Upgrading Apigee hybrid to version 1.11

This procedure covers upgrading from Apigee hybrid version 1.10.x to Apigee hybrid version 1.11.2 and from previous releases of hybrid 1.11.x to version 1.11.2.

Use the same procedures for minor version upgrades (for example version 1.10 to 1.11) and for patch release upgrades (for example 1.11.0 to 1.11.2).

If you are upgrading from Apigee hybrid version 1.9 or older, you must first upgrade to hybrid version 1.10 before upgrading to version 1.11.2. See the instructions for Upgrading Apigee hybrid to version 1.10.

Upgrading to version 1.11.2 overview

The procedures for upgrading Apigee hybrid are organized in the following sections:

  1. Prepare to upgrade.
  2. Install hybrid runtime version 1.11.2.


These upgrade instructions assume you have Apigee hybrid version 1.10.x installed and wish to upgrade it to version 1.11.2. If you are updating from an earlier version, see the instructions for Upgrading Apigee hybrid to version 1.10.

Helm charts and apigeectl

In version 1.11 you can choose to install and manage Apigee hybrid with either Helm charts or apigeectl. Apigee recommends using Helm to manage your installation.

Migrating to v1.11 with Helm from v1.10 with apigeectl

To upgrade to Apigee hybrid v1.11 managed by Helm from a hybrid v1.10 installation managed with apigeectl:

  1. First, migrate your v1.10 installation Helm by following the instructions in Migrate Apigee hybrid to Helm charts from apigeectl.
  2. Follow the instructions for Helm charts below to upgrade your installation.

Prepare to upgrade to version 1.11


  1. These instructions use the environment variable APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME for the directory in your file system where you have installed the Helm charts. If needed, change directory into this directory and define the variable with the following command:



    Mac OS



  2. Make a backup copy of your version 1.10 $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/ directory. You can use any backup process. For example, you can create a tar file of your entire directory with:
    tar -czvf $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/../apigee-helm-charts-v1.10-backup.tar.gz $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME
  3. Back up your Cassandra database following the instructions in Cassandra backup and recovery.
  4. If you are using service cert files (.json) in your overrides to authenticate service accounts, make sure your service account cert files reside in the correct Helm chart directory. Helm charts cannot read files outside of each chart directory.

    This step is not needed if you are using Kubernetes secrets or Workload Identity to authenticate service accounts.

    The following table shows the destination for each service account file, depending on your type of installation:


    Service account Default filename Helm chart directory
    apigee-cassandra PROJECT_ID-apigee-cassandra.json $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-datastore/
    apigee-logger PROJECT_ID-apigee-logger.json $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-telemetry/
    apigee-mart PROJECT_ID-apigee-mart.json $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-org/
    apigee-metrics PROJECT_ID-apigee-metrics.json $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-telemetry/
    apigee-runtime PROJECT_ID-apigee-runtime.json $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-env
    apigee-synchronizer PROJECT_ID-apigee-synchronizer.json $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-env/
    apigee-udca PROJECT_ID-apigee-udca.json $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-org/
    apigee-watcher PROJECT_ID-apigee-watcher.json $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-org/


    Make a copy of the apigee-non-prod service account file in each of the following directories:

    Service account Default filename Helm chart directories
    apigee-non-prod PROJECT_ID-apigee-non-prod.json $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-datastore/
  5. Make sure that your TLS certificate and key files (.crt, .key, and/or .pem) reside in the $APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-virtualhost/ directory.


The examples in these instructions use the following directory structure. Your installation may be different. Adjust the instructions to the structure of your installation.

└── apigeectl/
    └── config/
    └── plugins/
    └── templates/
    └── tools/
└── hybrid-files/
    └── overrides/
    └── service-accounts/
    └── certs/
  1. These instructions use the environment variable APIGEECTL_HOME for the directory in your file system where you have installed apigeectl. If needed, change directory into your apigeectl directory and define the variable with the following command:



    Mac OS



  2. Make a backup copy of your version 1.10 $APIGEECTL_HOME/ directory. For example:
    tar -czvf $APIGEECTL_HOME/../apigeectl-v1.10-backup.tar.gz $APIGEECTL_HOME
  3. Back up your Cassandra database following the instructions in Cassandra backup and recovery.

Upgrade your Kubernetes version

Check your Kubernetes platform version and if needed, upgrade your Kubernetes platform to a version that is supported by both hybrid 1.10 and hybrid 1.11. Follow your platform's documentation if you need help.

