Adding multiple hybrid orgs to a cluster

This topic discusses how to add a second Apigee hybrid organization (org) to an existing Kubernetes cluster. In this multi-org configuration, both orgs use and share the same Cassandra ring. Each org can have multiple environments and environment groups configured.


A multi-org per cluster configuration is supported with the following limitations. Until these limitations are mitigated, we do not recommend that you use this configuration:

  • If you are going to have multiple Apigee hybrid instances, each instance should have its own cluster. Multiple Apigee hybrid instances running on the same kubernetes cluster can lead to issues of instability potentially causing downtime.
  • All logging from the pods are sent to the first Google Cloud project that was configured. This limitation is most apparent in the Cloud Logging tool. The logs for the other Apigee orgs will not be sent to the matching Google Cloud project. Logs are still captured at the pod level and can be retrieved with kubectl commands. However, they are not sent to the correct Cloud project through Cloud Logging.
  • You cannot delete org data in the Cassandra database for just one org. This means that you cannot remove orgs selectively. Any modification to the database configuration affects all orgs that are deployed to that cluster.
  • The hybrid upgrade procedure upgrades the entire cluster all at once.
  • Backup and restore is done as a cluster, and cannot be done for a specific org.
  • The Apigee API Monitoring feature (Timeline, Recent, Investigate) only works for the first org that was configured and deployed. It will not work for the other orgs in a multi-org cluster.

Multi-org options

This section describes how Apigee Support handles existing multi-org clusters and recommendations for future deployments:

  • If you have existing multi-org Kubernetes clusters deployed in non-production and production contexts, Apigee Support will continue to support them. However, note the technical limitations outlined in the next section. We recommend that you change any future production deployments to use one Apigee org per cluster.
  • If you have existing multi-org clusters in non-production contexts, Apigee Support will continue to support them. We recommend that you migrate any production clusters to a new configuration that uses one Apigee org per cluster.


Before continuing, note the following:

  • You must have an existing hybrid org with one or more environments installed and configured in an existing Kubernetes cluster. See the hybrid installation instructions.
  • When combining multiple orgs in a single cluster, the hybrid versions must all match. Before adding a second org to a cluster, upgrade the existing hybrid installation, if necessary. See Upgrading Apigee hybrid.

Create an org to add to the existing cluster

To create the additional org, follow the steps in Part 1: Project and org setup.

Configure the new org

In the following steps, you will create a new overrides file and configure it for the new org. An overrides.yaml file can only support one org's information. Therefore, you must create a new overrides.yaml file and apply it to the existing Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Create service accounts for use with the new org. See Create service accounts.
  2. Make note of the TLS certificate files (.key and .pem) in your certs directory. If you need to create them again, you can follow the instructions in Create TLS certificates.
  3. Copy your existing overrides.yaml to a new file to use as a starting point for configuring your new org. For example: new-overrides.yaml.
  4. Edit the new overrides file with the following configurations:
    org: "new-org-name"
    instanceID: "instance-id"   ## Must match the instanceID of your existing org.
    multiOrgCluster: true ## Enables exporting metrics for this org to the Google Cloud Project named with gcp:projectID
      name: "existing-cluster-name"
      region: "existing-cluster-analytics-region"
      projectID: "new-project-id"
      name: "new-project-id"
      region: "new-project-default-location"
    namespace: namespace ## must be the same for both new and existing orgs
      - name: new-environment-group-name
        sslCertPath: ./certs/cert-file-name # .crt or .pem
        sslKeyPath: ./certs/key-file-name # .key
      - name: new-environment-name
          runtime: ./new-service-accounts-directory/new-project-id-apigee-runtime.json
          synchronizer: ./new-service-accounts-directory/new-project-id-apigee-synchronizer.json
          udca: ./new-service-accounts-directory/new-project-id-apigee-udca.json
      serviceAccountPath: ./new-service-accounts-directory/new-project-id-apigee-mart.json
      serviceAccountPath: ./new-service-accounts-directory/new-project-id-apigee-mart.json
      serviceAccountPath: ./new-service-accounts-directory/new-project-id-apigee-metrics.json
      serviceAccountPath: ./new-service-accounts-directory/new-project-id-apigee-watcher.json

    The following table describes each of the property values that you must provide in the overrides file. For more information, see Configuration property reference.

