About the Apigee encryption keys

This page applies to Apigee, but not to Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

This section describes the types of encryption keys and how to create them.

During the Apigee setup process, you generate the following Cloud Key Management Service encryption keys:

Key Type When Created Description
Control plane encryption key

Google Cloud console:

Command line interface (CLI):

When using data residency, Apigee uses this key to encrypt Analytics data stored in BigQuery inside the tenant project.

Encrypts API proxies, Target Servers, Truststores and Keystores, analytic data, and anything else shared across runtimes.

Apigee will ask you to provide two control plane CMEK keys. This key, and an API consumer data encryption key.

The control plane encryption key's location should match the control plane location.

API consumer data encryption key

Google Cloud console:

Command line interface (CLI):

When using data residency, Apigee needs a single region key, in addition to the control plane encryption key, that is used for services that are available only in a single region. For example, Dataflow, and Cloud SQL.

The API consumer data encryption key's location should be within the control plane location.

Runtime database encryption key

Google Cloud console:

Command line interface (CLI):

Encrypts application data such as KVMs, cache, and client secrets, which is then stored in the database.

There is one runtime database encryption key per organization — all instances/regions in an organization share the same runtime database encryption key.

The runtime database encryption key supports all Cloud KMS locations that support Cloud HSM and Cloud EKM. Google recommends using a multi-regional location (such as us or europe) or dual-regional location (eur5, nam4) when you create this key.

The runtime database encryption key's location should be within the control plane location when using data residency.

Disk encryption key

Google Cloud console:

Command line interface (CLI):

Encrypts runtime instance data before it is written to disk.

The types of data encrypted include Key Management System (KMS); Key Value Maps (KVMs); quota definitions, buckets, and counters; and all cached data. KMS data includes API products, developers, developer apps, OAuth tokens (including access tokens, refresh tokens, and authorization codes), and API keys.

This key is located in the same region as the runtime instance; when creating a new key, match the key's location to your runtime instance's location.

Each instance/region combination has its own disk encryption key.

Key points

Keep the following in mind when creating the disk and runtime database encryption keys:

  • The location of the Apigee runtime database encryption key supports all Cloud KMS locations that support Cloud HSM and Cloud EKM.
  • The disk encryption key's location must match the location of the runtime instance that the key is used in.
  • Once set, you cannot change the location of either key.
  • All keys must be in a key ring.
  • Keys of different types must be in separate key rings; disk encryptions keys cannot be in the same key ring as your runtime database encryption key.
  • The keys must have a purpose. If you use the command line to generate your new keys, set purpose to encryption. If you use the Google Cloud console, choose Symmetric encrypt/decrypt for the purpose.
  • The keys are defined by a key path, which uses the following pattern:

Listing existing keys

If you already created new Cloud KMS encryption keys for Apigee, you can use those rather than create new keys during your setup.

To list all KMS keys in a key ring:

Execute the gcloud kms keys list command:

gcloud kms keys list --keyring KEY_RING_NAME --location KEY_RING_LOCATION

Replace the following:

  • KEY_RING_NAME: the name of the key ring. For example, my-key-ring.
  • KEY_RING_LOCATION: the physical location of the key ring, For example, us-west1.

Alternatively, you can view your keys in the Google Cloud console.

Generating new keys on the command line

You can create a key ring and key on the command line or in the Google Cloud console.

Each type of key must have its own key ring. For example, your disk encryption keys can be stored in one key ring, but your runtime database encryption key must be stored in a separate key ring.

The following steps describe how to create a key ring and a key, and how to grant access for the Apigee Service Agent to use the new key. Create key rings and keys for the control plane (if using data residency), the runtime database, and the runtime disk.