Install the hybrid 1.11.2 runtime


Prepare for the Helm charts upgrade

  1. Make the following change to your overrides.yaml file to enable the apigee-operator and apigee-env charts ot use the correct tag, 1.11.2-hotfix.2:
        url: "gcr.io/apigee-release/hybrid/apigee-operators"
        tag: "1.11.2-hotfix.2"
        url: "gcr.io/apigee-release/hybrid/apigee-runtime"
        tag: "1.11.2-hotfix.2"

    See Apigee 1.11.2-hotfix.2 release notes.

  2. Pull the Apigee Helm charts.

    Apigee hybrid charts are hosted in Google Artifact Registry:


    Using the pull command, copy all of the Apigee hybrid Helm charts to your local storage with the following command:

    export CHART_REPO=oci://us-docker.pkg.dev/apigee-release/apigee-hybrid-helm-charts
    export CHART_VERSION=1.11.2
    helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-operator --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
    helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-datastore --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
    helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-env --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
    helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-ingress-manager --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
    helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-org --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
    helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-redis --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
    helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-telemetry --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
    helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-virtualhost --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
  3. Install cert-manager if needed.

    If you need to upgrade your cert-manager version, install the new version with the following command:

    kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.11.1/cert-manager.yaml
  4. Install the updated Apigee CRDs:
    1. Use the kubectl dry-run feature by running the following command:

      kubectl apply -k  apigee-operator/etc/crds/default/ --server-side --force-conflicts --validate=false --dry-run=server
    2. After validating with the dry-run command, run the following command:

      kubectl apply -k  apigee-operator/etc/crds/default/ --server-side --force-conflicts --validate=false
    3. Validate the installation with the kubectl get crds command:
      kubectl get crds | grep apigee

      Your output should look something like the following:

      apigeedatastores.apigee.cloud.google.com                    2023-10-09T14:48:30Z
      apigeedeployments.apigee.cloud.google.com                   2023-10-09T14:48:30Z
      apigeeenvironments.apigee.cloud.google.com                  2023-10-09T14:48:31Z
      apigeeissues.apigee.cloud.google.com                        2023-10-09T14:48:31Z
      apigeeorganizations.apigee.cloud.google.com                 2023-10-09T14:48:32Z
      apigeeredis.apigee.cloud.google.com                         2023-10-09T14:48:33Z
      apigeerouteconfigs.apigee.cloud.google.com                  2023-10-09T14:48:33Z
      apigeeroutes.apigee.cloud.google.com                        2023-10-09T14:48:33Z
      apigeetelemetries.apigee.cloud.google.com                   2023-10-09T14:48:34Z
      cassandradatareplications.apigee.cloud.google.com           2023-10-09T14:48:35Z
  5. Check the labels on the cluster nodes. By default, Apigee schedules data pods on nodes with the label cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool=apigee-data and runtime pods are scheduled on nodes with the label cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool=apigee-runtime. You can customize your node pool labels in the overrides.yaml file.

    For more information, see Configuring dedicated node pools.

Install the Apigee hybrid Helm charts

  1. If you have not, navigate into your APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME directory. Run the following commands from that directory.
  2. Upgrade the Apigee Operator/Controller:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade operator apigee-operator/ \
      --install \
      --create-namespace \
      --namespace apigee-system \

    Upgrade the chart:

    helm upgrade operator apigee-operator/ \
      --install \
      --create-namespace \
      --namespace apigee-system \

    Verify Apigee Operator installation:

    helm ls -n apigee-system
    NAME           NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
    operator    apigee-system   3               2023-06-26 00:42:44.492009 -0800 PST    deployed        apigee-operator-1.11.2   1.11.2

    Verify it is up and running by checking its availability:

    kubectl -n apigee-system get deploy apigee-controller-manager
    NAME                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    apigee-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           7d20h
  3. Upgrade the Apigee datastore:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Upgrade the chart:

    helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Verify apigeedatastore is up and running by checking its state:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeedatastore default
    NAME      STATE       AGE
    default   running    2d
  4. Upgrade Apigee telemetry:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade telemetry apigee-telemetry/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Upgrade the chart:

    helm upgrade telemetry apigee-telemetry/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Verify it is up and running by checking its state:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeetelemetry apigee-telemetry
    NAME               STATE     AGE
    apigee-telemetry   running   2d
  5. Upgrade Apigee Redis:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade redis apigee-redis/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Upgrade the chart:

