Transactional workflows in a microservices architecture on Google Cloud

Last reviewed 2022-04-04 UTC

In a traditional enterprise application, requests from clients are executed within a database transaction. Generally, all of the data that you need to complete a request is stored in a single database that has ACID properties (the term ACID stands for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability). Therefore, you can guarantee consistency by using the transactional features of the relational database system. When something goes wrong during the transaction, the database system can automatically roll back and retry the transaction. This document describes how to design transactional workflows by using Cloud Run, Pub/Sub, Workflows, and Firestore in Datastore mode (Datastore). It's intended for application developers who want to design transactional workflows in a microservices based application.

This document is part of a series that has the following parts:

End-to-end transactions in microservices

In microservices architectures, an end-to-end transaction might span multiple services. Each service might provide a specific capability and have its own independent database, as shown in the following diagram.

Services A, B, and C with their respective databases.

As shown in the preceding image, a client accesses multiple microservices through a gateway. Because of this client access arrangement, you can't rely on the transactional features of a single database to help your database system to recover from failures and guarantee consistency. Instead, we recommend that you implement a transactional workflow in your microservices architecture.

This document describes two patterns that you can use to implement a transactional workflow in a microservices architecture. The patterns are as follows:

  • Choreography-based saga
  • Synchronous orchestration

Example application

To help demonstrate the workflow, this document uses a simple example application, which can handle order transactions for a shopping website. The application manages customers and orders. Customers have a credit limit and the application must confirm that a new order will not exceed the customer's credit limit. As shown in the following diagram, the transactional workflow runs across the following microservices: theOrder service and theCustomer service.

The example application architectural diagram.

The workflow is as follows:

  • A client submits an order request that specifies a customer ID and a number of items.
  • The Order service assigns an order ID, and stores the order information in the database. The status of the order is marked as pending.
  • The Customer service increases the customer's credit usage stored in the database according to the number of ordered items. (For example, an increase of 100 credits for a single item.)
  • If the total credit usage is lower than or equal to the predefined limit, the order is accepted and the Order service changes the status of the order in the database to accepted.
  • If the total credit usage is higher than the predefined limit, the Order service changes the status of the order to rejected. In this case, the credit usage is not increased.

The Order service

The Order service manages the status of an order. It generates and stores an order record in the Order database for each client request. The record consists of the following columns:

  • Order_id: The ID of the order. This ID is generated by the Order service.
  • Customer_id: The customer ID.
  • Number: The quantity of items in the order.
  • Status: The status of an order.

The Customer service

The Customer service manages customer credits. It generates and stores a customer record to the Customer database for each client request. The record consists of the following columns:

  • Customer_id: The ID of the customer, which is generated by the Customer service.
  • Credit: The number of credits the customer consumes. It increases when the customer orders items.
  • Limit: The customer's individual credit limit. An order will be rejected when the customer's credit is over the set limit.

Choreography-based saga

This section describes how you implement a choreography-based saga microservices pattern in a transactional workflow.

Architecture overview

In a choreography-based saga microservices pattern, microservices work as an autonomous-distributed system. When a service changes the status of its own entity, it publishes an event to notify other services of updates. The notification event triggers other services to act. In this way, multiple services work together to complete a transactional process. The communication between microservices is asynchronous. When a service publishes an event, no information is sent to the publishing service to confirm the services that receive the event, or when they receive it.

The following image shows an example choreography-based saga microservices pattern.

Choreography-based saga microservices pattern.

The example architecture shown in the preceding image is as follows:

  • Cloud Run acts as a runtime of microservices.
  • Pub/Sub acts as a messaging service to deliver events between microservices.
  • Datastore provides a database of each service.

You use Datastore to store events before publishing them. As explained in the event publishing process, the microservices store events instead of publishing them immediately.

The Order and Customer services store events in the event database at first. Then, the stored events are published periodically using Cloud Scheduler. Cloud Scheduler invokes the event-publisher service, which publishes events. This flow of events is shown in the following image:

The event publishing workflow.

Transactional workflow

In a transactional workflow, two services communicate with each other through events. In this architecture, the customer's order is processed as follows:

  1. The client submits an order request that specifies the customer's ID and the number of items they have ordered. The request is sent to the Order service through a REST API.
  2. The Order service assigns an ID to the order, and stores the order information in the Order database. The status of the order is marked as pending. The Order service returns the order information to the client, and publishes an event which includes the order information to the following Pub/Sub topic: order-service-event.
  3. The Customer service receives the event through a push notification. It increases the customer's credit usage which is stored in the Customer database according to the number of ordered items.
  4. If the total credit usage is lower than or equal to the predefined limit, the Customer service publishes an event which states that the credit increase has succeeded. Alternatively, it publishes an event which states that the credit increase has failed. In this case, the credit usage is not increased.
  5. The Order service receives the event through a push notification. It changes the order status to accepted or rejected accordingly. The client can track the status of the order using the order ID returned from Order service.

The following diagram summarizes this workflow:

Sequence diagram of the Choreography-based saga workflow.

