks Int The number of link clicks attributed to the Ad.
OfferSaves Int The number of receive offers attributed to the Ad.
outbound_clicks OutboundClicks Int The number of outbound clicks attributed to the Ad.
PageEngagements Int The number of page engagements attributed to the Ad.
PageLikes Int The number of page likes attributed to the Ad.
PageMentions Int The number of page mentions attributed to the Ad.
PagePhotoViews Int The number of photo views attributed to the Ad.
PostComments Int The number of post comments attributed to the Ad.
PostEngagements Int The number of post engagements attributed to the Ad.
PostShares Int The number of post shares attributed to the Ad.
PostReactions Int The number of post reactions attributed to the Ad.
PageTabViews Int The number of tab views attributed to the Ad.
Region String The region someone viewed the Ad from. This is a breakdown field.
Video3SecondViews Int The number of video views attributed to the Ad. Views count if at least 3 seconds or the entire video (if the video is less than 3 seconds) were played.

AdInsightsActions report

Meta API field name Mapped BigQuery field name Type Description
Target String The Id of the Account to get insights for.
date_start DateStart Date The starting date to retrieve insights for. In the Facebook UI, this is the Report Start field.
date_stop DateEnd Date The ending date to retrieve insights for. In the Facebook UI, this is the Report End field.
TimeIncrement String The number of days of data aggregation. This value is set at 1.
Level String The level to represent the results at. The value is set at ad.
action_attribution_windows ActionAttributionWindows String A comma separated list which determines what is the attribution window for the actions. For example, 28d_click means the API returns all actions that happened 28 days after someone clicked on the ad. The default option means [1d_view,7d_click]. Possible values include 1d_view, 7d_view, 28d_view, 1d_click, 7d_click, 28d_click, default.
ActionCollection String The action collection to retrieve. The value is set at Actions.
account_id AdAccountId String The Id of the Ad Account associated with the report row.
account_name AdAccountName String The name of the Ad Account associated with the report row.
campaign_id CampaignId String The Id of the Campaign associated with the report row.
campaign_name CampaignName String The name of the Campaign associated with the report row.
adset_id AdSetId String The Id of the Ad Set associated with the report row.
adset_name AdSetName String The name of the Ad Set associated with the report row.
ad_id AdId String The Id of the Ad associated with the report row.
ad_name AdName String The name of the Ad associated with the report row.
actions.value ActionValue Integer Metric value of default attribution window.
actions.1d_click Action1dClick String Metric value of attribution window 1 day after clicking the ad.
actions.1d_view Action1dView String Metric value of attribution window 1 day after viewing the ad.
actions.7d_click Action7dClick String Metric value of attribution window 7 days after clicking the ad.
actions.7d_view Action7dView String Metric value of attribution window 7 days after viewing the ad.
actions.28d_click Action28dClick String Metric value of attribution window 28 days after clicking the ad.
actions.28d_view Action28dView String Metric value of attribution window 28 days after viewing the ad.
actions.dda ActionDDA String Metric value of attribution window which is powered by data driven model.