    helm upgrade redis apigee-redis/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Verify it is up and running by checking its state:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeeredis default
    NAME      STATE     AGE
    default   running   2d
  6. Upgrade Apigee ingress manager:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade ingress-manager apigee-ingress-manager/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Upgrade the chart:

    helm upgrade ingress-manager apigee-ingress-manager/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Verify it is up and running by checking its availability:

    kubectl -n apigee get deployment apigee-ingressgateway-manager
    NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    apigee-ingressgateway-manager   2/2     2            2           2d
  7. Upgrade the Apigee organization:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade ORG_NAME apigee-org/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Upgrade the chart:

    helm upgrade ORG_NAME apigee-org/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \

    Verify it is up and running by checking the state of the respective org:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeeorg
    NAME                      STATE     AGE
    apigee-org1-xxxxx          running   2d
  8. Upgrade the environment.

    You must install one environment at a time. Specify the environment with --set env=ENV_NAME:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade ENV_RELEASE_NAME apigee-env/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --set env=ENV_NAME \
    • ENV_RELEASE_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-env chart. In hybrid v1.10, it is usually apigee-env-ENV_NAME. In Hybrid v1.11 and newer it is usually ENV_NAME.
    • ENV_NAME is the name of the environment you are upgrading.
    • OVERRIDES_FILE is your new overrides file for v.1.11.2

    Upgrade the chart:

    helm upgrade ENV_RELEASE_NAME apigee-env/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --set env=ENV_NAME \

    Verify it is up and running by checking the state of the respective env:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeeenv
    NAME                          STATE       AGE   GATEWAYTYPE
    apigee-org1-dev-xxx            running     2d
  9. Upgrade the environment groups (virtualhosts).
    1. You must upgrade one environment group (virtualhost) at a time. Specify the environment group with --set envgroup=ENV_GROUP_NAME. Repeat the following commands for each env group mentioned in the overrides.yaml file:

      Dry run:

      helm upgrade ENV_GROUP_RELEASE_NAME apigee-virtualhost/ \
        --install \
        --namespace apigee \
        --set envgroup=ENV_GROUP_NAME \
        -f OVERRIDES_FILE \

      ENV_GROUP_RELEASE_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-virtualhost chart. In hybrid v1.10, it is usually apigee-virtualhost-ENV_GROUP_NAME. In Hybrid v1.11 and newer it is usually ENV_GROUP_NAME.

      Upgrade the chart:

      helm upgrade ENV_GROUP_RELEASE_NAME apigee-virtualhost/ \
        --install \
        --namespace apigee \
        --set envgroup=ENV_GROUP_NAME \
    2. Check the state of the ApigeeRoute (AR).

      Installing the virtualhosts creates ApigeeRouteConfig (ARC) which internally creates ApigeeRoute (AR) once the Apigee watcher pulls env group related details from the control plane. Therefore, check that the corresponding AR's state is running:

      kubectl -n apigee get arc
      NAME                                STATE   AGE
      apigee-org1-dev-egroup                       2d
      kubectl -n apigee get ar
      NAME                                        STATE     AGE
      apigee-org1-dev-egroup-xxxxxx                running   2d


  1. Store the latest version number in a variable using the following command:


    export VERSION=$(curl -s \

    Mac OS

    export VERSION=$(curl -s \


    for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('curl -s ^
      https://storage.googleapis.com/apigee-release/hybrid/apigee-hybrid-setup/current-version.txt') ^
    do set VERSION=%a
  2. Check that the variable was populated with a version number using the following command. If you want to use a different version, you can save that in an environment variable instead.
    echo $VERSION

    You should see the latest Apigee hybrid version:

  3. Be sure you are in the hybrid base directory (the parent of the directory where the apigeectl executable file is located):
  4. Download the release package for your operating system using the following command. Be sure to select your platform in the following table:


    Linux 64 bit:

    curl -LO \

    Mac OS

    Mac 64 bit:

    curl -LO \


    Windows 64 bit:

    curl -LO ^
  5. Rename your current apigeectl/ directory to a backup directory name. For example:



    Mac OS



  6. Extract the downloaded gzip file contents into your hybrid base directory. The hybrid base directory is the directory where the renamed apigeectl-v1.10 directory is located:


    tar xvzf filename.tar.gz -C ./

    Mac OS

    tar xvzf filename.tar.gz -C ./


    tar xvzf filename.zip -C ./
  7. The tar contents are, by default, expanded into a directory with the version and platform in its name. For example: ./apigeectl_1.11.2-xxxxxxx_linux_64. Rename that directory to apigeectl using the following command:


    mv apigeectl_1.11.2-xxxxxxx_linux_64 apigeectl

    Mac OS

    mv apigeectl_1.11.2-xxxxxxx_mac_64 apigeectl


    rename apigeectl_1.11.2-xxxxxxx_windows_64 apigeectl
  8. Change to the apigeectl directory:
    cd ./apigeectl

    This directory is the apigeectl home directory. It is where the apigeectl executable command is located.