The event publishing process

When a microservice modifies its own data in the database and publishes an event to notify the database, these two operations must be conducted in an atomic way. For example, if the microservice fails after modifying data without publishing an event, the transactional process stops. In this case, the data can potentially be left in an inconsistent state across the multiple microservices that are involved in the transaction. To avoid this issue, in the example application used in this document, the microservices write event data in the backend database instead of directly publishing the events to Pub/Sub.

Data is modified and the associated event data is written in an atomic way, using the transactional feature of the backend database. This pattern, which is shown in the following image, is commonly called application events or "transactional outbox".

Pattern using transactional feature.

As shown in the preceding image, initially, the published column in the event data is marked as False. Then, the event-publisher service periodically scans the database and publishes events where the published column is False. After successfully publishing an event, the event-publisher service changes the published column to True.

As shown in the following image, both the Order database and the Event database in the same namespace can be updated atomically by Datastore transactions.

Atomic updates by Cloud Datastore transactions.

If the event-publisher service fails after publishing an event without changing the published column, the service publishes the same event again after it recovers. Because the republication of the event causes a duplicate event, the microservices that receive the event must check for potential duplication and handle it accordingly. This approach helps to guarantee the idempotence of the event handling.

The following image shows how an example application deals with duplication of events.

A microservice updates its respective backend database based on the business logic triggered by an event.

As shown in the preceding diagram, the application handles duplicate events with the following workflow:

  • Each microservice updates its respective backend database based on the business logic triggered by an event, and writes the event ID to its database.
  • These two writes are conducted in an atomic way using the transactional feature that the backend databases use.
  • If the services receive a duplicate event, it's detected when the services look up the event ID in their databases.

Handling duplicate events is a common practice when receiving events from Pub/Sub, because there is a small chance that Pub/Sub can cause duplicate message delivery.

Expand the architecture

In the example application, before you process a message, you can use Datastore to check if it's duplicated. This approach means that the service which consumes the messages (Customer Service, in this case) is idempotent. This approach is commonly called the "idempotent consumer" pattern. Some frameworks implement this pattern as a built-in feature—for example, Eventuate.

However, accessing the database every time you process a message can cause performance issues. One solution is to utilize a database that has good performance and scalability—for example, Redis.

Synchronous orchestration

This section describes how you implement a synchronous orchestration microservices pattern in a transactional workflow.

Architecture overview

In this pattern, a single orchestrator controls the execution flow of a transaction. The communication between microservices and the orchestrator is done synchronously through REST APIs.

In the example architecture described in this document, Cloud Run is used as a runtime of microservices and Datastore is used as a backend database for each service. In addition, Workflows is used as an orchestrator. This pattern is shown in the following image:

Pattern with Cloud Run as a runtime of microservices and Datastore as a backend database for each service.

Transactional workflow

In the architecture for a synchronous workflow, a customer's order is processed as follows:

  1. The client submits an order request which specifies the ID of a customer and the number of items that the customer has ordered. The request is sent to the Order processor service through the REST API.
  2. The Order processor service executes a workflow where the customer ID and the number of items is passed to Workflows.
  3. The workflow calls the Order service's REST API and passes on the customer ID and the number of items that the customer has ordered. Then, the Order service assigns an order ID to the customer's order, and stores the order information in the Order database. The status of the order is marked as pending. The Order service returns the order information to the workflow.
  4. The workflow calls the Customer service's REST API and passes on the customer ID and the number of items that the customer has ordered. Then, the Customer service increases the customer's credit usage stored in the Customer database according to the number of ordered items.
  5. If the total credit usage is lower than or equal to the predefined limit, the Customer service returns data which explains that the credit increase has succeeded. Alternatively, it returns data which explains that the credit increase has failed. In this case, the credit usage is not increased.
  6. The workflow calls the Order service REST API to change the order status to accepted or rejected, as appropriate. Finally, it returns the order information in the final status update to the Order processor service. Then, the Order processor service returns that information to the client.

This workflow is summarized in the following diagram:

Sequence diagram of the Synchronous orchestration workflow.

Advantages and disadvantages

When you consider whether to implement a choreography-based saga or synchronous orchestration, the best choice for your organization is always the pattern which is most suitable for its needs. However, in general, because of the simplicity of its design, synchronous orchestration is often the first choice for many enterprises.

The following table summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the choreography-based saga and synchronous orchestration patterns that are described in this document.



Choreography-based saga

Loose coupling: Each service publishes events to Datastore when there is a change in its own data. No information is sent to any other services. This approach makes each service more independent, and there's a lower chance of the need to modify services when you introduce new services to the workflow.

Complex dependency: The implementation of the whole workflow is distributed among services. As a result, it can be complex to understand the workflow. This approach might accidentally introduce complexity into future design changes and troubleshooting.

Synchronous orchestration

Simple dependency: A single orchestrator controls the whole execution flow of a transaction. As a result, it's simpler to understand how the transaction flow works. This pattern simplifies the modification of workflow and troubleshooting.

Risk of tight coupling: The central orchestrator depends on all of the services that make up the transactional workflow. As a result, when you modify one of these services or add new services to the workflow, you might need to modify the orchestrator accordingly. The extra effort required can outweigh the benefit of being able to modify and add services more independently to microservices architecture compared to monolithic systems.

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