
apigee-pull-push.sh is a utility that pulls all the images for your current project from the Google Docker hub and pushes them to your specified repository.


  • docker: You can check if docker is installed in your shell with the following command:
    which docker

    To install docker, see Install Docker Engine

  • gcloud: You can check if gcloud is installed in your shell with the following command:
    which gcloud

    To install or upgrade gcloud, see Installing Google Cloud SDK

apigee-pull-push Usage

Optional: Check the current project in your gcloud context

apigee-pull-push.sh pulls the images for the current project in your gcloud context. Check the project with the following command:

gcloud config list core/project --format='value(core.project)'

You can set the current project with the following command:

gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

Where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the Google Cloud project for your Apigee installation.

This step is optional, because apigee-pull-push.sh will confirm the project and allow you to proceed or abort.

Push the Apigee image to a repository you name

apigee-pull-push.sh REPO

Where REPO is the repository, for example myrepo.docker.com.

Push the Apigee image to the default repository


This pushes the image to us.gcr.io/PROJECT_ID, for example us.gcr.io/my-project.

Get help for apigee-pull-push.sh

apigee-pull-push.sh --help