  9. These instructions use the environment variable $APIGEECTL_HOME for the directory in your file system where the apigeectl utility is installed. If needed, change directory into your apigeectl directory and define the variable with the following command:



    Mac OS



  10. Verify the version of apigeectl with the version command:
    ./apigeectl version
    Version: 1.11.2
  11. Create a hybrid-base-directory/hybrid-files directory, and then move into it. The hybrid-filesdirectory is where configuration files such as the overrides file, certs, and service accounts are located. For example:


    mkdir $APIGEECTL_HOME/../hybrid-files
    cd $APIGEECTL_HOME/../hybrid-files

    Mac OS

    mkdir $APIGEECTL_HOME/../hybrid-files
    cd $APIGEECTL_HOME/../hybrid-files


    mkdir %APIGEECTL_HOME%/../hybrid-files
    cd %APIGEECTL_HOME%/../hybrid-files
  12. Verify that kubectl is set to the correct context using the following command. The current context should be set to the cluster in which you are upgrading Apigee hybrid.
    kubectl config get-contexts | grep \*
  13. In the hybrid-files directory:
    1. Update the following symbolic links to $APIGEECTL_HOME. These links allow you to run the newly installed apigeectl command from inside the hybrid-files directory:
      ln -nfs $APIGEECTL_HOME/tools tools
      ln -nfs $APIGEECTL_HOME/config config
      ln -nfs $APIGEECTL_HOME/templates templates
      ln -nfs $APIGEECTL_HOME/plugins plugins
    2. To check that the symlinks were created correctly, execute the following command and make sure the link paths point to the correct locations:
      ls -l | grep ^l
  14. Make the following change to your overrides.yaml file to enable the Operator and Runtime to use the correct tag, 1.11.2-hotfix.2:
        url: "gcr.io/apigee-release/hybrid/apigee-operators"
        tag: "1.11.2-hotfix.2"
        url: "gcr.io/apigee-release/hybrid/apigee-runtime"
        tag: "1.11.2-hotfix.2"

    See Apigee 1.11.2-hotfix.2 release notes.

  15. Do a dry run initialization to check for errors:
    ${APIGEECTL_HOME}/apigeectl init -f OVERRIDES_FILE --dry-run=client

    Where OVERRIDES_FILE is the name of your overrides file, for example ./overrides/overrides.yaml.

  16. If there are no errors, initialize hybrid 1.11.2:
    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl init -f OVERRIDES_FILE
  17. Check the initialization status:
    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES_FILE

    On success, the output says: All containers ready.

    kubectl describe apigeeds -n apigee

    In the output, look for State: running.

  18. Check for errors with a dry run of the apply command using the --dry-run flag:
    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE --dry-run=client
  19. If there are no errors, apply your overrides. Select and follow the instructions for production environments or non-prod environments, depending on your installation.


    For production environments, upgrade each hybrid component individually, and check the status of the upgraded component before proceeding to the next component.

    1. Be sure you are in the hybrid-files directory.
    2. Apply your overrides to upgrade Cassandra:
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE --datastore
    3. Check completion:
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES_FILE

      Proceed to the next step only when the pods are ready.

    4. Apply your overrides to upgrade Telemetry components and check completion:
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE --telemetry
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES_FILE
    5. Bring up Redis components:
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE --redis
    6. Apply your overrides to upgrade the org-level components (MART, Watcher and Apigee Connect) and check completion:
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE --org
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES_FILE
    7. Apply your overrides to upgrade your environments. You have two choices:
      • Environment by environment: Apply your overrides to one environment at a time and check completion. Repeat this step for each environment:
        $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE --env ENV_NAME
        $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES_FILE

        Where ENV_NAME is the name of the environment you are upgrading.