  1. Create a new key ring using the gcloud kms keyrings create command:

    Control plane

    When data residency is enabled, create a key ring for the control plane, and another for the consumer data region.

    gcloud kms keyrings create CONTROL_PLANE_KEY_RING_NAME \
    --project PROJECT_ID
    gcloud kms keyrings create CONSUMER_DATA_KEY_RING_NAME \
    --location CONSUMER_DATA_REGION \
    --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • CONTROL_PLANE_KEY_RING_NAME: the control plane key ring name.
    • CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION: the physical location at which Apigee control plane data will be stored.
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID.
    • CONSUMER_DATA_KEY_RING_NAME: the consumer data key ring name.
    • CONSUMER_DATA_REGION: a sub-region of the control plane region. You must specify both the CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION and the CONSUMER_DATA_REGION.

    Runtime database

    gcloud kms keyrings create RUNTIMEDB_KEY_RING_NAME \
      --location RUNTIMEDB_KEY_LOCATION \
      --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • RUNTIMEDB_KEY_RING_NAME: the name of the database key ring you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDB_KEY_LOCATION: the physical location of the database key ring.
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID.

    The Apigee encryption key's location supports all Cloud KMS locations that support Cloud HSM and Cloud EKM.

    Runtime disk

    gcloud kms keyrings create RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_RING_NAME \
      --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_RING_NAME: the name of the disk key ring you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_LOCATION: the physical location of the disk key ring.
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID.

    Verify that the disk key ring is set to the same location as the instance. Each instance and key ring should have its own location.

    gcloud kms keyrings list \
    --location  \
    --project $PROJECT_ID

    gcloud kms keyrings describe $DISK_KEY_RING_NAME \
    --location  \
    --project $PROJECT_ID
  2. The key ring's name must be unique to your organization. If you create additional regions, the key ring names for those regions cannot be the same as existing key ring names.

  3. Create a key using the kms keys create command:

    Control plane

    When data residency is enabled, create a key ring for the control plane, and another for the consumer data region.

    gcloud kms keys create CONTROL_PLANE_KEY_NAME \
    --purpose "encryption" \
    --project PROJECT_ID
    gcloud kms keys create CONSUMER_DATA_KEY_NAME \
    --location CONSUMER_DATA_REGION \
    --purpose "encryption" \
    --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • CONTROL_PLANE_KEY_NAME: the control plane key name.
    • CONTROL_PLANE_KEY_RING_NAME: the control plane key ring name.
    • CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION: the physical location at which Apigee control plane data will be stored.
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID.
    • CONSUMER_DATA_KEY_NAME: the consumer data key name.
    • CONSUMER_DATA_KEY_RING_NAME: the consumer data key ring name.
    • CONSUMER_DATA_REGION: a sub-region of the control plane region. You must specify both the CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION and the CONSUMER_DATA_REGION.

    Runtime database

    gcloud kms keys create RUNTIMEDB_KEY_NAME \
      --keyring RUNTIMEDB_KEY_RING_NAME \
      --location RUNTIMEDB_KEY_LOCATION \
      --purpose "encryption" \
      --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • RUNTIMEDB_KEY_NAME: the name of the database key you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDB_KEY_RING_NAME: the name of the database key ring you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDB_KEY_LOCATION: the physical location of the database key ring.
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID.

    Runtime disk

    gcloud kms keys create RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_NAME \
      --purpose "encryption" \
      --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_NAME: the name of the disk key you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_RING_NAME: the name of the disk key ring you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_LOCATION: the physical location of the disk key ring.
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID.

    This command creates the key and adds it to the key ring.

    When you refer to a key, use the key ID.

  4. Grant access for the Apigee Service Agent to use the new key using the gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding command:

    Control plane

    When data residency is enabled, create a key ring for the control plane, and another for the consumer data region.

    gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding CONTROL_PLANE_KEY_NAME \
    --member "serviceAccount:service-PROJECT_NUMBER@gcp-sa-apigee.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
    --role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter \
    --project PROJECT_ID
    gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding CONSUMER_DATA_KEY_NAME \
    --location CONSUMER_DATA_REGION \
    --member "serviceAccount:service-PROJECT_NUMBER@gcp-sa-apigee.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
    --role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter \
    --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • CONTROL_PLANE_KEY_NAME: the control plane key name.
    • CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION: the physical location at which Apigee control plane data will be stored.
    • CONTROL_PLANE_KEY_RING_NAME: the control plane key ring name.
    • PROJECT_NUMBER: the Google Cloud project number.
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID.
    • CONSUMER_DATA_KEY_NAME: the consumer data key name.
    • CONSUMER_DATA_REGION: a sub-region of the control plane region. You must specify both the CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION and the CONSUMER_DATA_REGION.
    • CONSUMER_DATA_KEY_RING_NAME: the consumer data key ring name.

    Runtime database

    gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding RUNTIMEDB_KEY_NAME \
      --location RUNTIMEDB_KEY_LOCATION \
      --keyring RUNTIMEDB_KEY_RING_NAME \
      --member serviceAccount:service-PROJECT_NUMBER@gcp-sa-apigee.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
      --role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter \
      --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • RUNTIMEDB_KEY_NAME: the name of the database key you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDB_KEY_RING_NAME: the name of the database key ring you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDB_KEY_LOCATION: the physical location of the database key ring.
    • PROJECT_NUMBER: the Google Cloud project number.
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID.

    Runtime disk

    gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_NAME \
      --member serviceAccount:service-PROJECT_NUMBER@gcp-sa-apigee.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
      --role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter \
      --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_NAME: the name of the disk key you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_RING_NAME: the name of the disk key ring you are creating.
    • RUNTIMEDISK_KEY_LOCATION: the physical location of the disk key ring.
    • PROJECT_NUMBER: the Google Cloud project number.
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID.

    This command binds the key to the Apigee Service Agent.

    On successful completion of this request, gcloud responds with something similar to the following:

    Updated IAM policy for key [runtime].
    - members:
    - serviceAccount:service-1234567890@gcp-sa-apigee.iam.gserviceaccount.com
    role: roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter
    etag: BwWqgEuCuwk=
    version: 1

    If you receive an error like the following:

    INVALID_ARGUMENT: Role roles/cloudkms.cryptokms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter is not supported for this resource.

    Be sure that you used the project number and not the project name in the service account email address.

    To verify that the key is bound to the Apigee Service Agent:

    gcloud kms keys get-iam-policy $DISK_KEY_NAME \
      --keyring $DISK_KEY_RING_NAME \
      --location  \
      --project $PROJECT_ID

    gcloud kms keys describe $DISK_KEY_NAME \
      --keyring $DISK_KEY_RING_NAME \
      --location  \
      --project $PROJECT_ID

Generating new keys using the Google Cloud console

You can generate new keys using the console, as described in Create a symmetric encryption key.

When you use the console to create a new key:

  • For the runtime database encryption key, set the location to any Cloud KMS location that supports Cloud HSM and Cloud EKM. The UI does not let you choose any other location for the key, so it will match what you choose in the key ring.
  • After you create the key, get the key path in the Cryptographic keys pane by clicking More next to the key and then selecting Copy Resource Name.

Get the key ID

When you refer to a Cloud Key Management Service resource using the Cloud KMS API or Google Cloud CLI, you use the resource ID. You can get the key ID with the gcloud kms keys list command:

Control plane

When data residency is enabled, there is a key ring for the control plane, and another for the consumer data region.

gcloud kms keys list \

gcloud kms keys list \

The key ID has the following syntax (similar to a file path):


Runtime database

gcloud kms keys list \

The key ID has the following syntax (similar to a file path):


Runtime disk

gcloud kms keys list \

The key ID has the following syntax (similar to a file path):


For example:

NAME: projects/my-project/locations/us-west1/keyRings/my-key-ring/cryptoKeys/my-key

You can also get the key ID in the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Getting a Cloud KMS resource ID.