    Variable Description
    new-org-name The name of your new org.
    instance-id All orgs in this cluster must have the same instance ID. Therefore this must match the instanceID entry in the overrides file for your original org.
    existing-cluster-name The name of the cluster you are adding this org to. It must match the entry in the overrides file for your original cluster.
    existing-cluster-analytics-region The region where the original cluster is provisioned. It must match the k8sCluster.region entry in the overrides file for your original cluster.
    new-project-id The project ID of your new project. The project ID and org name are the same.
    new-project-default-location The analytics region you specified when you created the new org. It does not have to be the same as the region for the existing org.
    namespace All orgs in the cluster must share the same namespace. Be sure to use the same namespace that was used for the original org. Note that the default namespace is apigee.
    new-environment-group-name The new environment group you created for the new org.
    cert-file-name and
    The TLS cert and key files for the cluster that you checked or created in step 1 in this section.
    new-environment-name The name of the environment you created for the new org.
    new-service-accounts-directory The directory where the service account key files you created for the new org are located.

Apply the configuration

Apply the new org configuration to your cluster:

  1. Do a dry run installation to check for any problems:
    apigeectl apply -f overrides/new-overrides.yaml --org --dry-run=client
  2. If there are no issues, apply the org-level components. This step installs the Cassandra jobs (user and schema), Apigee Connect, Apigee Watcher and MART services:
    apigeectl apply -f overrides/new-overrides.yaml --org
  3. Install the environment. This step installs apigee-runtime, synchronizer and UDCA components, per environment:
    apigeectl apply -f overrides/new-overrides.yaml --env ${ENV_NAME} --dry-run=client
    apigeectl apply -f overrides/new-overrides.yaml --env ${ENV_NAME}
  4. Apply the load balancer changes. This step configures the ingress to listen to the new virtual host(s) for the second org:
    apigeectl apply -f overrides/new-overrides.yaml --settings virtualhosts --dry-run=client
    apigeectl apply -f overrides/new-overrides.yaml --settings virtualhosts
  5. Enable synchronizer access for your new org following the steps in Enable Synchronizer access.
  6. By default, when you first install the Apigee hybrid runtime, the Telemetry component is configured with multiOrgCluster disabled. Use the following steps to enable multi-org telemetry for each org in your cluster:
    1. Delete the existing Telemetry component with the following commands:

      Perform a dry-run first:

      apigeectl delete -f path-to-first-org-overrides.yaml --telemetry --dry-run=client

      If the dry-run is successful, delete the Telemetry component:

      apigeectl delete -f path-to-first-org-overrides.yaml --telemetry
    2. Add the following line to the overrides.yaml file for your existing org.
      multiOrgCluster: true
    3. Apply the changes to install the Telemetry component for the org.

      Perform a dry-run first:

      apigeectl apply -f path-to-first-org-overrides.yaml --telemetry --dry-run=client

      If the dry-run is successful, apply the changes and install the Telemetry component:

      apigeectl apply -f path-to-first-org-overrides.yaml --telemetry
    4. Make sure the following line is in the overrides.yaml file for each new org.
      multiOrgCluster: true
    5. Apply the changes to install the Telemetry component for each new org. Repeat this for every new org in your multi-org cluster.

      Perform a dry-run first:

      apigeectl apply -f path-to-new-org-overrides.yaml --telemetry --dry-run=client

      If the dry-run is successful, apply the changes and install the component:

      apigeectl apply -f path-to-new-org-overrides.yaml --telemetry