      • All environments at one time: Apply your overrides to all environments at once and check completion:
        $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE --all-envs
        $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES_FILE
    8. Apply your overrides to upgrade the virtualhosts components and check completion:
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE --settings virtualhosts
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES_FILE


    In most non-production, demo, or experimental environments, you can apply the overrides to all components at once. If your non-production environment is large and complex or closely mimics a production environment, you may want to use the instructions for upgrading production environments.

    1. Be sure you are in the hybrid-files directory.
    2. $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f OVERRIDES_FILE
    3. Check the status:
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f OVERRIDES_FILE

Rolling back an upgrade

Follow these steps to roll back a previous upgrade:


To rollback to the previous version, use the charts charts and the overrides file from the previous installation.

  1. Create the following environment variable:
    • PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME: The directory where the previous Apigee hybrid Helm charts are installed. This is the version you are rolling back to.
  2. Roll back the virtualhosts. Repeat the following command for each environment group mentioned in the overrides file.
    helm upgrade ENV_GROUP_RELEASE_NAME $PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-virtualhost/ \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      --set envgroup=ENV_GROUP_NAME \

    ENV_GROUP_RELEASE_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-virtualhost chart. In hybrid v1.10, it is usually apigee-virtualhost-ENV_GROUP_NAME. In Hybrid v1.11 and newer it is usually ENV_GROUP_NAME.

  3. Roll back Envs. Repeat the following command for each environment mentioned in the overrides file.
    helm upgrade apigee-env-ENV_NAME $PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-env/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      --set env=ENV_NAME \

    ENV_RELEASE_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-env chart. In hybrid v1.10, it is usually apigee-env-ENV_NAME. In Hybrid v1.11 and newer it is usually ENV_NAME.

  4. Roll back Org:
    helm upgrade ORG_NAME $PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-org/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
  5. Roll back the Ingress Manager:
    helm upgrade ingress-manager $PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-ingress-manager/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
  6. Roll back Redis:
    helm upgrade redis $PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-redis/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
  7. Roll back Apigee Telemetry:
    helm upgrade telemetry $PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-telemetry/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
  8. Roll back Apigee Datastore (the Cassandra database component):
    helm upgrade datastore $PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-datastore/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
  9. Roll back the Apigee Controller:
    helm upgrade operator $PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-operator/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee-system \
      --atomic \
  10. Roll back the Apigee hybrid CRDs:
      kubectl apply -k  $PREVIOUS_HELM_CHARTS_HOME/apigee-operator/etc/crds/default/ --server-side --force-conflicts --validate=false


  1. Clean up completed jobs for the hybrid runtime namespace, where NAMESPACE is the namespace specified in your overrides file, if you specified a namespace. If not, the default namespace is apigee:
    kubectl delete job -n NAMESPACE \
      $(kubectl get job -n NAMESPACE \
  2. Clean up completed jobs for the apigee-system namespace:
    kubectl delete job -n apigee-system \
      $(kubectl get job -n apigee-system \
  3. Change the APIGEECTL_HOME variable to point to the directory that contains the previous version of apigeectl. For example:
  4. Run the following commands in the root directory of the installation you want to roll back to. Be sure to use the original overrides file for the version you wish to roll back to:
    1. In the hybrid-files directory, run apigeectl apply:

      Where ORIGINAL_OVERRIDES_FILE is the relative path and filename of the overrides file for your previous version hybrid installation, for example, ./overrides/overrides1.10.yaml.

    2. Check the status of your pods:
      kubectl -n NAMESPACE get pods

      Where NAMESPACE is your Apigee hybrid namespace.

    3. Check the status of apigeeds:
      kubectl describe apigeeds -n apigee

      Your output should look something like:

        Cassandra Data Replication:
        Cassandra Pod Ips:

        Cassandra Ready Replicas:  1
            Last Successfully Released Version:
              Revision:  v1-f8aa9a82b9f69613
              Version:   v1
              Available:  1
              Ready:      1
              Total:      1
              Updated:    1
            State:        running
          In Progress:         false
          Requested Replicas:  0
        State:                 running

      Proceed to the next step only when the apigeeds pod is running.

    4. Run the following command to make note of what your new replica count values will be for the message processor after the upgrade. If these values do not match what you have set previously, change the values in your overrides file to match your previous configuration.
      apigeectl apply -f ORIGINAL_OVERRIDES_FILE --dry-run=client --print-yaml --env ENV_NAME 2>/dev/null |grep "runtime:" -A 25 -B 1| grep "autoScaler" -A 2

      Your output should look something like:

              minReplicas: 2
              maxReplicas: 10
    5. Run apigeectl init: